AeroShell Oil 120大气外壳直级发动机油壳牌航空机油润滑脂阿里巴巴 ...

壳牌航空润滑脂33# Aeroshell Grease 33 符合标准:MIL-PRF-23827 ,BMS 3-33
    1.产品说明:壳牌航空润滑脂为新一代多用途合成脂,有较宽的温度范围和应用。符合波音BMS 3-33规范。
    2.应用:操作温度从–73 °C到+121 °C。

壳牌航空液压油41 Aeroshell Fluid 41 符合标准:MIL-H-5606F
    1. 产品说明:它是一种矿物液压油,具有高清洁度和优良的流动性。加入了添加剂以保证粘度要求,提高抗氧化性和抗磨损性,使用温度范围宽。
    2. 应用:被特别推荐作为“超净”液来提高机件可靠性。常压下在-54ºC至90ºC,高压下在-54ºC至135ºC用于飞机系统。壳牌41#液应用在使用合成橡胶部件的系统,不能用于含xx橡胶的系统。
壳牌AeroShell Oil W100    壳牌W100号航空活塞发动机润滑油


AeroShell straight mineral oils are blended from selected high viscosity index base stocks.大气外壳直矿物油混合从精选高粘度指数基础油。 These oils do not contain additives except for a small quantity of pour point depressant (which is added when improved fluidity at very low temperature is required) and an anti-oxidant.这些油不含有抑制剂倾点添加剂,除了少量的(这将改善低温流动性时,在非常需要)和抗氧化剂。
AeroShell Oils are available in four different viscosity grades:大气外壳油可在四个不同的粘度等级:
AeroShell Oil 65大气外壳油65
AeroShell Oil 80大气外壳油80
AeroShell Oil 100 大气外壳油100
AeroShell Oil 120大气外壳油120
The suffix for each grade corresponds to the viscosity of the oil at 210°F in Saybolt Universal Seconds.该牌号后缀为每个对应的原油粘度在210 ° F的赛波特通用秒。

The appropriate grades of these AeroShell Oils are approved for use in four-stroke cycle certified aircraft reciprocating piston engines (except Porsche) and other aircraft radial engines which use oil to specification SAE J-1966 (which supersedes MIL-L-6082) and which do not require use of an oil containing a dispersant additive.这些大气外壳油适当等级的,经批准在循环使用四冲程往复式活塞发动机飞机认证的保时捷(除外)和其他飞机油径向引擎,使用规范的SAE J - 1966 (它取代的MIL - L型6082),并且不要求一载有分散添加剂使用石油。 AeroShell Oils are used primarily during break-in of most new or recently overhauled four-stroke cycle aviation piston engines.大气外壳油主要用于在休息,在大多数新的或大修最近四冲程活塞式航空发动机。 The duration and lubrication recommendations for break-in vary, so operators should refer to the original engine manufacturer and/or overhaul facility for specific recommendations. SPECIFICATIONS:时间长短和润滑的建议磨合不同,因此,运营商应参照原引擎制造商和/或检修设施的具体建议。 规格:
The US Specification SAE J-1966 replaces MIL-L-6082E.美国规格的SAE J - 1966取代的MIL - L型6082E。 Although it was planned to replace the British Specification DERD 2472 with a DEF STAN specification this has now been put into abeyance and instead the SAE specification has been adopted.虽然这是计划取代英国规格DERD 2472斯坦规范与迪夫这已经暂时搁置,转而投入了SAE的规范已被采用。

Aeroshell Oil 100 大气外壳油100 Aeroshell Oil 100 大气外壳油100

US 美国

Approved J-1966 SAE Grade 50批准的J - 1966 SAE的50级


Approved J-1966 SAE Grade 50批准的J - 1966 SAE的50级


(AIR 3560/D Grade SAE 50) (航空3560 / D级SAE的50)


