
impact dust collector||冲激式除尘器

impact tube||皮托管

impedance muffler||阻抗复合消声器

inclined damper||斜插板阀

index circuit||最不利环路

indec of thermal inertia (valueD)||热惰性指标(D值)

indirect heat exchanger||表面式换热器

indirect refrigerating sys||间接制冷系统

indoor air design conditions||室内在气计算参数

indoor air velocity||室内空气流速

indoor and outdoor design conditions||室内外计算参数

indoor reference for air temperature and relative humidity||室内温湿度基数

indoor temperature (humidity)||室内温(湿)度

induction air-conditioning system||诱导式空气调节系统

induction unit||诱导器

inductive ventilation||诱导通风

industral air conditioning||工艺性空气调节

industrial ventilation||工业通风

inertial dust separator||惯性除尘器

infiltration heat loss||冷风渗透耗热量

infrared humidifier||红外线加湿器

infrared radiant heater||红外线辐射器

inherent regulation of controlled plant||调节对象自平衡

initial concentration of dust||初始浓度

initial resistance of filter||过滤器初阻力

imput variable||输入量

insulating layer||保温层

integral enclosure||整体密闭罩

integral time||积分时间

interlock protection||联锁保护

intermittent dust removal||定期除灰

intermittent heating||间歇采暖

inversion layer||逆温层

inverted bucket type steam trap||倒吊桶式疏水器






isothermal humidification||等温加湿

isothermal jet||等温射流



jet axial velocity||射流轴心速度

jet divergence angle||射流扩散角

jet in a confined space||受限射流




laboratory hood||排风柜

lag of controlled plant||调节对象滞后

large space enclosure||大容积密闭罩

latent heat||潜热

lateral exhaust at the edge of a bath||槽边排风罩

lateral hoodlength of pipe section||侧吸罩

length of pipe section||管段长度

light work||轻作业

limit deflection||极限压缩量

limit switch||限位开关

limiting velocity||极限流速

linear flow characteristic||线性流量特性

liquid-level gage||液位计

liquid receiver||贮液器

lithium bromide||溴化锂

lithium-bromide absorption-type refrigerating machine||溴化锂吸收式制冷机

lithium chloride resistance hygrometer||氯化锂电阻湿度计

load pattern||负荷特性

local air conditioning||局部区域空气调节

local air suppiy system||局部送风系统

local exhaustventilation (LEV)||局部排风

local exhaust system||局部排风系统

local heating||局部采暖

local relief||局部送风

local relief system||局部送风系统

local resistance||局部阻力

local solartime||地方太阳时

local ventilation||局部通风
local izedairsupply for air-heating||集中送风采暖

local ized air control||就地控制






low-pressure steam heating||低压蒸汽采暖

lyophilic dust||亲水性粉尘

lyophobic dust||疏水性粉尘


main ||总管、干管

main duct||通风〕总管、〔通风〕干管

main pipe||总管、干管

make-up water pump||补给水泵

manual control||手动控制

mass concentration||质量浓度

maximum allowable concentration (MAC)||{zg}容许浓度

maximum coefficient of heat transfer||{zd0}传热系数

maximum depth of frozen ground||{zd0}冻土深度

maximum sum of hourly colling load||逐时冷负荷综合{zd0}值

mean annual temperature (humidity)||年平均温(湿)度

mean annual temperature (humidity)||日平均温(湿)度

mean daily temperature (humidity)||旬平均温(湿)度

mean dekad temperature (humidity)||月平均{zg}温度

mean monthly maximum temperature||月平均{zd1}温度

mean monthly minimum temperature||月平均湿(湿)度

mean monthly temperature (humidity)||平均相对湿度

mean relative humidity||平均风速

emchanical air supply system||机械送风系统

mechanical and hydraulic||联合除尘

combined dust removal||机械式风速仪

mechanical anemometer||机械除尘

mechanical cleaning off dust||机械除尘

mechanical dust removal||机械排风系统

mechanical exhaust system||机械通风系统

mechanical ventilation||机械通风

media velocity||过滤速度

metal radiant panel||金属辐射板

metal radiant panel heating||金属辐射板采暖


micropunch plate muffler||微穿孔板消声器

mid-frequency noise||中频噪声

middle work||中作业

midfeed system||中分式系统

minimum fresh air requirmente||最小新风量

minimum resistance of heat transfer||最小传热阻


mixing box section||混合段

modular air handling unit||组合式空气调节机组

moist air||湿空气
moisture excess||余湿

moisure gain||散湿量

moisture gain from appliance and equipment||设备散湿量
moisturegain from occupant||人体散湿量

