服装巨人鞋是非常乐观的态度,在安徽市场的投资安徽« Reuse world











服装鞋类产业将转移到风口安徽浪潮,对市场专家分析,如果处理不当,这是机会,行业将能够在安徽市场的损失。正如业界人士说,专家们将举行会议的召开为服装鞋类行业大发展的过程进行对话安徽省合肥市开始后,发展的速度,就必须寻找自己的安徽市场的能力进行。 06.9.14

Apparel giant shoe is very optimistic about investment in Anhui Anhui market

In late August, the domestic clothing and footwear industry mainstream brands, bosses of enterprises, industry people, industry experts gathered in Hefei, Anhui, clothing and footwear industry on the development of recommendations.

Anhui become “gold” a hot spot is located in Anhui

hinterland, north-south economic and geographical division of labor in the country play an important role. In the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta production and processing enterprises to the central part of the general trend of the transfer, Anhui east west geographical location, number of powerful commercial circulation enterprises and rich labor resources and other advantages of the unique economic blooming charm. Gradient transfer of industries as the main battlefield, Anhui apparel footwear industry is becoming a national “gold rush” of land. Hefei

responsible for the letter to home buyers often have just said, Anhui has 65 million population and a vast hinterland, close to the Yangtze River Delta, the region has advantages, “It is therefore very optimistic about market prospects.” Chang is not just lip service, then, on the day of the experts here, Anhui industries largest and highest grade of Anhui big market apparel and footwear brands Plaza grand opening attracted from Bengbu, Huaibei, Hangzhou, such as thousands of businesses inside and outside the province before to “learn”, Pierre Cardin, Goldlion, Jordan, Li Ning brand at home and abroad, such as a large number of competition for entry.

“in the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta area, the workers one month’s wages to more than 2,000 yuan in Anhui, workers may only be required on wages 1000-1500 yuan. the production cost of an item of clothing required, the central region much smaller than the eastern region. “Anhui Province Chamber of Commerce Clothing introduction Yang million total.

“Sijiqing” next to the Hangzhou Wan

Sijiqing Group Chairman Stephen祝浩that will be output through the brand the way to establish “Sijiqing Anhui apparel wholesale market,” expects, “Anhui Sijiqing” occupies an area of more than 8000 square meters, with a total construction area of 42,000 square meters, the scale of investment of 1.5 billion, is expected in September next year开门纳客. Shoes

Anhui Chamber of Commerce, the Secretary-General, according to Sun Quan root revealed that the Anhui provincial government will jointly prepare the Development Research Center of Anhui Shoes Blue Book development for the shoe to provide a basis to set up factories in Anhui Province. Sun Quan said, with different clothing, shoe factory production required an industry cluster, from the leather, rubber, dyeing, packaging, etc. to have more than 10 types of complementary businesses, a large number of factories set up will lead the development of relevant industries.

capacity to undertake the test in Anhui Anhui

very optimistic about the prospects of the market, this is an undisputed fact that the industry, but how will this big market promising bigger and stronger, but also the needs of the person concerned properly motivated by their brains. Gilda Jin-Hua Yu, chairman of the footwear industry in an interview quoted a foreign entrepreneurs “chess theory” that many Chinese enterprises under like chess, just want to eat the opponent with a subset of, and foreign enterprises to seek development in the “Go under the” eat eat opponent on a sub. A simple example on the image that the Chinese and foreign enterprises to develop the concept of the difference.

clothing footwear industries will transfer onto the tuyere Anhui waves, have expert analysis, on the market if mishandled, this is the opportunity to take the industry could market losses in Anhui. As a people in the industry said, the experts will meet to convene a dialogue Hefei, Anhui Province in the procedure for the great development of the footwear industry clothing started, after the speed of development, it is necessary to look Anhui market their own ability to undertake . (06-9-14)

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