专为女性单板和双板滑雪爱好者设计的网站- 霞客- 户外知识


  SportsOneSource媒体2007年10月29日报道:Ski Chick公司为女性单板和双板滑雪者专门建成了一个网站,网址为,网站除了囊括一些滑雪相关配件和服装信息外,还为爱好滑雪的女士提供滑雪各方面的新闻消息,以及一个比赛活动的日志。

  总部位于纽约的Pouughkeepsie指出,在05 - 06赛季,5900万升降机票买主中有49%为女性,相比前一赛季由全国滑雪场协会给出的数据提高了5%。此外,女性相关滑雪用品总销售额增长64%。

  原文:Female Snowboarder/Ski Website Launched

  SportsOneSource Media     Posted: 10/29/2007

  Ski Chick LLC has launched a site for female snowboarders and skiers. In addition to accessories and clothing, features snowboarding and skiing news for women and girls, with a free current events calendar on women and girls-only clinics and competitions.

  The Pouughkeepsie, NY-based firm noted that during the ‘05-’06 season, some 49% of the 59 million lift ticket buyers were women, up 5% from the previous season according to the National Ski Areas Association. Further, the total dollar sales of female-related ski goods has grown 64% since the ‘01 - ’02 season according to Leisure Trends Group, a research firm that tracks outdoors sports.

  Company founder Teresa Scanlon said in a statement, “Encouraging women and girls to celebrate their passion for snow sports is what Ski Chick is all about. Girls are on the mountain to stay. We‘ve found they want to wear fun clothing and hip accessories that reflect their love of sliding and riding. Grade-schoolers, hipsters, and even lodge Moms will find that skichick.com has something for everyone.”



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