motorized valve||电动调节阀

motorized (pneumatic)||电(气)动两通阀

-way valvemotorized (pneumatic)-way valve||电(气)动三通阀

movable support||活动支架


muffler section||消声段

multi-operating mode automtic conversion||工况自动转换

multi-operating mode control system||多工况控制系统



multishell condenser||组合式冷凝器

natural and mechanical combined ventilation||联合通风

natural attenuation quantity of noise||噪声自然衰减量

natural exhaust system||自然排风系统

natural freguency||固有频率

natural ventilation||自然通风


negative freedback||负反馈

neutral level||中和界

neutral pressure level||中和界

neutral zone||中和界


noise control||噪声控制

noise criter ioncurve(s)||噪声评价NC曲线

noisc rating number||噪声评价NR曲线

noise reduction||消声

non azeotropic mixture refragerant||非共沸溶液制冷剂


non condensable gas ||不凝性气体

non condensable gas purger||不凝性气体分离器

non-isothermal jet||非等温射流

nonreturn valve||通风〕止回阀

normal coldest month||止回阀

normal coldest month||累年最冷月

normal coldest -month period||累年最冷三个月

normal hottest month||累年最热月(3)

normal hottest month period||累年最热三个月

normal three summer months||累年最热三个月

normal three winter months||累年最冷三个月


nozzle outlet air suppluy||喷口送风

number concentration||计数浓度

number of degree-day of heating period||采暖期度日数



/ octave||倍频程

octave band||倍频程

oil cooler||油冷却器

oill-fired unit heater||燃油热风器

one-and-two pipe combined heating system||单双管混合式采暖系统

one (single)-pipe circuit (cross-over) heating system||单管跨越式采暖系统

one(single)-pipe heating system||单管采暖系统

pne(single)-pipe loop circuit heating system||水平单管采暖系统

one(single)-pipe seriesloop heating system||单管顺序式采暖系统

one-third octave band||倍频程

on-of control||双位调节

open loop control||开环控制

open return||开式回水

open shell and tube condenser||立式壳管式冷凝器

open tank||开式水箱

operating pressure||工作压力

operating range||作用半径

opposed multiblade damper||对开式多叶阀

organized air supply||有组织进风

organized exhaust||有组织排风

organized natural ventilation||有组织自然通风

outdoor air design conditions||室外空气计算参数

outdoor ctitcal air temperature for heating||采暖室外临界温度

outdoor design dry-bulb temperature for summer air conlitioning||夏季空气调节室外计算干球温度

outdoor design hourly temperature for summer air conditioning||夏季空气调节室外计算逐时温度

outdoor design mean daily temperature for summer air conditioning||夏季空气调节室外计算日平均温度

