官方原文地址: ---------------------------------- 相关文章目录: ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cairngorm为Flex应用程序的提供参考架构,设计旨在让事情保持简单。它描述了一个大型应用程序的构建出更小的单位的方式。 一个Cairngorm应用由以下组成:
结构层 不同功能的类,归属到不同的层,从而可以单独的改变。因此,如果视觉设计需要调整,大部分的改变只是在表示层的类,而不是其它部分的代码。 Cairngorm 通过驱动设计模式来描述层:
继续阅读了解结构层之间的关系,功能区和设计模式的关系。以后,你可以参考每个结构层的详细指南。 功能区 应用程序通常是由不同的功能区组成,像一个发布的编辑器和一个新闻列表。功能区的代码应该集合在一起,与其它功能区的代码区分开来,因此,它可以独 立的开发,测试。
对于一个功能区的代码应该放在一个单独的源码包下。虽然一个Flash Builder 项目可能包含多个功能区,通常的做法是把它们提取到一模块或者子应用中,与应用项目分开来储存。共享基础代码,像可再使用的组件和公用类,{zh0}提取到一个 库项目中。 功能区通常包含它们自已的展示和应用层。有时它们包含自己的域模块,但有时与其它功能区共享一些域消息。在这种情况下,共享的域模块通常是被提取到 库项目中,那样功能区可以依赖。 功能区之间交互是通过接口。这些通常是由事件和as接口组成。共享基础设施,如消息传递框架或服务注册,往往是用来方便交流。 Functional areas also reuse components, styles and skins for a consistent look and feel and to prevent code duplication. These are a kind of infrastructure, like the components in the Flex SDK, that should be designed without knowledge of the particular business domain of an application. 功能区也重用组件,样式和皮肤,防止代码重复。这是基础设施的一种,像Flex SDK中的组件,设计的为没有特定业务相关的。 设计模式 are repeatable solutions to commonly occurring problems in software design.设计模式是解决在软件设计中产生的重复问题,Cairngorm 编录了一些在Flex有效的设计模式。它们可以应用在功能区内部和跨层以带来巨大代码基础的一致性。例如,Command 模式是提倡封装操作,Presentation (展示)模式是提倡移除状态和可视组件的逻辑。
总结 The Cairngorm architecture recommends composing larger applications from smaller parts, known as functional areas. It recommends separating code into architectural layers, based on the kind of responsibilities that are carried out. And it recommends applying consistent design patterns to solve recurring problems and advocates a number of these that have proven useful in Flex applications. An analogy for the Cairngorm architecture might be a number of businesses doing work together. Each business premises is a functional area. The building’s exterior and decoration is its presentation layer. Inside there are people carrying out tasks and they are the application layer. The business that is accomplished – the products created and sold – is the domain layer, and the building materials, telephones and coffee machines that facilitate the whole enterprise are the infrastructure layer. To find out more about the Cairngorm architecture, you can refer to the documentation on the and . -- 本篇参考源作者:火柴工作坊 |