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如何解决的密封问题不可忽视,因为阀门的跑、冒、滴、漏现象,绝大部分发生在这里。下面我们将讨论阀门的动密封、静密封的问题。 1、动密封 阀门的动密封,主要是指阀杆密封。不让阀内介质随阀杆运动而泄漏,是阀门动密封的中心课题。 1)填料函形式 目前,阀门动密封,以填料函为主。填料函的基本形式是: (1)压盖式 这是用得最多的形式。 同一形式又能许多细节区别。例如,从压紧螺栓来说,可分T形螺栓(用于压力≤16公斤/平方厘米的低压阀门)、双头螺栓和活节螺栓等。从压盖来说,可分整体式和组合式。 (2)压紧螺母式 这种形式,外形尺寸小,但压紧力受限制,只使用于小阀门。 2)填料 填料函内,以填料与阀杆直接接触并充满填料函,阻止介质外漏。对填料有以下要求: (1)密封性好; (2)耐腐蚀; (3)磨擦系数小; (4)适应介质温度和压力。 常用填料有: (1)石棉盘根:石棉盘根,耐温和耐腐蚀性能都很好,但单独使用时,密封效果不佳,所以总是浸渍或附加其他材料。油浸石棉盘根:它的基本结构形式有两种,一种是扭制,另一种是编结。又可分圆形和方形。 (2)聚四氟乙烯编织盘根:将聚四氟乙烯细带编织为盘根,有极好的耐腐蚀性能,又可用于深冷介质。 (3)橡胶O形圈:在低压状态下,密封效果良好。使用温度受限制,如xx橡胶只能用于60℃。 (4)塑料成型填料:一般做成三件式,也可做成其他形状。所用塑料以聚四氟乙烯为多,也有采用尼龙66和尼龙1010的。 此外,使用单位根据自己的需要,常常探索各种有效的填料形式。例如,在250℃蒸气阀门中,用石棉盘根和铅圈交替迭合,漏汽情况就会减轻;有的阀门,介质经常变换,如以石棉盘根和聚四氟乙烯生料带共同使用,密封效果便好些。为减轻对阀杆的磨擦,有的场合,可以加二硫化钼(M0S2)或其他润滑剂。 目前,对新颖填料,正进行着探索。例如用聚丙烯腈纤维经聚四氟乙烯乳液浸渍,又经预氧化后,在模具中烧结压制,可以得到密封性能优异的成型填料;又如用不锈钢薄片与石棉制成波形填料,可耐高温、高压与腐蚀。 3)波纹管密封 随着化学工业和原子能工业的迅速发展,易燃、易爆、剧毒和带放射性的物质增多,对阀门密封有了更严格的要求,有的场合已无法使用填料密封,因此产生了新的密封形式-波纹管密封。这种密封不需填料,所以也叫无填料密封。 波纹管的两端,与别的零件焊死的。当阀杆升降时,波纹管伸缩,只要波纹管本身不漏,介质便无法泄出。为保险起见,往往采用波纹管与填料的双重密封。 2、静密封 静密封通常是指两个静止面之间的密封。密封办法主要是使用垫圈。 1)垫圈材料 (1)非金属材料:如纸、麻、牛皮、石棉制品、塑料、橡胶等。 纸、麻、牛皮之类,有毛细孔,易渗透,使用时须浸渍油、蜡或其他防渗透材料。一般阀门很少采用。 石棉制品,又有石棉带、绳、板和石棉橡胶板等。其中石棉橡胶板结构致密,耐压性能好,耐温性能也很好,在阀门本身和阀门与管子的法兰连接中,使用极为广泛。 塑料制品,有很好的耐腐蚀性能,使用也较普遍。品种有聚乙烯、聚丙烯、软聚氯乙烯、聚四氟乙烯、尼龙66、尼龙1010等。 橡胶制品,质地柔软,各种橡胶分别有一定耐酸、耐碱、耐油、耐海水的能力。品种有xx橡胶、丁苯橡胶、丁腈橡胶、氯丁橡胶、异丁橡胶、聚氨酯橡胶、氟橡胶等。 (2)金属材料:一般地说,金属材料强度高,耐温性能强。但铅并不这样,仅取它耐稀硫酸的特性。常用品种有黄铜、紫铜、铝、低碳钢、不锈钢、蒙乃尔合金、银、镍等。 (3)复合材料:例如金属包皮(内部石棉)垫圈、组合波形垫圈、缠绕垫圈等。 2)常用垫圈性能 使用阀门时,往往根据具体情况,更换原带垫圈。常有垫圈有:橡胶平垫圈、橡胶O形圈、塑料平垫圈、聚四氟乙烯包垫圈、石棉橡胶垫圈、金属平垫圈、金属异形垫圈、金属包皮垫圈、波形垫圈、缠绕垫圈等。 (1)橡胶平垫圈:变形容易,压紧时不费力,但耐压、耐温能力都较差,只用于压力低、温度不高的地方。xx橡胶有一定耐酸碱性能,使用温度不宜超过60℃;氯丁橡胶也能耐某些酸碱,使用温度80℃;丁腈橡胶耐油,可用至80℃;氟橡胶耐腐蚀性能很好,耐温性能也比一般橡胶强,可在150℃介质中使用。 (2)橡胶O形垫圈:断面形状是正圆,有一定的自紧作用,密封效果比平垫圈好,压紧力更小。 (3)塑料平垫圈:塑料的{zd0}特点是耐腐蚀性好,大部分塑料耐温性能不好。聚四氟乙烯为塑料之冠,不但耐腐蚀性能优异,而且耐温范围比较宽阔,可在-180℃~+200℃之内长期使用。 (4)聚四氟乙烯包垫圈:为了充分发挥聚四氟乙烯的优点,同时弥补它弹性较差的缺点,做成聚四氟乙烯包裹橡胶或石棉橡胶的垫圈。这样,既同聚四氟乙烯平垫圈一样耐腐蚀,又有良好的弹性,增强密封效果,减小压紧力。其断面形状如图4-20所示。 (5)石棉橡胶垫圈:由石棉橡胶板剪成。它的组分是60~80%的石棉和10~20%的橡胶,以及填充剂、硫化剂等。它有很好的耐热性、耐冷性、化学稳定性,而且货源丰富,价格便宜。使用时,压紧力不必很大。由于它能粘附金属,所以{zh0}表面涂一层石墨粉,以免拆卸时费劲。 石棉橡胶板有四种颜色:灰色,用于低压(牌号XB-200,耐压≤16公斤/平方厘米,耐温200℃);红色,用于中压(牌号XB-350,耐压可达40公斤/平方厘米,耐温350℃);紫红色,用于高压(牌号XB-450,耐压100公斤/平方厘米耐温450℃);绿色,用于油类,耐压性能也很好。 (6)金属平热圈:铅,耐温100℃;铝430℃;铜315℃;低碳钢550℃;银650℃;镍810℃;蒙乃尔(镍铜)合金810℃,不锈钢870℃。其中铅耐压能力较差,铝可耐64公斤/平方厘米,其他材料可耐高压。 (7)金属异性垫圈: 透镜垫圈:有自紧作用,使用于高压阀门。 椭圆形垫圈:也属于高压自紧垫圈。 锥面双垫圈:用于高压内自紧密封。 此外,还有方形、菱形、三角形、齿形、燕尾形、B形、C形等,一般只在高中压阀门中使用。 (8)金属包皮垫圈:金属既有良好的耐温耐压性能,又有良好的弹性。包皮材料有铝、铜、低碳钢、不锈钢、蒙乃尔合金等。里面填充材料有石棉、聚四氟乙烯、玻璃纤维等。 (9)波形垫圈:具有压紧力小,密封效果好的特点。常采用金属与非金属组合的形式。 (10)缠绕垫圈:是把很薄的金属带和非金属带紧贴在一起,缠绕成多层的圆形,断面呈波浪状,有很好的弹性和密封性。金属带可用08钢、0Cr13、1Cr13、2Cr13、1Cr18Ni9Ti、铜、铝、钛、蒙乃尔合金等制作。非金属带材料有石棉、聚四氟乙烯等。 以上,讲述密封垫圈性能时,列举了一些数字。必须说明,这些数字跟法兰形式、介质情况和安装修理技术等有密切的关系,有时可以超过,有时达不到,而且耐压和耐温性能,也是互相转化的,例如温度高了,耐压能力往往降低,这些细微的问题,只能在实践中体会。 3)新材料和新技术 以上介绍的密封垫圈还很不全面,况且密封技术正处于迅猛发展中。下面举例介绍几项新材料和新技术。 (1)液体密封:随着高分子有机合成工业的迅猛发展,近年出现了液态密封胶,使用于静密封;这项新技术,通常叫做液体密封。液体密封的原理,是利用液态密封胶的粘附性、流动性和单分子膜效应(越薄的膜自然回复倾向越大),在适当压力下,使它象垫圈一样地起作用。