outdoor design relative humidityu for summer ventilation||夏季通风室外计算相对湿度

outdoor design relative humidity for winter air conditioning||冬季空气调节室外计算相对湿度

outdoor design temperature ture for calculated envelope in winter冬季围护结构室外计算温度

outdoor design temperature ture for heating||采暖室外计算温度

outdoor design temperature for summer ventilation||夏季通风室外计算温度

outdoor design temperature for winter air conditioning||冬季空气调节室外计算温度

outdoor design temperature for winter vemtilation||冬季通风室外计算温度

outdoor designwet-bulb temperature for summer air conditioning夏季空气调节室外计算湿球温度

outdoor mean air temperature during heating period||采暖期室外平均温度

outdoor temperature(humidity)||室外温(湿)度

outlet air velocity||出口风速

out put variable||输出量

overall efficiency of separation||除尘效率

overall heat transmission coefficient||传热系数

ouvrflow pipe||溢流管

overheat steam||过热蒸汽

overlapping averages||滑动平均



packaged air conditioner||整体式空气调节器

packaged heat pump||热泵式空气调节器

packed column||填料塔

packed tower||填料塔

panel heating||辐射采暖

parabolic flow character||抛物线流量特性

isticparallel multiblade damperin||平行式多叶阀

parameter detection||参数检测


partial enclosure||局部密闭罩

partial pressure of water vapor||水蒸汽分压力


particle counter||粒子计数器

particle number concentration||计数浓度

particle size||粒径

particle size distribution||粒径分布


particulate collector||除尘器


passage ventilating duct||通过式风管

penetration rate||穿透率

percentage of men,women and children||群集系数

and childrenpercentage of possible sunshine||日照率

percentage of return air ||回风百分比

cerforated ceiling air suppyl||孔板送风

perforated plate tower||筛板塔

periodic dust dislodging||定期除灰


pipe fittings||管道配件

pipe radiator||光面管散热器

pipe section||管段

pipe coil||光面管放热器

pitot tube||皮托管

plate heat exchanger||板式换热器

plenum chamber||静压箱

plenum space||稳压层



plume rise height||烟羽抬升高度


pneumatic conveying||气力输送

pueumatic transport||气力输送

pneumatic valve||气动调节阀

pneumo-electrical convertor||气-电转换器


positive feedback||正反馈

powerroof ventilator||屋顶通风机

preferred noise criteria curve[s]||噪声评价PNC曲线

pressure drop||压力损失

pressure enthalpy chart||压焓图

pressure gage||压力表

pressure of steam supply||供汽压力

pressure reducing valve||减压阀

pressure relief device||泄压装置

pressure relief valve||安全阀

pressure thermometer||压力式温度计

pressure volume chart||压容图

primary air fan-coil system||风机盘管加新风系统

primary air system||新风系统

primary retirn air||一次回风

process air conditioning||工艺性空气调节

program control||程序控制

proportional band||比例带

proportional control||比例调节

proportional-integral (PI)control||比例积分调节



psychrometric chart||声级计

pulvation action||干湿球温度表

push-pull hood||焓湿图

pulvation action||尘化作用

push-pull hood||吹吸式排风罩


quick open flow characteristic||快开流量特性


radiant heating||辐射采暖

radiant intensity||辐射强度

sadiation intensity||辐射强度


radiator heating||散热器采暖

radiator heating system||散热器采暖系统

radiator valve||散热器调节阀

rating under air conditioning condition||空调工况制冷量

rcactive muffler||抗性消声器


receiving hood||接受式排风罩

reciprocating compressor||活塞式压缩机

recirculation cavety||空气动力阴影区

recording thermometer||自记温度计

reducing coupling||异径管接头

reducing valve||减压阀

reentrainment of dust ||二次扬尘


[refrigerating] coefficient of performance (COP)||(制冷)性能系数

refrigerating compressor||制冷压缩机

refrigerating cycle||制冷循环

refrigerating effect||制冷量

refrigerating engineering||制冷工程

refrigerating machine||制冷机

refrigerating medium||载冷剂

refrigerating planttoom||制冷机房

refrigerating station||制冷机房

refrigerating system||制冷系统

refrigeration ||制冷

regenerative noise||再生噪声



reheat air conditioning system||再热式空气调节系统

relative humidity||相对湿度


remote control||遥控

resistance of heat transfer||传热阻

resistance thermometer||电阻温度计

resistance to water vapor permeability蒸汽渗透阻

resistance to water vapor permeation||蒸汽渗透阻

resistive muffler||阻性消声器



resonant frequency||共振频率

response curve of controlled plant||调节对象正升曲线

teturn air||回风

return air inlet||回风口

return branch of radiator||散热器回水支管

return fan||回风机

return flow zone||回流区

return water temperataure||回水温度

reverse Carnot cycle||逆卡诺循环

reversed return system||同程式系统

reversible cycle||可逆循环

rim exhaust||槽边排风罩

rim ventilation||槽边通风


roof ventilator||筒形风帽

room absorption||房间吸声量

