







manufacturer 生产厂家

series 型号  HD5800

codename 代码名

pipelines 流处理器  1600个

core speed 核心速度  700赫兹

shader speed 着色速度  700赫兹

memery speed 显存速度 

memory bus width  位宽  128 bit

memory type  显存类型  GDDR5 GDDR3 DDR3

max amount of memory {zd0}支持显存

shared memory 共享显存

directx 11 

current  consumption 日常消耗(功率)120W

technology  工艺技术  40nm

The Crossfire ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5870 (CF) or ATI Mobility Radeon HD5870 X2 is a high-end DirectX 11 capable graphics solution for laptops / notebooks by AMD. It consists out of two single Mobility HD5870 cards bound together using Crossfire (similar to Nvidias SLI). So each card usually renders one frame alternatively. At the time of announcement (Jan 2010) the 5870 CF paired with GDDR5 memory should be the fastest laptop graphics solution available. Technically, the chip is based on the desktop Radeon HD 5770 (RV840) with a slower clock rate.

Because each card renders a different frame, the Crossfire solution may suffer from micro stuttering at 20-30 fps ranges, as the time difference between each frame is different. Therefore, the Crossfire HD 5870 may need higher framerates for a fluent gameplay.

The memory interface of the Mobility 5870 is composed out of two 64 bit wide controllers leading to a 128 bit memory bus that can access up to 1024 MB of DDR3 or GDDR5 memory (512 MB GDDR3). If (G)DDR3 is used by the laptop vendor the performance clearly suffers noticable.

The HD5870 CF offers 2x800 MADD cores (called Stream Processors) which are grouped in 2x160 5-dimensional groups. The cores support DirectX 11 functions in hardware (Tessellation, OIT, Post-Processing, Shadows, HDR Texture Compression). Furthermore, 16 ROPs, 40TMUs, and 40 TAUs can be found on each chip. All in all 2x1040 Mio transistors offer a theroretic computation power of up to 2x1.12 TFLOPS.

According to AMD, the HD 5000 series was also improved regarding general computing (as the HD4000 series was not optimized for this). Therefore, the performance of ATI stream, OpenCL, and DirectCompute 11 applications should be noticable better.

Compared to the previous generation (in this case the Mobility Radeon HD 4870 X2), the HD5870 should be about 20% faster according to AMD. This is only valid for a GDDR5 version of the HD5870 (otherwise the memory bus would be the bottle neck). The gaming performance of the CF solution should be sufficient for all current games (2009-2010) in high resolution and high detail settings (mostly with AA activated). Compared to a GeForce GTX 285M SLI, the 5870 CF should be faster (altough the SLI support by Nvidia is known to be a little bit better).

The Mobility Radeon HD 5000 series includes an improved video processor (UVD2) to decode HD videos with the graphic card. The new version is able to decode two HD streams simultaneously (e.g., for Blu-Ray picture in picture) if the graphic card offers enough memory bandwidth (only GDDR5 versions?). Since the Flash 10.1 Beta, the 5000 series is also able to help accelerate Flash HD videos (like YouTube).

A special feature of the HD 5000 series is its ability to transmit HD audio formats (like Dolby True HD or DTS HD Master Audio) with up to 8 channels and 192 kHz / 24 Bit over HDMI 1.3a.

As the desktop HD 5000 series, the Mobility HD 5870 also supports Eyefinity to connect up to 6 monitors to the graphics chip. Of course, this depends on how many monitor outputs the laptop vendor adds to the laptop (and how they are wired). Most laptops will support three screens simultaneously (internal and two external).

Due to the high power consumption of the Mobility Radeon HD 5870 CF, it is only suited for large laptops with good (and possibly loud) cooling solutions. According to AMD, the performance per watt ratio (same power consumption, better performance) and the Idle power consumption were improved (thanks to Memory Clock Scaling and Clock Gating). Furthermore, the chip does support PowerXpress (with AMD chipset) and Switchable Graphics (Intel) to switch between the dedicated and chipset / CPU graphics card (with improved switching times).