所以对使用着的密封胶,也叫做液体垫圈。 (2)聚四氟乙烯生料密封:聚四氟乙烯也是高分子有机化合物,它在烧结成制品之前,叫做生料,质地柔软,也有单分子膜效应。用生料做成的带叫生料带,可以卷成盘长期保存。使用时能自由成形,任意接头,只要一有压力,便形成一个均匀地起着密封作用的环形膜。作为阀门中阀体与阀盖间的垫圈,可在不取出阀瓣或闸板的情况下,撬开一缝隙,塞进生料带去就行了。压紧力小,不粘手,也不粘法兰面,更换十分方便。对于榫槽法兰最适宜。聚四氟乙烯生料,还可做成管形和棒状,作密封用。 (3)金属空心O形圈:弹性好,压紧力小,有自紧作用,可选用多种金属材料,从而在低温、高温和强腐蚀性介质中都能适应。 (4)石墨板密封圈:在人们印象中,石墨是脆性物质,缺乏弹性和韧性,但经过特殊处理的石墨,却是质地柔软,弹性良好。这样,石墨的耐热性能和化学稳定性,便可以在垫圈材料中得以显示;而且这种垫圈压紧力小,密封效果异常优越。这种石墨还能做成带,跟金属带配合,组成性能优异的缠绕垫圈。石墨板密封圈和石墨----金属缠绕垫圈的出现,是高温抗腐蚀密封的重大突破。这类垫圈,国外已经大量生产和使用。

“ How to solve the valve dynamic and static sealing problems ”是由提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国旋塞阀网还提供相关产品搜索: 、 、 、 、 、等。

How to solve the sealing problem can not be ignored, because the valves run, run, drip, drain phenomenon, mostly occurred here. Here we will discuss moving the valve seal, static seal problems. 1, dynamic seal Valve seals, mainly refers to the stem seal. With the valve stem to prevent media leaks movement is the central subject of dynamic seal valve. 1) Fill the form letter At present, the valve seals to the main gland. The basic form of stuffing: (1) gland-type This is the most used form. The same form and can distinguish many details. For example, from the bolts, the separable T-bolt (for the pressure of ≤ 16 kg / square centimeter of the low pressure valve), stud and eyelet bolts. Speaking from the gland can be divided into integral and modular. (2) down Nut This form, shape, small size, but the pressing force is restricted to use only the small valve. 2) Fill Stuffing inside, to fill direct contact with the valve stem and full of stuffing, to prevent media leaks. On the filler has the following requirements: (1) sealing; (2) corrosion resistance; (3) friction coefficient; (4) to adapt to medium temperature and pressure. Common fillers are: (1) asbestos packing: asbestos packing, heat and corrosion resistance are good, but when used alone, poor sealing effect, so always impregnated or attach other materials. Oil asbestos packing: its basic structure, there are two, one is a twisted system, the other is knitting. They can be divided into round and square. (2) Teflon braided packing: The packing of PTFE fine with weaving, has an excellent corrosion resistance, but also for the cryogenic medium. (3) rubber O-ring: In the low state, the seal effect is good. Temperature restricted, such as natural rubber can only be used 60 ℃. (4) plastic molding packing: General made three-piece, it can be made into other shapes. PTFE is used in many plastics, but also use nylon 66 and nylon 1010. In addition, the use of units according to their needs, often explore effective form filler. For example, at 250 ℃ steam valve, the use of asbestos packing and co-lead by alternative Diego, the situation would reduce the steam leakage; some valves, medium constantly changing, such as the asbestos packing and Teflon tape common use, seal it better. To reduce the friction on the valve stem, in others, can be added molybdenum disulfide (M0S2), or other lubricants. Currently, new filler, is engaged in exploration. For example, PAN fiber is impregnated with PTFE emulsion, but also by pre-oxidation, sintered in the mold suppression, excellent sealing performance can be molded filler; Another example is made of stainless steel sheets and asbestos packing waveform can be high temperature , high pressure and corrosion. 