外来务工人员可住公租房- yihuanbengfa - yihuanbengfa - 和讯博客
外来务工人员可住公租房 [转贴 2010-06-13 14:23:21]   

原文:Migrant workers to live in public rental
"Guidance" for conditional areas, workers and new jobs can be a stable job and a certain number of years living in urban migrant workers into the scope of supply. Concentration of migrant workers in the development zones and industrial parks, cities, county government should guide the construction of various types of investors and public rental, labor for employment in rental units or park. The supply of public rental housing supply target range and the income standard, the difficult conditions of housing, municipal and county governments to determine. Have enjoyed low-cost housing and affordable housing policy Shiwupeizu family, not rent public rental housing. Rent level of public rental housing, municipal, county overall rental housing market to consider the object's capacity to pay and supply factors such as reasonable determined dynamically adjusted according to the annual practice.
原文来自: http://www.google.com.hk/news

原文:Migrant workers to live in public rental



是由提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考(上海丰企阀门有限公司还生产 及保温钛放料阀,V型调节钛球阀,刀型钛闸阀,旋启式钛止回阀,F9T43X电动盲板阀,欢迎您的选购。)


  《指导意见》要求有条件的地区,可以将新就业职工和有稳定职业并在城市居住一定年限的外来务工人员纳入供应范围。 在外来务工人员集中的开发区和工业园区,市、县政府应引导各类投资主体建设公租房,面向用工单位或园区就业人员出租。 公共租赁住房的供应范围和供应对象的收入线标准、住房困难条件,由市、县政府确定。已享受廉租住房实物配租和经济适用住房政策的家庭,不得承租公共租赁住房。 公共租赁住房租金水平,由市、县政府统筹考虑住房市场租金水平和供应对象的支付能力等因素合理确定,并按年度实行动态调整。

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