Compared to desktop graphics cards, the Mobility Radeon HD 5870 CF should perform somewhere between a Radeon HD 5750 and 5770 in Crossfire mode according to the specs (shader count of 5770, clock rate of 5750).

在交火的ATI的Mobility Radeon高清5870(CF卡)或ATI的Mobility Radeon HD5870 X2是一个xx的DirectX 11图形能力由AMD /笔记本笔记本电脑的解决方案。它包括了两个单移动HD5870交火在一起使用(类似于Nvidias SLI技术)卡。因此,每个卡通常呈现一帧交替。在公告时间(2010年1月)的5870 GDDR5记忆体与CF卡配对应该是最快的笔记本电脑图形解决方案。从技术上讲,该芯片是基于桌面的Radeon高清5770(RV840)与较低的时钟速度。 

因为每张卡片呈现不同的框架,交火解决方案可能遭受微型口吃在20-30 fps的范围,为每帧之间的时间差是不同的。因此,HD5870交火可能需要一个更高的帧率流畅的游戏。 

该移动5870内存接口组成了两个64位控制器广泛导致一个128位内存总线,最多可以访问1024 DDR3或GDDR5记忆体(512 MB GDDR3高速)MB的。如果(G)的DDR3是由笔记本电脑厂商使用的性能明显受到明显。 

CF卡的HD5870提供2x800尽职内核(称为流处理器),这些在2x160分为五维集团。该核心支持DirectX 11的硬件功能(镶嵌,OIT,后处理,阴影,纹理压缩高动态范围)。此外,16个ROPS,40TMUs,40所载TAUS上可以找到每个芯片。在所有2x1040神达晶体管全部提供高达2x1.12 TFlops的theroretic计算能力。 

据AMD公司称,HD5000系列是通用计算方面也有所改善(视HD4000系列并没有优化这个)。因此,ATI的流,OpenCL和DirectCompute 11应用程序的性能明显要更好。 

与前一代在这种情况下(的Mobility Radeon HD 4870 X2)的,应在HD5870快20%左右据AMD公司。这只是一个对HD5870(否则内存总线的GDDR5版本有效的将是瓶颈)。在CF的游戏性能的解决方案应该是足够了所有(2009-2010)在高分辨率和高细节的设置主要是与机管局启动()目前游戏。相对于SLI技术的GeForce GTX的2.85亿,在5870 CF卡应该更快(虽然由Nvidia的SLI支持,被称为是一个更好一点)。 

的Mobility Radeon HD 5000系列包括一个改进的视频处理器(UVD2)解码与高清视频图形卡。新版本能够同时解码两个高清视频流(例如,对蓝光画中画)如果图形卡具有足够的内存带宽(只的GDDR5版本?)。由于闪存10.1 Beta版,5000系列也能帮助加快闪存高清影片如YouTube()。 

这是HD 5000系列的特色是它能够传输高清音频格式,如杜比真正的HD或DTS HD Master音频()与多达8个频道和192千赫/ 24比特以上的HDMI 1.3a。 


由于的Mobility Radeon HD 5870 CF卡高功率消耗,它仅适用于具有良好(可能大声)冷却解决方案的大型笔记本电脑。据AMD公司称,每瓦比(同样的功耗,更好的性能表现)和空闲功耗明显改善(由于内存时钟调整和时钟门控)。此外,该芯片不支持包括PowerXPress(与AMD芯片组)和切换图形(英特尔)之间的专用和芯片组开关/ CPU的图形卡,增强了开关时间()。 

桌面图形卡相比,的Mobility Radeon HD 5870 CF卡应该执行介于一片Radeon高清5750和5770在交火模式下按规格(渲染的5770计数,5750时钟速度)。  



The AMD ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5650 is a middle class DirectX 11 graphics card for laptops. Its based on the Madison (LE, LP or Pro) chip and is produced in 40nm. Like its predecessor, the Mobility Radeon 4650, the HD 5650 features a 128 Bit memory bus for dedicated DDR3 and GDDR3 memory chips. GDDR5 is rumored to be not supported on the HD 5650 (only in the higher clocked versions like the 5700 series).