3) bellows seal As the chemical industry and the rapid development of atomic energy industry, flammable, explosive, toxic and radioactive substances has increased, the valve seals have more stringent requirements, some occasions, can not use the packing seal, resulting in a new sealed form - bellows seal. This seal without filler, also called non-gasket seal. Bellows at both ends, and other parts welding die. When the stem down, the bellows expansion, as long as the bellows itself does not leak, the media can not escape. To be safe, always use the double bellows seal with the filler. 2, static seal Static seal usually refers to the seal between two stationary surfaces. Sealing method is mainly used washer. 1) Gasket Materials (1) non-metallic materials: such as paper, linen, leather, asbestos products, plastic and rubber. Paper, linen, leather and the like, there are pores, the porous, to be used dipping oil, wax or other impermeable material. General valve rarely used. Asbestos products, but also asbestos tape, rope, boards, and asbestos rubber board. Compact structure in which asbestos rubber sheet, good pressure resistance, heat resistance is also very good, and the valves in the valve itself and the pipe flange connection, is widely used. Plastic products, have a good corrosion resistance, use was also more common. Varieties of polyethylene, polypropylene, soft PVC, PTFE, nylon 66, nylon 1010 and so on. Rubber, soft, rubber were some acid, alkali, oil, water-resistant ability. Varieties of natural rubber, styrene butadiene rubber, nitrile rubber, neoprene rubber, iso-rubber, polyurethane rubber, fluorine rubber. (2) Metal material: Generally speaking, metallic materials, high strength, heat resistance strong. But the lead is not so, just take it the characteristics of resistance to dilute sulfuric acid. Common varieties of brass, copper, aluminum, low carbon steel, stainless steel, Monel alloy, silver and nickel. (3) Composite materials: such as metal foreskin (internal asbestos) washer, combination waveform gasket, spiral wound gaskets, etc.. 2) The performance of commonly used washers When using the valve, often depending on the circumstances, to replace the original with a gasket. Often washers are: rubber flat washers, rubber O-ring, plastic flat washers, PTFE gasket package, asbestos rubber gasket, metal flat washers, metal shaped washers, metal foreskin washers, wave washers, washers and other entangled. (1) rubber washer: deformed easily, effortlessly when pressed, but the pressure, temperature capabilities are poor, only for low pressure and high temperature areas. Acid properties of natural rubber to a