安徽:节能灯寿命解决河« Reuse world


据报道,美国国家半导体照明和光伏于1984年机电一体化研究项目重新被列为国家重大科技项目,由科学和技术科学和能源科学研究所硕士系中国大学。目前,该项目已进入应用的发展阶段。 06.9.14

Anhui: energy-saving lamp longevity settled r.


learned from relevant departments of Anhui Province First Semiconductor Lighting Technology Co., Ltd. and packet River District Yi towns signed investment intention agreements Uiseong developed in the preparation of semiconductor lighting and photovoltaic power integration research project. It is understood that in the same brightness, the power consumption of lighting equipment is only one-tenth of an ordinary incandescent lamp, but life can be extended 100 times and can be shared with the development and application of solar energy.

It is reported that National Semiconductor lighting and electrical integration of photovoltaic research project back in 1984 was classified as a major national scientific and technological projects, by the China University of Science and Technology Department of Science and Energy Science Institute master. At present, the project has entered the stage of application development. (06-9-14)

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