

2010-06-09 09:47:51 阅读4 评论0 字号:

1.水泵的安装要点 水泵的安装位置应满足允许吸上真空高度的要求,基础必须水平、稳固,保证动力机械的旋转方向与水泵的旋转方向一致。水泵和动力机采用轴联接时,要保证轴心在同一直线上,以防机组运行时产生振动及轴承单面磨损;若采用胶带传动,则应使轴心相互平行,胶带轮对正。若同一机房内有多台机组,机组与机组之间,机组与墙壁之间都应有800mm以上的距离。水泵吸水管必须密封良好,且尽量减少弯头和闸阀,加注引水时应排尽空气,运行时管内不应积聚空气,要求吸水管微呈上斜与水泵进水口联接,进水口应有一定的淹没深度。水泵基础上的预留孔,应根据水泵的尺寸浇注。 2.水泵常见故障分析及处理方法 不同类型的水泵,其故障的表现形式不一样,但概括起来,有以下几个共同特点。 (1)流量不足 产生原因:影响水泵流量不足多是吸水管漏气、底阀漏气;进水口堵塞;底阀入水深度不足;水泵转速太低;密封环或叶轮磨损过大;吸水高度超标等。 处理方法:检查吸水管与底阀,堵住漏气源;清理进水口处的淤泥或堵塞物;底阀入水深度必须大于进水管直径的1.5倍,加大底阀入水深度;检查电源电压, 提高水泵转速,更换密封环或叶轮;降低水泵的安装位置,或更换高扬程水泵。 (2)功率消耗过大 产生原因:水泵转速太高;水泵主轴弯曲或水泵主轴与电机主轴不同心或不平行;选用水泵扬程不合适;水泵吸入泥沙或有堵塞物;电机滚珠轴承损坏等。 处理方法:检查电路电压,降低水泵转速; 矫正水泵主轴或调整水泵与电机的相对位置;选用合适扬程的水泵;清理泥沙或堵塞物;更换电机的滚珠轴承。 (3)泵体剧烈振动或产生噪音 产生原因:水泵安装不牢或水泵安装过高;电机滚珠轴承损坏;水泵主轴弯曲或与电机主轴不同心、不平行等。 处理方法:装稳水泵或降低水泵的安装高度;更换电机滚珠轴承;矫正弯曲的水泵主轴或调整好水泵与电机的相对位置。 (4)传动轴或电机轴承过热 产生原因:缺少润滑油或轴承破裂等。 处理方法:加注润滑油或更换轴承。 (5)水泵不出水 产生原因:泵体和吸水管没灌满引水;动水位低于水泵滤水管;吸水管破裂等。 处理方法:排除底阀故障,灌满引水;降低水泵的安装位置,使滤水管在动水位之下,或等动水位升过滤水管再抽水;修补或更换吸水管。

“ Pump Installation and common failure point approach ”是由提供的国际水泵新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国化工泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

1. Water pump installation points Pumps should be installed to meet the permitted height of suction on the vacuum requirements must be based on level, secure, guarantee power machinery of the rotation direction of pump rotation in the same direction. Water pump and power machine with shaft connection, we must ensure that the axis along the same line, to prevent the machine vibration and bearing run-time single-sided wear; the use of a tape drive, it should be parallel to the axis, belt wheel is. If more units within the same room, unit and among units, among units and the walls should have a distance of more than 800mm. Pump suction pipe must be sealed well, and to minimize the elbow and the valve, the water should be drained filling the air, run-time tube should not build up the air, required suction tube oblique micro goes to the intake connection with pump, intake should be certain submerged depth. Reserve based on pump hole, should be based on the size of pump casting. 2. Pump fault analysis and treatment Different types of pumps, their failures on different forms, but can be summarized as the following common features. (1) flow less than Reason: lack of effect of pump suction pipe is leaking more than, the end of valve leakage; into the outlet plug; end of the valve into the water deep enough; pump speed is too low; seal wear ring or impeller is too large; absorbent such as excessive height. Treatment: Check the suction pipe and the bottom valve, blocked the leak source; clean water inlet of the mud or blockages; end of the valve into the water depth must be greater than 1.5 times the diameter of the inlet, increasing the depth of the bottom valve into the water; Check power supply voltage, Increase pump speed or impeller seal ring replacement; lower pump installation location, or replacement of the high lift pump. (2) excessive power consumption Reason: pump speed is too high; pump shaft and motor shaft bending or pump shaft misalignment or non-parallel; inappropriate use pump head; pump sediment or inhalation of obstruction; motor ball bearing failures. Treatment: Check the circuit voltage and reduce the pump speed; correction or adjustment of pump and pump motor shaft relative position; choose the right pump head; clean sand or blockages; replacement of ball bearing motor. (3) severe vibration or noise pump Cause: Installation is not strong or the water pump install water pump too high; motor ball bearing damage; water pump shaft and motor shaft bending or misalignment, not parallel and so on. Approach: install stable installation of pumps or lower pump height; replace motor bearings; correct bent pump shaft or adjust the relative position of pump and motor. (4) or the motor drive shaft bearing overheated Reason: lack of lubrication or bearing breakdowns. Approach: filling oil or replacement. (5) No water pump Reason: did not fill pump and suction hose water; water level below the pump filter pipe; suction tube rupture. Treatment: Exclude the end of valve failure, filled with water; reduce water pump installation, and make the filter pipe to move under the water, or water filter such as water level rose further pumping; repair or replace suction line.

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