保护地球 - 兽犹如此,人何以堪_心连碧水水连天_新浪博客

一套由Animal Planet出品的公益短片,借各种可爱的小动物们来告诉我们一些环保的小常识。平时一直很注意环保,即便是亲眼目睹垃圾车把分类垃圾箱的垃圾倒在一起还是会很小心的分类丢垃圾,期待某{yt}垃圾车会真正分类回收一下。






1. Turn off what you don't use 关闭不用的电器

What we leave on standby not only produces greenhouse gases but can also keep some of us awake at night.


2. Don't waste energy 不要浪费能源

Definitely not a couple of bright sparks.


3. Use only the water you need 节约用水

Perhaps it might be nicer to think of others before you use up all the water.


4. Using energy saving lightbulbs 使用节能灯泡

Energy saving bulbs use one fifth of the energy of ordinary bulbs.


5. Eat a healthy balanced diet 合理饮食

The more meat we eat, the more cows there are producing greenhouse gases.


6. Recycle your rubbish 垃圾回收

Oh... Don't you just hate it when someone else's rubbish ruins your lunch break.


7. Recycle all you can 尽可能多的回收

if animals can recycle, so can we.


8. Insulate your home 加强房子的隔温

Is your heating turned up too high?


9. Use biodegradable product 使用可降解的产品

Do give a thought to where our rubbish goes


10. Cut your emissions 减少尾气排放

I think we can all agree, cycling produces no emissions and its good for you.


11. Avoid using plastic bags 减少塑料袋的使用

We could all bring our own bags when we go shopping.




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