1.A Chinese child reacts while playing between sculptures outside a museum in Beijing, China, Wednesday, May 26, 2010.AP / Muhammed Muheisen
001.2010年5月26日,星期三,中国北京。一个中国孩子在博物馆外的雕塑中玩耍时,摆出一个姿势。图片来源:AP / Muhammed Muheisen
2.A woman walks past cast iron sculptures of wolves by Chinese artiste Liu Ruowang entitled "Wolf Coming" at a art district in Beijing, China, Tuesday, May 25, 2010. AP / Ng Han Guan
002.2010年5月25日,星期二,中国北京一个艺术街区。一名妇女走过中国艺术家刘若望的铸铁雕塑作品“狼来了”。图片来源:AP / Ng Han Guan
3.A girl runs past fountain flows outside a shopping mall in Beijing Monday, May 24, 2010. AP / Alexander F. Yuan
003.2010年5月24日,星期一,北京。一个小女孩跑过一个大型购物中心外的喷泉。图片来源:AP / Alexander F. Yuan
4.A Chinese bride waits her groom, right, to get his hair done during a photoshoot by a photographer, unseen, at Beijing World Park Monday, May 24, 2010. AP / Muhammed Muheisen
004.2010年5月24日,星期一,北京世界公园。在摄影师为他们拍照过程中,一名中国新娘等着她的“马夫”新郎(右)整理好头发。图片来源:AP / Muhammed Muheisen
5.Performers from Brazil share a light moment before performing for visitors to a manmade beach at a park in Beijing, China, Sunday, June 6, 2010. AP / Ng Han Guan
005.2010年6月6日,星期日,北京一个公园的人造海滩。来自巴西的演员在为游客表演前,分亨轻松时刻。图片来源:AP / Ng Han Guan
6.Chinese visitors watch performances at a manmade beach build at a park in Beijing, China, Sunday, June 6, 2010. AP / Ng Han Guan
006.2010年6月6日,星期日,北京一个公园的人造海滩。中国游客在观看表演。图片来源:AP / Muhammed Muheisen
7.A Chinese woman gestures while sitting on an elephant's trunk to attract customers to have their picture taken with the elephant at Beijing World Park Monday, May 24, 2010. AP / Muhammed Muheisen
007.2010年5月24日,星期一,北京世界公园。一名中国妇女坐在大象鼻子上挥手,吸引顾客和大象一起拍照。图片来源:AP / Muhammed Muheisen
8.Chinese police officers stand guard while tourists, right, rest at the Great Wall of China in north of Beijing, Monday, June 7, 2010. AP / Muhammed Muheisen
008.2010年6月7日,星期日,北京北部,中国长城。游客(右)休息时,中国xx在站岗。图片来源:AP / Muhammed Muheisen
9.A Chinese woman adjusts her hat while walking along part of the Great Wall of China in north of Beijing, Monday, June 7, 2010. AP / Muhammed Muheisen
10.A man rests on his trishaw while waiting for customers at a hutong alley near the drum tower, a tourist spot in Beijing, China, Wednesday, May 26, 2010. AP / Andy Wong
11.A Chinese woman fixes a puncture on a customer's bicycle in a hutong, or a traditional alleyway of Beijing, China, Monday, May 31, 2010. AP / Muhammed Muheisen
011.2010年5月31日,中国北京一条胡同。一名中国女子在为顾客修理自行车轮胎。图片来源:AP / Muhammed Muheisen
12.A woman cares for a child on a street in Beijing, China, Monday, June 7, 2010. AP / Ng Han Guan
012.2010年6月7日,星期一,北京一条街道。一名妇女在照看孩子。图片来源:AP / Ng Han Guan
13.Elderly Chinese women talk while sitting in a hutong, or a traditional alleyway, in Beijing, China, Wednesday, May 26, 2010. AP / Muhammed Muheisen
013.2010年5月26日,星期三,北京。几名中国老太太坐在一条胡同里聊天。图片来源:AP / Muhammed Muheisen
14.A Chinese man reacts while getting a haircut from a street barber in a hutong, or a traditional alleyway in Beijing, China, Wednesday, May 26, 2010. AP / Muhammed Muheisen
