

2010-06-08 14:04:56 阅读11 评论0 字号:

原文:Dump Truck features valve-related requirements
1) commissioning: valve at the nominal pressure, nominal flow conditions should be changed to a flexible, no abnormal sound, pressure, oil change direction should be accurate. 2) Pressure loss: at rated flow conditions, the valve pressure loss for each channel shall not be greater than 0.3MPa. 3) within the leak: leak test carried out within the valve leakage amount per minute shall not exceed the rated flow rate of 0.6%. Note: leakage within the provisions of any value for the location of the measurement work of mouth leakage combined. 4) pressure: pressure test conducted, the valve may not appear broken, there shall be no drop of oil and other various anomalies. 5) Durability: durability tests carried out should meet the requirements of 4.2 and 4.3.
原文来自: http://www.google.com.hk/news

原文:Dump Truck features valve-related requirements



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  1)试运转:换向阀在公称压力、额定流量的条件下应换向灵活,不得出现异常的声响,压力油的转换方向应准确无误。 2)压力损失:在额定流量条件下,阀各通道的压力损失不得大于0.3MPa。 3)内泄漏:进行内泄漏试验时,阀的每分钟内泄漏量不得超过额定流量的0.6%。 注:内泄漏量规定值为任一工作位置时各测量口泄漏量的总和。 4)耐压性:进行耐压试验时,阀不得出现破裂,各部位不得出现滴油等异常现象。 5)耐久性:进行耐久性试验后,应满足4.2和4.3的要求。

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