In our benchmarks with the HD 5650, the GPU is performing on a level with the previous Mobility Radeon HD 4670 or the Nvidia GeForce GTS 250M (with DDR3 graphics memory). This means the performance is sufficient for high details in nearly all DirectX 10 games (only Crysis and GTA4 are not fluently playable in high details - see gaming list below). Upcoming and current DirectX 11 games (like DIRT2) may not run in full detail settings. That means some of the new DirectX 11 features (Tesselation e.g.) may not run fluently on this gaming graphics adapter. Currently the HD 5650 is a good gaming pick for well priced laptops with a 15 inch screen and a resolution of about 1366x768.

The Mobility HD 5650 supports Avivo HD to accelerate HD videos using the graphics card. The improved UVD2 processor in the DirectX11 models of the Radeon HD 5000 series is able to decode up to two streams in parallel (if the card offers enough memory bandwidth). It is not clear if the HD 5650 using (G)DDR3 offers enough bandwidth for this task.

Another novelty of the HD 5650 is the possibility to transport HD Audio formats (8-channel Dolby True HD, DTS Master) over the HDMI port.

Thanks to Eyevision, up to 6 monitors can be used with the HD 5650 in 3D and 2D applications. In most laptops this number will be limited to max. 3 (2 external and the internal display).

The power consumption should be (due to the modern 40nm process in 2009) relatively low and according to rumors about 10-15 Watt.

AMD公司的ATI Mobility Radeon高清5650是一个中产阶级的DirectX 11图形卡的笔记本电脑。它的基础上,麦迪逊(乐唱片或Pro)芯片,并在40纳米生产。像其前任的Mobility Radeon 4650,HD5650具有128位专用DDR3和GDDR3内存芯片的内存总线。传闻的GDDR5将不采用HD 5650(只支持在像5700系列的时钟频率更高版本)。

在与HD5650,该处理器是与以前的型号Radeon HD 4670或NVIDIA的GeForce GTS的2.5亿与内存的DDR3显卡(一级履行我们的基准)。这意味着表现在几乎所有的DirectX 10游戏(只孤岛危机和GTA4高细节没有足够流利的高细节可玩 - 游戏名单见下文)。即将到来的和当前的DirectX 11游戏,如DIRT2()可能无法运行在全面详细的设置。这意味着,许多新的DirectX 11功能(如镶嵌)可能无法流畅运行这个游戏图形适配器一些。目前,高清5650是一个很好的游戏选择了15英寸的屏幕和一个分辨率为笔记本电脑以及售价约1366x768。

5650支持高清的移动高清加速的Avivo HD视频使用的图形卡。在该模型为DirectX11的Radeon HD改善UVD2处理器5000系列能解码两个流(如果该卡提供了足够的内存带宽)并行。目前尚不清楚,如果HD提供5650使用(G)的DDR3内存足够完成这个任务的带宽。


到Eyevision下,多达6显示器可以用来在3D和2D与房屋署5650申请。在大多数笔记本电脑,这个数字将被限制到{zd0}。 3(2外部和内部显示)。



The Nvidia GeForce 310M is the successor of the G 210M and based on the same GT218 core with very similar clock rates (shader speed +30MHz). Nvidia states that the raw performance is 73 Gigaflops compared to the 72 Gigaflops of the G210M. Therefore, the 310M is an entry level dedicated graphics card for small laptops.