014.2010年5月26日,星期三,北京一条胡同。一名中国男子在街头理发时的面部表情。图片来源:AP / Muhammed Muheisen
15.Chinese children play in an alley in a neighborhood of Beijing, China, Sunday, May 23, 2010. AP / Muhammed Muheisen
015.2010年5月23日,星期日,北京。几个中国孩子在胡同附近玩耍。图片来源:AP / Muhammed Muheisen
16.A Chinese boy, second right, imitates a body builder while playing with others in a hutong, or a traditional alleyway, in Beijing, China, Friday, May 21, 2010. AP / Muhammed Muheisen
016.2010年5月21日,星期五,北京一条胡同。一名中国男孩(右二)在和其他孩子玩耍时,模仿xx运动员。图片来源:AP / Muhammed Muheisen
17.A Chinese boy sits in front of his house in a hutong, or a traditional alleyway, in Beijing, China, Friday, May 21, 2010. AP / Muhammed Muheisen
18.A Chinese woman bathes her daughter at the entrance of her house in a hutong, or a traditional alleyway of Beijing, China, Wednesday, June 2, 2010. AP / Muhammed Muheisen
018.2010年6月2日,星期三,北京一条胡同。一名中国妇女在家门口给女儿洗澡。图片来源:AP / Muhammed Muheisen
19.A Chinese boy, center, fixes his toy, while his mother is reflected in a mirror, outside their house in a hutong, or a traditional alleyway of Beijing, China, Monday, May 31, 2010. AP / Muhammed Muheisen
019.2010年5月31日,星期一,北京一条胡同。一名中国男孩(中)在修玩具,她妈妈的影像从一面镜子中反映出来。图片来源:AP / Muhammed Muheisen
20.A Chinese woman and man look through postings for job seekers and apartment rentals on the streets of Beijing, China, Friday, May 21, 2010. AP / Ng Han Guan
020.2010年5月21日,星期五,北京一条街道。一名中国女子和一名男子在看求职广告和租房广告。图片来源:AP / Muhammed Muheisen
21.A child wearing an ethnic minority cap begs with a blind musician on the streets of Beijing, China, Friday, May 21, 2010. AP / Ng Han Guan
021.2010年5月21日,星期五,北京一条街道。一个戴着少数民族帽子的孩子和一个盲人音乐人一起乞讨。图片来源:AP / Ng Han Guan
22.A Chinese roadside vendor sleeps beside his watermelons while waiting for customers on the outskirts of Beijing Thursday, May 27, 2010. AP / Muhammed Muheisen
022.2010年5月27日,星期四,北京郊区。一名中国街边小贩在他的西瓜摊旁睡觉,等待顾客光顾。图片来源:AP / Muhammed Muheisen
23.A Chinese man, and his daughter, center, work in their restaurant, while children look on from an alley in a neighborhood in Beijing, China, Sunday, May 23, 2010. AP / Muhammed Muheisen
023.2010年5月23日,星期六,北京一条小街。一名中国男子和他的女儿(中)在自己的餐馆里忙碌,孩子们在一边看着。图片来源:AP / Muhammed Muheisen
24.A Chinese man, center, prepares food for a customer, left, in Beijing Monday night, May 24, 2010. AP / Muhammed Muheisen
024.2010年5月24日,星期一,夜里,北京。一名中国男子(中)在为顾客(左)准备食物。图片来源:AP / Muhammed Muheisen
25.A Chinese boy, reaches the light, as he stands on a snooker table while playing in a hutong or a traditional alleyway of Beijing, China, Saturday, June 5, 2010. AP / Muhammed Muheisen
025.2010年6月5日,星期六,北京一条胡同。一名中国男孩在一个斯诺克球桌旁玩耍时,迎着灯光看球。图片来源:AP / Muhammed Muheisen
26.A man walks in the Chinese side of riverbank with the China-North Korea Friendship bridge, which leads to the Noth Korea, in the background in Dandong in northeastern China's Liaoning province, China, Sunday, May 30, 2010. AP / Ng Han Guan
026.2010年5月30日,星期日,一名中国男子走在通往朝鲜的中朝友谊大桥旁中国一端的河堤上,背景是中国东北辽宁省丹东市。图片来源:AP / Ng Han Guan
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