PEP4 Unit5 PA Read and write 章淼 教案_清晨之恋_新浪博客

PEP4 Unit5 PA Read and write

Teaching aims:

  1. Students can master the four-skilled words: big, small, long, short, nice.
  2. Students can master the four-skilled sentence patterns: How much is it?  It's yuan.
  3. Students can understand the dialogue.

main point:

Students can master the four-skilled words and sentence patterns.

difficult points:

1. The spelling of these words.

Teaching procedures:

Step one: Warm up/ review


T: Look, let's read in groups.

Ss: N, O, W, now.   T: Good job!

(示意学生读出来)SS: Its 1:30 p.m. now. Lets have English class now.

T: OK, I agree.


2. Step two: Presentation

1. How much is it? Its yuan.

T: Look, whats this?  S: umbrella.

T: U, U, (提示学生读出字母在单词中发音)

Ss read the words: cup, but.

T: The umbrella is pretty, I like it very much, but its expensive.

(板书:The ____is ____, but its too  _____

T: Then, whats this, its cheap.

S: Its a peach.

Ch,[t?],[t?], much (板书)

T: The peach is cheap.  How much is it?

  Look, how much is it? (板书: How much is it? )

S: Its one yuan.  (板书:Its one yuan.)

2. take,big, will, nice, long, short, tall

a. How much is the cake? ------take-----Ill take it.

b. read and find the different one

c. where is this place?----Hongkong-----long------the__ is __, but its too long., fish---sh---short

e. wall---tall wall ---ball---small ball---I can see a small ball on a tall wall.


a. listen

T: Well done, students, now youve got the ticket. Lets go shopping!

  Look! Who isin the shop too?

Ss: a rabbit, monkey, a panda and a giraffe.

T: Listen, they are talking!

 What are they talking about?

b. read after the tape.

c. filling the blank

d. finish the Ss workbook

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