消防栓摆乌龙物业被罚五万- yihuanbengfa - yihuanbengfa - 和讯博客
消防栓摆乌龙 物业被罚五万 [转贴 2010-06-13 15:34:49]   

原文:Inadvertent errors in the property ordered to fire hydrant 50 000
Huainan, a property management neglect of fire facilities management, resulting in the total high-rise building fire hydrant valve is closed down, a delay of fire fighting, the result was fined 50,000. June 6, Huainan Upper East Jincheng Community a 24-story residential floor at the top of a giant billboard suddenly caught fire, firefighters received the alarm to the scene, due to high floor, firefighters could only fire with fire hydrant can did not expect fire hydrant just decoration, a drop of water did not come out. Fire subsequently learned that the top two overall valve was unauthorized hydrant was shut down.
原文来自: http://www.google.com.hk/news

原文:Inadvertent errors in the property ordered to fire hydrant 50 000



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消防栓摆乌龙 物业被罚五万
       淮南一家物业管理处疏于对消防设施的管理,导致高层建筑的消防栓总阀门被关停,延误了火场灭火,结果被罚5万块。   6月6日,淮南上东锦城小区一幢24层住宅楼顶部的巨型广告牌突然起火,消防人员接到报警赶到现场,由于楼层太高,消防人员只能借助室内消火栓灭火,可没想到消防栓只是摆设,一滴水也没出来。消防随后了解到,顶层的两个消防栓总阀门被人擅自关停了。

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