Whiskey drinking problem? « Industry info 工业信息

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Chinese New Year, and unavoidable wine. Would you drink whiskey reference method what is it?

In fact, how casually drink can, as long as you think fit. However, at least try to drink the most classic method: the whiskey poured into a glass of old-fashioned, plus 12 ice, gently shaking and then, on the nose and taste of what the following … …
★ whiskey (WHISKY) is a kind of barley and other grains from the brewing, aging in oak barrels for many years, the deployment of 43 degrees into the potent liquor steam tumors. The British called the “Water for Life.”
under international law, only in Scotland within the distillation and Aging in order to be worthy of Scotch whiskey. All Scottish whiskey brewed are three kinds of natural raw materials: corn, water and alcohol the mother of at least 3 years experience required to refine the process.
as liquid distilled whiskey, will be injected into post-oak and so on Aging; Through the baptism of the time, grain characteristics and color of oak to make a bottle of whiskey were distinctive.
★ whiskey is a kind of wine worth savoring. The following content will help to learn more about the knowledge of whiskey:
☆ The first step is to look at the color. Each has its own unique color whiskey from a light golden yellow to dark brown color is produced in the mature stage. Whiskey stored in a different cask, such as storage over the old Bourbon, Sherry Porter, Madeira and other wines in oak barrels, and slow maturity, barrels condensate pregnancy has been the color and flavor will be slowly passed to the whiskey in the characteristics of the formation of whiskey.
second step is to smell fragrance. First, pour a little whiskey into the glass in his hand to the glass cover for a while, and then gently remove the hand-distributed to the aroma of whiskey out of. Masters at blending blending whiskey whiskey when mixed with the glass with a mouth to smell, its jargon known as “snorted” (nose) whiskey, this glass cup shape and a little bit similar to sherry, which can be restrictions on alcohol evaporates more easily distinguish different aroma.
then start completely away from the cup mouth, spin finishes cup of whiskey, so that the other aromatic also released.
final step is to taste the flavor. Slowly sipping a whiskey with a tongue ring it echoed in the mouth, whiskey scent will overflow the entire oral cavity, the mouth will feel different in different parts of the taste.
when you swallow whiskey, pay attention to when whiskey taste changes, that is what we often call a “final sense” (finish). Some Whiskey have more significant lingering fragrance, and endless variations. When you have felt your choice of aroma and taste of malt whiskey, you can try to go to Riga more cups of water, which helps the release of flavor.
☆ Another common method is to drink on the rocks, in fact also equivalent to Duishui. In general, 40% abv wine whiskey is three against one of water, 60% abv wine should be two against one water. Duishui was mainly attributable to more conducive to the dissemination of whiskey flavor, but also reduce the alcohol content, reduce olfactory nerve paralysis. Demand for water can not contain too many minerals, general SOFT WATER, and even tap water will do.
☆ There are a number of other drinking laws, such as Coke or Sprite, Canada, the Scots have heard “their” whiskey was such a “ruin”, may be furious of.

whiskey for hard liquor, alcohol content of up to 40 ~ 43%. Flexible methods of its consumption, in addition to direct drinking, but also with soft drinks, ice or other beverages to dilute, mix soda water, etc. can also add green tea, chopped fruit such as lemon drinks (popular in Western Europe and Japan, consumption method). High-quality whiskey diluted with water, the flavor remains unchanged, clear and transparent. The vast majority of people like to drink whiskey pure.
of different methods for containing the drinking cup is not the same, the net drinks, ice is commonly used when the classical cup (ROCK GLASS) by adding about 30ml whiskey in the cup and by the demand to add ice, mix all kinds of soft drinks (for example, : soda water) is applicable to Colin Cup (COLLINS GLASS) by adding about 30ml whiskey and the amount of soda and ice.


类别: 餐饮食品


☆另常见的喝法是加冰块,实际上也就相当于兑水。一般来讲,40% abv的威士忌是三份酒兑一份水,60% abv应该是两份酒兑一份水。兑水的原因主要是更有利于威士忌香味的散发,而且降低酒精度,减轻对嗅觉神经的麻痹。对水的要求是不能含太多矿物质,一般SOFT WATER,甚至自来水也可以。

不同的饮用方法所适用的载杯亦不相同,净饮、加冰时通常使用古典杯(ROCK GLASS)在杯中加入大约30ml威士忌及按需求添加冰块、混合各种汽水时(如:苏打水)则适用柯林杯(COLLINS GLASS)加入大约30ml威士忌及适量汽水和冰块。

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