room air conditioner||房间空气调节器


rotary dehumidifier||转轮除湿机

rotary heat exchanger||转轮式换热器

rotary supply outlet||旋转送风口

rotating air outlet with movable guide vanes||旋转送风口

roughness factor||相对粗糙度

rubber shock absorber||橡胶隔振器

running means||滑动平均


safety valve||安全阀

samling hole||测孔

sampling port||测孔

saturated steam||饱和蒸汽

saturation humidity ratio||饱和含湿量

screw compressor||螺杆式压缩机


screwed plug||丝堵

scondary refrigerant||载冷剂

secondary return air||二次回风

selective control system||选择控制系统


self-contained cooling unit||冷风机组

self learning system||自学习系统

sensible cooling||等湿冷却

sensible heat||显热

sensible heating||等湿加热

sensing element||敏感元件


sequence control||程序控制

set point||给定值

settling chamber||沉降室

setting velocity||沉降速度

shading coefficient||遮阳系数

shell and coil condenser||壳管式冷凝器

shell and tube condenser ||壳管式冷凝器

shell and tube evaporator||壳管式蒸发器

sholder nipple||长丝



sidewall air supply||侧面送风

sieve-plate column||筛板塔

single duct air conditioning system||单风管空气调节系统

single duct system||单风管空气调节系统

single-effect lithiumbromide absorption-type refrigerating machine||单效溴化锂吸收式制冷机

sky radiation||天空散射辐射

slide damper||插板阀

sling psychrometer||通风温湿度计

slip rate||穿透率

slip diffuser||条缝型风口

slip exhaust hood||槽边排风罩

slot exhaust on edges of tanks||槽边通风

slot outlet||条缝型风口

sludge handling||泥浆处理


smoke control||防烟

smoke damper||防烟阀

smoke exhaust damper||排烟阀

smoke extraction||排烟

smoke plume||烟羽

smokeproof damper||防烟阀

sol-air temperature||综合温度

solar altitude||太阳高度角

solar azimuth||太阳方位角

solar constant||太阳常数

solar declination||太阳赤纬

solar heating||太阳能采暖

solar irradiance||太阳辐射照度

solar radiant heat||太阳辐射热

solar radiation||太阳辐射

solenoid valve||电磁阀

sound absorber||消声器

sound absorption||吸声

sound absorption coefficient||吸声系数

sound absorption material||吸声材料

sound attenuation||消声

sound deadening||消声

sound deadening capacity||消声量

sound insulation||隔声

sound intensity level||声强级

sound level||声级

sound level meter||声级计

sound power level||声功率级

sound pressure level||声压级

sound source||声源

source of heat release||散热源

space air diffusion||气流组织

space cooling load||房间冷负荷

space heat gain||房间得热量

space heating||采暖

space moisture load||房间湿负荷

space temperature variation||区域温差

specific enthalpy||比焓

specific frictional resistance||比摩阻

specific gas flow rate||气布比

specific heat load||散热强度
specific resistance||比电阻

spinning disk humidifier||离心式加湿器

split air conditioning system||分体式空气调节器

split ranging control control||分程控制


spot temperature||工作地点温度

spray chamber||喷水段

spray fan||喷雾风扇

spray nozzle||喷嘴

spray nozzle density||喷嘴密度

spray-type air washer section||喷水段

spray-type evaporator||喷淋式蒸发器


spring shock absorber||弹簧隔振器



stack effect pressure||热压

standard condition||标准工况

standard rating[of refrigerating machine]||标准制冷量

standby heating||值班采暖

static deflection||静态压缩量

static deflection||静态偏差

static pressure||静压

steady-state heat transfer||稳态传热

steam boiler||蒸汽锅炉

steame ejector||蒸汽喷射器

steam header||分汽缸

steam heating||蒸汽采暖

steam heating system||蒸汽采暖系统

steam-jet xot water heating system||蒸汽喷射热水采暖系统

steam jet refrigerating||蒸汽喷射式制冷机

machinesteam jet refrigeration cycle||蒸汽喷射式制冷循环

steam manifold||分汽缸

steam pipe||蒸汽管

steam trap||疏水器

steam-water mixed heat exchanger||汽-水混合式换热器

steam water mixture||汽水混合物

steam-water type heat exchanger||汽-水式换热器

steel radiator||钢制散热器

stop valve||截止阀

stove heating||火炉采暖


strantiicated air conditioning||分层空气调节

strip radiant panel||带状辐射板

strong liquor||浓溶液

strong solution||浓溶液


sub-duct assembly||防回流装置

suction pressure||吸气压力

suction pressure||吸气温度

suction temperature||回风口吸风速度
sun's altitude||太阳高度角

sun's azimuth||太阳方位角


superheated steam||过热蒸汽

supervisory computer control(SCC)system||监督控制系统

supply air||送风

supply air rate||进风量

supply air temperaturd difference||送风温差

supply fan||送风机

supply fan room||送风机室

supply water temperature||供水温度

suppot(hanger)of duct||风管支(吊)架

surface coefficient of heat transfer||表面换热系数

surface[film]resistance of heat (thermal)transfer||表面换热阻

surface(film)thermal conductance ||表面换热系数

surface-type heat exchanger||表面式换热器

suspended velocity||悬浮速度

swirl diffuser||旋流风口