The performance of the 310M is similar to the GeForce G 210M and therefore located in the entry level class. Modern 3D games like COD Modern Warfare 2 run only in low details and resolutions fluently. Some demanding games like NFS Shift or GTA4 wont run fluently at all. Less demanding games like SIMS 3 run in medium details and resolutions fluently. Therefore, the graphics card can not be recommended for gamers.

The card supports DirectX 10.1 and all the features of the G 210M (as it should be based on the same GT218 core). Therefore PureVideo HD to decode HD videos with the graphics card is supported. The used Video Processor 4 (VP4) is able to fully decode H.264, VC-1, MPEG-2, and also MPEG-4 ASP (DivX or xVID) in hardware to minimize CPU load. MPEG-1 is not supported but can be easily handled by every modern CPU.

As the 310M supports CUDA, DirectX Compute 10.1, and OpenCL, the shaders of the graphics processor can be used for other tasks than rendering images (e.g. faster encoding of videos).

The used GT218 core is manufactured in 40nm and based on the desktop GTX 200 architecture. Therefore, the shaders have been reworked compared to the old GeForce G110M for an improved performance and battery runtime.

 Nvidia的GeForce 310M,是继承和210M的G上非常相似(渲染速度的30MHz)的时钟频率相同的GT218核心的产品。 Nvidia公司指出,原材料的性能进行比较的G210M 73 gigaflops创造了72亿次。因此,310米是一个入门级的小型笔记本电脑专用的图形卡。

在310M的表现是相似的GeForce G210M,因此在入门级{yl}位置。 COD的现代立体像现代战争2游戏只运行在低细节和决议流利。如NFS Shift或GTA4的一些要求苛刻的游戏习惯运行流畅的。要求不高喜欢SIMS的游戏3运行中的细节和决议流利。因此,图形卡不能被推荐的玩家。

该卡支持DirectX 10.1和所有的G 210米功能(因为它应该是在同一GT218核心的)。因此PureVideo高清解码与高清视频图形卡支持。所使用的视频处理器4(VP4蛋白)能够xx解码的H.264和VC - 1,MPEG - 2的,在硬件还的MPEG - 4的ASP(DivX的或XVID),以减少CPU的负载。 MPEG - 1的不支持,但可以很容易地处理每一个现代的CPU。

由于310M支持CUDA技术,支持DirectX 10.1计算,和OpenCL,该图形处理器的着色器可用于比渲染图像(例如更快的视频编码等任务)。

所使用的GT218核心是制造40纳米和桌面上的GTX的200架构。因此,着色相比已改造旧的GeForce G110M为提高性能和电池使用时间。



The Silicon Motion SM502 is a graphics adapter for computers with MIPS CPUs (mostly small laptops, netbooks or mids). Currently, the SM502 only supports Linux, Windows CE and Windows Embedded (no drivers for Windows XP, Vista or 7).

The maximum resolution that is supported by the SM 502 is 1280x1024 (as the GPU is mostly included in small devices with small screens).

Tests from Laptopmag showed that the SM502 is significantly slower than a GMA 500. It was not able to display HD videos fluently and also had no 3D acceleration.


 在硅运动SM502是一个与MIPS的CPU(计算机图形适配器大多小的笔记本电脑,上网本或MID)。目前,SM502只支持Linux,Windows CE和Windows嵌入式(用于Windows XP,Vista或7没有驱动程序)。

{zg}分辨率是1280x1024的SM 502(视GPU是主要在小屏幕小型设备包括在内)的支持。

从Laptopmag试验表明,SM502是比GMA 500更慢的独立芯片。它不能显示高清视频流畅,也没有3D加速。

郑重声明:资讯 【{dy}期【显卡门】5870CROSSFIRE.5650.G310M.SM502_战斗力_新浪博客】由 发布,版权归原作者及其所在单位,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经(企业库qiyeku.com)证实,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若本文有侵犯到您的版权, 请你提供相关证明及申请并与我们联系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在线投诉】,我们审核后将会尽快处理。
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