certain extent, temperature should not exceed 60 ℃; chloroprene rubber and ability to certain pH, temperature 80 ℃; nitrile rubber oil, available to 80 ℃; fluorine rubber, good corrosion resistance, temperature performance is stronger than rubber, can be used at 150 ℃ medium. (2) rubber O-shaped washers: cross-section shape is a perfect circle, have a certain effect from the tight, seal better than flat washers, pressing force smaller. (3) plastic flat washer: Plastic is the biggest characteristic good corrosion resistance, good heat resistance most plastics. PTFE is the highest of plastic, not only excellent corrosion resistance, and relatively wide temperature range, can be -180 ℃ ~ +200 ℃ within the long-term use. (4) PTFE gasket package: In order to bring into full play the advantages of PTFE, while addressing the shortcomings of its less flexible, made of rubber or Teflon wrapped asbestos rubber gasket. In this way, as with PTFE flat gasket corrosion, and good flexibility, enhanced sealing effect, reducing the pressing force. The cross-section shape as shown in Figure 4-20. (5) Asbestos rubber gaskets: asbestos rubber sheet by the cut. Its composition is 60 to 80% asbestos and 10 to 20% of the rubber, and fillers, curing agents. It has good heat resistance, cold resistance, chemical stability, and supply abundant and cheap. Use, not a great pressing force. As it adhesion of metal, so the best layer of graphite powder coated to prevent demolition strenuous. Asbestos rubber sheet in four colors: gray for low-voltage (Grades XB-200, pressure ≤ 16 kg / square centimeter, temperature 200 ℃); red for medium voltage (Grades XB-350, pressure up to 40 kg / square centimeter, temperature 350 ℃); purple, for high pressure (Grades XB-450, pressure 100 kg / square centimeter temperature 450 ℃); green for oil, pressure resistance is also very good . (6) metal level hot laps: lead, temperature 100 ℃; aluminum 430 ℃; Cu 315 ℃; low-carbon steel 550 ℃; silver 650 ℃; Nickel 810 ℃; Monel (nickel-copper) alloy 810 ℃, 870 ℃ stainless steel . Less able to pressure them lead, aluminum and can withstand 64 kilograms / square centimeter, and other materials resistant to high pressure. (7) metal washer opposite sex: Lens gasket: a self-energizing effect, used in high-pressure valve. Oval washer: pressure from the tight ring belong. Double Cone washer: tight seal for high pressure within the self. In addition, square, diamond, triangular, toothed, dovetail-shaped, B-shaped, C-shaped, are generally only used in high pressure valves. (8) Metal foreskin washers: metal temperature both good pressure resistance, and good flexibility. Foreskin material of aluminum, copper, low carbon steel, stainless steel, Monel alloy. Which asbestos filler material, PTFE, glass fiber. (9) Wave washers: a pressing force is small, and good sealing effect. Often used in the form of metal and nonmetal combination. (10) wound gasket: is the thin metal band and metal band close together, wound into a multi-round, wave-shaped cross section, have a good flexibility and sealing. 