system resistance||系统坐力


tangential fan||贯流式通风机

tapered cowl||锥形风帽

tree ||三通

temperature at work area||作业地带温度

temperature at work place||工作地点温度

temperature difference between supply and return water||供回水温差

temperature difference correction factor of envelope||围护结构温差修正系数

temperature field||温度场

temperature gradient||温度梯度

temperature inversion||逆温

temperature of outgoing air||排风温度

temperature recorder||自记温度计

tem-days average temperature(humidity)||旬平均温(湿)度

thermal anemometer||热风速仪

thermal buoyancy||热压

thermal conductivity[coefficient]||导热系数

thermal diffusivity||导温系数

thermal insulation||保温

thermal insulation material||保温材料

thermal inversion layer||逆温层

thermal oxidation||热力燃烧

thermal pressure||热压

thermal resistance||热阻


thermal storage characteristic||蓄热特性

thermal storage effect||蓄热

thermal storage tank||蓄冷水池

thermistor thermometer||热敏电阻温度计

thermodynamic cycle||热力循环

thermodynamic type steam trap||热动力式疏水器


thermostaticexpansion valve||热力膨胀阀

thermostatic steam trap||恒温式疏水器

three-pipe water system||三管制水系统

throttling expansion||节流膨胀

through air duct||通过式风管


through flow||穿堂风


time constant of controlled plant||调节对象时间常数

total heat||全热(

total pressure||全压

total scparation efficlency||除尘效率





trunk duct||递风〕总管

trunk pipe||总管、干管

tube-in-tube condenser||套管式冷凝器

turning vane||涡轮流量计

turning vane||导流板

twist outlet||旋流风口

two banks opposing spray pattern||对喷

two-pipe heating system||双管采暖系统

two-pipe water system||两管制水系统

two-position control||双位调节


ultrasonic humidifier||超声波加湿器

unconditioned zone||非空气调节区

uncontrolled natural ventilation||无组织自然通风

unidirectional flow ventilation||单向流通风


unit heater||暖风机

unit heater with axial fan||轴流式暖风机

unitheater with centrifugal fan||离心式暖风机

unit radiant panel||块状辐射板

unorganized air supply||无组织进风

unorganized exhaust||无组织排风

unorganized natural ventilation||无组织自然通风

unsteady-state heat transfer||非稳态传热

upfeed system||下分式系统

upright bucket type steam trap||浮桶式疏水器

upstream syray pattern||逆喷


vacuum cleaner||真空吸尘装置

vacuum cleaning installation||真空吸尘装置

vacuum heating||真空采暖

vacuum heating system||真空采暖系统

vacuum pump||真空泵

vacuum return-line heating system||真空采暖系统

valve anthority||阀权度


variable air volume(VAV)air conditioning system||变风量空气调节系统

variable air volume (VAV) terminal device||变风量末端装置

variable airea flowmeter||转子流量计

velocity field||速度场

relocity pressure||动压


vent pipe||排气管

ventilated roof||通风屋顶

ventilating duct||通风管道

ventilating rate||换气次数


ventilation equipment||通风设备

ventilation heat loss||通风设备

ventilation rate||通风耗热量

ventilation rate||通风量

Venturi scrubber||文丘里除尘器

vertical on(single) pipe heating system||垂直单管采暖系统

vertical-type evaporator||直立管式蒸发器

vertical zoningof water||水系统竖向分区


vibration isolation||隔振

vibration isolator||隔振器

vibration meter||振动计

vibration pick-up||拾振器

volume density||堆积密度

volumteric concentration||体积浓度

vortex scrubber||冲激式除尘器


wall attachment jet||贴附射流

wall panel heating||墙壁辐射采暖

warm air curtain||热风幕

warm-air heating||热风采暖

warm-air heating system||热风采暖系统

water-air ratio||水气比

water as refrigerant||冷剂水

water-cooled absorptive hielding||


water-cooled condenser||水冷式冷凝器

water curtain||水幕

water film cyclone||水膜除尘器

water-film separator||水膜除尘器

water screen||水幕

water system||水系统

water tank for heat(thermal)insulation||隔热水箱

water-water jet||混水器

water-water type heat exchanger||水-水式换热器

weak solution||稀溶液

wather acp||伞形风帽

wet-bulb temperature||湿球温度

wet cooling condition||湿工况

wet cooling condition||湿法除尘

wet dust collector||湿式除尘器

wet dust extraction||湿法除尘

wet flushing||湿法冲洗

wet method operation||湿式作业

wet return pipe||湿式凝结水管

wet scrubber||湿式除尘器

wet separator||湿式除尘器


wind blow in||倒灌

wind direction||风向

wind pressure||风压

wind-proofed monitor||避风天窗

wind shield||挡风板

wind speed||风速

window air conditioner||窗式空气调节器

work area||作业地带

work place||工作地点

working area||作业地带

working place||工作地点

working pressure||工作压力

working wubstance||工质


zone of aerodynamic shadow||空气动力阴影区

zone of negative pressure||负压区

zone of positive pressure||正压区

zone of recirculating low||空气动力阴影区

zone of wake||尾流区


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