MS-20的MS - 20

NATO Code北约代号

O-117 Obsolete Ø - 117已停产

Joint Service联合服务

OM-270奥姆- 270


Aeroshell Oil 100 Typical Properties 大气外壳油100典型性质 Aeroshell Oil 100 大气外壳油100


SAE viscosity grade SAE的粘度等级

50 50

Color ASTM美国ASTM颜色

5.0 5

Density @ 15°C密度@ 15℃

0.896 0.896

Kinematic viscosity运动粘度


@ 100°C @ 100℃

19.7 19.7

@ 40°C @ 40℃

230 230

Viscosity Index粘度指数

Above 94上述94

Pour point倾点

Below –17下面-17

Flashpoint Cleveland闪点克利夫兰


Open Cup开口杯

250 250

Carbon residue残炭

0.4 0.4

Total acidity总酸度

<0.1 <0.1


0.13 0.13

Copper corrosion铜片腐蚀


Ash content灰分

0.006 0.006



Typical Properties Aeroshell Oil 120典型性质大气外壳油120

120 120

SAE viscosity grade SAE的粘度等级

60 60

Colour ASTM彩色美国ASTM

6.0 6

Density @ 15°C kg/l密度@ 15℃公斤/升

0.898 0.898

Kinematic viscosity mm2/s运动粘度平方毫米/秒


@ 100°C @ 100℃

24.8 24.8

@ 40°C @ 40℃


Viscosity Index粘度指数

94 94

Pourpoint °C普尔普安° C间

–11 -11

Flashpoint Cleveland闪点克利夫兰


Open Cup °C开口杯° C间

250 250

Carbon residue % m残炭%米

0.5 0.5

Total acidity mgKOH/g总酸价mgKOH / g

<0.1 <0.1

Sulphur % m硫%米

0.1 0.1

Copper corrosion @ 100°C铜片腐蚀@ 100℃




Specifications for Aeroshell Oil 120 规范大气外壳油120


Approved J-1966 SAE Grade 50 批准的J - 1966 SAE的50级

Approved J-1966 SAE Grade 60批准的J - 1966 SAE的60级


Approved J-1966 SAE Grade 50 批准的J - 1966 SAE的50级



(AIR 3560/D Grade SAE 50) (航空3560 / D级SAE的50)



MS-20的MS - 20


NATO Code北约代号

O-117 Obsolete Ø - 117已停产


Joint Service联合服务

OM-270奥姆- 270

OM-370 Obsolete奥姆- 370已停产


AeroShell Straight Grade Engine Oils大气外壳直级发动机油

AeroShell Oil 65, AeroShell Oil 80, AeroShell Oil 100 and AeroShell Oil 120 are straight mineral oils blended from selected high viscosity index base oils. These oils do not contain any additives except for very small amounts of pour point depressant (which aids to improve fluidity at very low temperatures) and an anti-oxidant.大气外壳油65,大气外壳油80,大气外壳油100和120人直大气外壳石油矿物油混合油选定的高粘度指数的基础。这些油不含有任何添加剂,改善流动性,以辅助除了极少量的降凝剂(在非常低的温度)和抗氧化剂。

AeroShell Oil 65, AeroShell Oil 80, AeroShell Oil 100 and AeroShell Oil 120 are approved for all aviation piston engines of civil aircraft when the use of an oil not containing a dispersant additive is required; however, they should also be used during the break-in of a new aviation piston engine or those recently overhauled.大气外壳油65,大气外壳油80,大气外壳油100和大气外壳石油120人批准所需的所有民用航空活塞发动机飞机时使用的分散剂的油含有添加剂,但他们也应该用在磨合在新的航空活塞式发动机或大修的最近。

The specially blended High Viscosity Index base oils in AeroShell Oil 65, 80, 100 and 120 have been designed to provide effective protection to engine components compared to conventional mineral oils.特别混合的高粘度指数基础油和120在大气外壳油65,80,100的设计提供有效的保护发动机部件比传统矿物油。 This ensures complete confidence and peace of mind knowing that your aircraft will perform reliably in between scheduled overhauls.这将确保xx有信心和安全感,因为您知道飞机将进行大修可靠之间举行。

