

2010-06-09 10:12:12 阅读4 评论0 字号:

作为液压系统中的重要元件,减压阀的作用是使出口压力低于进口压力,保持出口压力稳定,不受入口压力和流量的影响;一旦发生泄漏,不仅影响生产的正常进行,还造成液压油的损失,污染环境;在船用液压系统中,减压阀作为主要控制元件,其密封的重要性更是不言而喻的。 在减压阀的运行过程中,发现减压阀的压力调节腔内部油液在连接套和阀体的连接处有外渗现象;在对减压阀拆开维修过程中,发现连接套的连接螺纹上有凝固的紧固胶形成凹凸面,而且O型圈已经变形,形成泄漏通道,严重影响了连接套和阀体之间的密封性。 1、密封问题的分析 经过和相关专家共同分析后发现,该减压阀的连接套和阀体之间的密封主要是依靠连接套和阀体内壁之间的O型圈进行周向密封,该密封一旦实效,其 外泄漏是不可避免的。对泄漏部位拆卸进行检查并分析后,认为连接套和阀体之间的密封存在以下问题。 (1)阀体密封面不密封。由于减压阀的连接套和阀体之间主要依靠螺纹连接;为了防止螺纹松动,在减压阀组装时,在连接套外螺纹上涂抹紧固胶,紧固胶溢流到O型圈的环密封面上,紧固胶凝固后在密封面上形成了凹凸不平的表面,形成泄漏通道,使O形圈内外密封不严,为油液的渗漏留下了隐患。 (2)O型圈压缩量偏低,造成O形圈密封失效。目前,连接套和阀体之间的O型圈的规格为φ31.47mm×φ1.78mm,密封槽深度为1.6mm,O型圈的压缩率为10.1%,远低于正常理论静密封压缩率15%~30%,不能对密封面进行有效密封,从而造成密封失效。 (3)密封形式本身的缺陷。减压阀连接套和阀体之间的密封xx依靠O型圈的周向压缩在周向进行密封,虽然该密封形式应用普遍,但是对装配操作要求严格。在装配时,需要O型圈和周向密封面保持垂直状态,否则,O型圈在周向方向容易变为椭圆形,导致O型圈和密封面不能有效接触,最终密封失效。对O型圈检查后,发现O型圈的外圆周有划痕,形成油液外渗通道。 (4)O型圈和密封面的摩擦力过大。由于在安装过程中,O型圈随着密封面一起转动,由于O型圈的硬度相对于密封面来说比较小,容易产生划痕,从而产生渗漏现象。 连接套和阀体之间的密封存在的上述4个问题,是影响减压阀连接套和阀体之间油液渗漏的重要因素,因此解决问题的措施也应该围绕这4个问题。 2、解决密封问题的措施 针对以上对减压阀油液渗漏的分析,从4个方面提出解决问题的措施。 (1)提高密封表面质量。把连接套和阀体密封面上的紧固胶xx干净,检查表面粗糙度,复查密封面尺寸;提高O型圈和密封面的密封效果。 (2)保证O形圈的压缩量。把连接套和阀体之间的O型圈的尺寸由φ31.47mm×φ1.78mm改为φ31mm×φ2mm,使O型圈的压缩量由10.1%增加到20%,从而提高了O型圈的密封面的面积。 (3)增加端面密封。虽然采取了以上提高密封面质量以及提高O型圈的压缩量,在一定程度上可以预防油液的渗漏;但是,并不能从根本上解决O型圈渗漏的隐患;因此,在以上措施的基础上,在连接套和阀体的轴向方向再增加端面密封,安装槽的深度为1.5mm,O型圈的规格为φ24.5mm×φ2mmmm,压缩量为25%。 端面密封的优点在于:O型圈与密封面充分接触,提高了密封效果, (4)降低O型圈和密封面之间的摩擦力。在装配连接套和阀体时,用清洁的润滑油涂抹在O型圈和密封面上,降低摩擦阻力,防止O型圈被划伤。 3、改造后的密封效果 (1)连接套和阀体的密封面质量得到提高,保证O型圈的密封质量。 (2)O型圈的压缩量得到提高,密封效果进一步提高。 (3)增加端面密封,从根本上解决了减压阀渗漏的问题。 (4)降低了装配过程中O型圈和密封面的摩擦力,避免了划痕的产生。 4、结束语 按照以上改造措施改进过的20台产品,在2008年2~12月的10个月的使用期间没有发生渗漏现象,基本达到零泄漏的效果,不仅解决了由于液压油泄漏造成的环境问题,而且减少了设备的停机维护时间,提高了设备的工作效率,降低了使用成本,为后续类似渗漏问题打下了坚实基础。

