

2010-06-10 13:15:46 阅读4 评论0 字号:

原文:Downstairs pressure pump thunder, this room can return it?
Mr. Liu and his wife retired for many years, because of advanced age to live to facilitate the purchase in 2009 the first floor of a residential area a forward delivery. Housing delivery, Mr. Liu found that the noise downstairs at night, sometimes even the walls have a slight quiver, seriously affected the family's sleep. Verified with the property that, downstairs is a residential high-rise building water pressure pump, pressure equipment operation noise is issued. Liu angry, he thinks the location of pump housing not only affects their own use, but also affected the appreciation of housing space, housing quality is a serious problem, Mr. Yu Shiliu asked developers to check or adjust the pump location. But the developers think that in "real estate sale," added the agreement defined between the pump and other equipment specific location, Mr. Liu, a real estate sale at the signing were not raised any objection to the request, therefore do not agree with Mr. Liu, the two sides caught in dispute, Mr. Liu Rights Advisory how such cases?
原文来自: http://www.google.com.hk/news

原文:Downstairs pressure pump thunder, this room can return it?



是由提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考(上海凯达自动化给水设备有限公司还生产 及液下泵 ,料浆泵 ,胶体磨 试压泵 ,卫生泵 ,更多水泵 ,欢迎您的选购。)


  刘先生和老伴退休多年,因年事已高为了生活便利于2009年购买了某住宅小区一套一楼的期房。房屋交付后,刘先xx现夜间楼下有噪音,甚至墙体有时候都有轻微颤动,严重影响了家人的睡眠。经与物业核实得知,楼下是小区高层建筑的自来水加压泵房,噪音就是加压设备运转发出的。   刘先生气愤不已,他认为泵房的位置既影响了自己的居住使用,也影响了房屋的升值空间,属于严重的房屋质量问题,于是刘先生要求开发商退房或调整泵房位置。 但开发商则认为已在《商品房买卖合同》补充协议中明确了泵房等设备间的具体位置,刘先生一家在签订商品房买卖合同时并未提出任何异议,因此不同意刘先生的要求,双方因此陷入纠纷,刘先生咨询此种情形应该如何维权?

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