AeroShell Oil 65, AeroShell Oil 80, AeroShell Oil 100 and AeroShell Oil 120 are produced to meet fully the SAE specification J-1966 (Grades SAE 30, 40, 50 and 60 respectively). Furthermore, they all have military qualification approval and are listed on the Qualified Products List (QPL) issued by the US Navy and on the Technically Acceptable Products List (TAPL) issued by the UK Ministry of Defence. The blending plants employed to manufacture these oils also hold the approval of the specification authorities and this ensures that the high quality standard is always maintained.大气外壳油65,大气外壳油80,大气外壳油100和120人大气外壳石油生产xx符合SAE的规范的J - 1966 (牌号SAE的30,40,50和60人)。此外,他们都有资格审批和军事上市对合格产品名单(品质国际)发出的美国海军并在技术上要求的产品清单(TAPL)颁发的英国国防部。聘用的调配厂生产这些油也认为当局批准的规范,这确保高标准的质量始终保持。

AeroShell Oil 120 Product Benefits大气外壳油120产品优点

  • High Viscosity Index Base Oils used in AeroShell oils maintain their viscosity and protect engine components more effectively under the high shear stresses that an engine places on lubricants. 高粘度指数基础油中使用的油料大气外壳发动机部件更有效地保持在高剪切粘度和保护他们强调,地方上的发动机润滑油。
  • Approved for all reciprocating engines of civil aircraft used for running-in operations or older generation engines requiring non-additive type engine oils (refer to manufacturers recommendations).建议批准是指制造商为油(往复式发动机引擎的所有民用飞机用于运行在老一代的发动机业务或要求非添加剂型)。
  • Provides Compatibility with other approved aircraft piston engine oils. 提供兼容其他经批准的飞机活塞发动机油。 Since AeroShell Oil 65, AeroShell Oil 80, AeroShell Oil 100 and AeroShell Oil 120 are fully approved to SAE J-1966 and are listed on the relevant Qualified Products List (QPL), elaborate precautions are not needed when changing from similarly approved aircraft engine oils, as long as these oils are qualified products.由于大气外壳油65,大气外壳油80,大气外壳油100和大气外壳石油120人xx批准的SAE J - 1966是)上市的有关合格产品名单(品质,精心预防措施时,并不需要改变油从飞机发动机同样批准只要这些油是合格产品。
  • AeroShell Oils are inherently stable in storage. Providing that they have been stored and handled correctly, prolonged storage does not have any effect on their quality, properties or performance. 大气外壳油在本质上储存稳定。提供,他们已被正确地存储和处理,贮存过久没有任何影响其质量,性能或性能。

AeroShell Oil 120 Health and Safety大气外壳油120健康和安全

AeroShell Oil 65, AeroShell Oil 80, AeroShell Oil 100 and AeroShell Oil 120 are unlikely to present any significant health or safety hazard when properly used in the recommended application, and good standards of industrial and personal hygiene are maintained.大气外壳油65,大气外壳油80,大气外壳油100和大气外壳石油120人不太可能提出任何重大的健康或安全隐患时,应用程序中使用正确的建议和良好的个人卫生标准的工业和维持。

  壳牌航空润滑脂22# Aeroshell Grease 22 符合标准:MIL-G-81322D
    1. 产品说明:壳牌航空22#脂是高级多效润滑脂,由以“微凝胶”增稠的合成碳氢油构成,具有优良的特性。其中加入了添加剂以提高抗氧化能力和防腐能力,增强抗磨损性和加大负荷能力。
    2. 应用:被特别推荐用于严苛条件下的操作,例如高轴承负载、高速、宽的使用温度范围等。特别适合于对润滑持续性和防水性要求高的操作。它广泛的应用范围由:飞机机轮轴承、发动机福建、控制系统、调节器、螺旋起重器、随动机械和电子马达、直升机转子轴承、仪表、机身的润滑、铰链栓销、静动关节和着陆齿轮。它可以和5#、7#和16#混用。这样它们间的相互替换在性能上就不会发生问题。它含有一种合成碳氢化合物油,不宜与某些不相适应的密封材料接触使用。

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