08 steel metal belt available, 0Cr13, 1Cr13, 2Cr13, 1Cr18Ni9Ti, copper, aluminum, titanium, Monel alloy production. Non-metallic materials with asbestos, PTFE and so on. More about the performance of sealing gaskets, the cited figures. Have to say, these figures with the flange form, media technology, repair and installation conditions are closely related, sometimes more than, and sometimes fail, and the pressure and heat resistance, is also interchangeable, such as high temperature resistance pressure capacity is often reduced, these fine points, can only experience in practice. 3) new materials and new technologies Gasket described above is far from comprehensive, Besides sealing technology is in rapid development. The following examples of several new materials and new technologies. (1) Liquid Seal: With the polymer industry, the rapid development of organic synthesis, in recent years, a liquid sealant, used in static sealing; this new technology, often called the liquid seal. Liquid seal principle is the use of liquid sealant adhesion, mobility and single-molecule membrane effects (the thinner the membrane the greater tendency of the natural recovery) and, where appropriate under pressure, it works equally as washers. Therefore, the use of a sealant, also known as liquid gaskets. (2) Teflon sealing: PTFE is also a polymer compound, before it is sintered into a product called the raw material, soft texture, but also monolayer effect. Made with the raw material with a band called the raw material can be rolled into long-term storage site. Use freely forming any joint, as long as a pressure, it forms a seal evenly played the role of circular membrane. As the valve body and valve cover gasket, can not remove the valve flap or gate of the case, forced open a gap, into the raw material brought on the trip. Pressing force is small, sticky hands, but also non-stick surface flange replacement is very convenient. The tongue and groove flange best. PTFE raw material, can also be made of tube and rod for seals. (3) hollow metal O-ring: good elasticity, compression force is small, there is self-energizing effect, can choose a variety of metal materials, which at low temperature, high temperature and strong corrosion medium can adapt. (4) graphite sheet seal:in people's minds, graphite is a brittle material, lack of flexibility and toughness, but after special treatment of graphite, is soft and good elasticity. Thus, graphite heat resistance and chemical stability, they can be displayed in the gasket material; and that the washer pressing force is small, a very favorable sealing effect. This also made with graphite, with the metal band with form wound gasket with excellent performance. Graphite ---- Graphite plate ring and the emergence of spiral wound gaskets, high temperature corrosion-resistant sealed a major breakthrough. Such washers, has a large number of overseas production and use.

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