“ Failure of the static valve seal ”是由提供的阀门行业新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国减压阀网还提供相关产品搜索: 、 、 、 、 等。

As an important component in the hydraulic system, the role of valve outlet pressure below the inlet pressure to maintain the outlet pressure stability, free from the impact of inlet pressure and flow; the event of a leak, not only affect the normal production, also caused hydraulic oil loss, pollution of the environment; in Marine hydraulic systems, pressure reducing valve as the main control component, the importance of its seal is self-evident. During the running of the valve and found that the pressure regulator valve within the fluid chamber and the valve cover in connection with the junction leakage phenomenon; in the valve open during maintenance was found to connect the connection set solidification of the fastening screw on a plastic forming concave and convex surfaces, and the O-ring has been deformed to form a leak channel, seriously affecting the connection between the cover and body sealing. 1, the problem of sealing After analysis and related experts found that the valve cover and body connection between the seal sets are mainly relying on connections between the wall and the valve body O-ring for weeks to seal, the seal once the results, its external leakage is inevitable. Demolition site inspection of the leak and analysis, that the connection between the seal sleeve and the body the following problems. (1) body sealing surface is not sealed. As the valve between the connection sleeve and the body mainly depend on threaded connections; to prevent the screw loose in the valve assembly, the connection set of external threads on smearing glue fastening, fastening plastic overflow to the O-ring ring sealing surface, fastening glue solidified sealing surface formed in the uneven surface, the formation of leakage channels, so that O-Quan Neiwai Mifengbuyan, left for the oil leakage risks. (2) O-ring compression is low, resulting in O-ring seal failure. At present, the connection sleeve and the body O-ring between the specifications for the φ31.47mm × φ1.78mm, sealing groove depth is 1.6mm, O-ring compression rate was 10.1%, far lower than the theoretical compression ratio of static seals 15% ~ 30%, can not be effectively sealed against sealing surface, resulting in seal failure. (3) Seal the form of their own shortcomings. Valve connected between the sleeve and the body O-ring seal completely rely on the circumferential compression in the circumferential seal, although the seal form of universal application, but demanding assembly operations. In the assembly, the need for O-ring and the circumferential sealing surface to maintain vertical, or, O-ring in the circumferential direction easily become oval, leading to O-ring and sealing surface can not effectively access, ultimately seal failure. After inspection of the O-ring, O-ring was found to have scratch marks the outer circumference to form a fluid leakage channel. (4) O-ring and sealing surface of the friction is too large. Because the installation process, O-ring sealing surface together with the rotation, due to the hardness of O-ring sealing surface is relative small, prone to scratches, resulting leakage. Connection between the sleeve and the valve seal of the above four questions there is the impact on valve connections and valve cover oil leak between the important factor, so solutions to problems should also focus on these four issues. 2, measures to solve the sealing problem Oil leak on the valve for the above analysis, from the four aspects of measures to solve problems. (1) improve the sealing surface quality. The connection set and body sealing plastic fastening surface cleaned, check the surface roughness, review the sealing surface size; improve O-ring and sealing surface of the seal. (2) that the O-ring compression. The connection between the cover and body size O-rings replaced by the φ31.47mm × φ1.78mm φ31mm × φ2mm, so that the compression O-ring from 10.1% to 20%, thus enhancing the O-ring sealing surface area. (3) to increase seal. While the above taken to improve the quality of the sealing surface and to improve the compression O-ring, to a certain extent, prevent oil leakage; but does not fundamentally solve the O-ring leakage risks; Therefore, these measures basis, in connection kits and body to increase the axial direction of seal, the installation groove depth of 1.5mm, O-ring specifications for the φ24.5mm × φ2mmmm, compression of 25%. The advantages of seal: O-ring and sealing surface full access, improve the sealing effect, (4) reducing the O-ring and the friction between the sealing surface. Connection kits and body in the assembly, use a clean oil painting in the O-ring and sealing surface, reducing friction, prevent O-ring is scratched. 3, sealing effect after transformation (1) connection set and body to improve the quality of the sealing surface to ensure the quality of O-ring seal. (2) O-ring compression amount be increased to further improve the sealing effect. (3) increasing the seal, a fundamental solution to the valve leakage. (4) reduced the assembly process in the O-ring and sealing surface of the friction, to avoid scratches generation. 4 Conclusion According to the above reform measures to improve over the 20 sets of products, in 2008, 2 to 12 months 10 months did not occur during the use of leakage, the basic effect of zero leakage, not only solved the leakage of hydraulic oil caused due to environmental problems and reduce equipment downtime for maintenance time and improve the equipment efficiency, reduce the use of cost, for the follow-up similar to the leakage problem and lay a solid foundation.

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