泵在各个领域中的应用- 化工泵- 化工泵- 和讯博客
泵在各个领域中的应用 [转贴 2010-06-11 15:27:24]   

  从泵的性能范围看,巨型泵的流量每小时可达几十万立方米以上,而微型泵的流量每小时则在几十毫升以下;泵的压力可从常压到高达19.61Mpa(200kgf/cm2)以上;被输送液体的温度{zd1}达-200摄氏度以下,{zg}可达800摄氏度以上。泵输送液体的种类繁多,诸如输送水(清水、污水等)、油液、酸碱液、悬浮液、和液态金属等。 在化工和石油部门的生产中,原料、半成品和成品大多是液体,而将原料制成半成品和成品,需要经过复杂的工艺过程,泵在这些过程中起到了输送液体和提供化学反应的压力流量的作用,此外,在很多装置中还用泵来调节温度。 在农业生产中,泵是主要的排灌机械。我国农村幅原广阔,每年农村都需要大量的泵,一般来说农用泵占泵总产量一半以上。 在矿业和冶金工业中,泵也是使用最多的设备。矿井需要用泵排水,在选矿、冶炼和轧制过程中,需用泵来供水先等。 在电力部门,核电站需要核主泵、二级泵、三级泵、热电厂需要大量的锅炉给水泵、冷凝水泵、循环水泵和灰渣泵等。 在国防建设中,飞机襟翼、尾舵和起落架的调节、军舰和坦克炮塔的转动、潜艇的沉浮等都需要用泵。高压和有放射性的液体,有的还要求泵无任何泄漏等。 在船舶制造工业中,每艘远洋轮上所用的泵一般在百台以上, 其类型也是各式各样的。其它如城市的给排水、蒸汽机车的用水、机床中的润滑和冷却、纺织工业中输送漂液和染料、造纸工业中输送纸浆,以及食品工业中输送牛奶和糖类食品等,都需要有大量的泵。 总之,无论是飞机、火箭、坦克、潜艇、还是钻井、采矿、火车、船舶,或者是日常的生活,到处都需要用泵,到处都有泵在运行。正是这样,所以把泵列为通用机械,它是机械工业中的一类生要产品。

“ Pump applications in various fields”是由提供的国际水泵新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国化工泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

Performance range from the pump to see a huge flow pump up to hundreds of thousands of cubic meters per hour, while the micro-flow pump in the tens of milliliters per hour; pump from atmospheric pressure to as high as 19.61Mpa (200kgf / cm2) above; is the lowest temperature of the liquid transport up to -200 degrees Celsius, up to 800 degrees Celsius. Pumping a wide range of liquid, such as transport of water (clean water, sewage, etc.), oil, acid and alkali liquid, suspension, and the liquid metal. In the chemical and oil sector production, raw materials, semi-finished and finished products are mostly liquid, and semi-finished and finished products to raw materials, need to go through a complex process, pump played in these processes and the provision of transportation of liquid chemical reaction of the pressure and flow role, in addition, the device also used in many pumps to adjust the temperature. In agricultural production, the pump is the main irrigation and drainage machinery. China's vast rural areas of the original pieces, each year in rural areas need a lot of pumps, agricultural pumps generally account for more than half of the pump output. In the mining and metallurgical industry, pumps are the most used equipment. Mine need to pump water, in mineral processing, smelting and rolling process, needed to pump water first so. In the electricity sector, nuclear power plants need nuclear main pump, two pumps, three pumps, thermal power plants require large amounts of boiler feed pumps, condensate pumps, circulating pumps and ash pumps. In national defense construction, the aircraft flaps, rudder and landing gear of the adjustment, warships and tanks turret rotation, the submarine's ups and downs and so need to pump. High pressure and radioactive liquid, and some also called pump without any leakage. In the shipbuilding industry, on every ocean-going round of pump is generally used in more than 100 units of its type is also a wide range of. Others, such as urban drainage, water steam locomotive, machine tool lubrication and cooling, conveying the textile industry, liquid bleach and dye, paper pulp industry, transportation and food delivery industry food milk and sugar are required a large number of pumps. In short, both the aircraft, rockets, tanks, submarines, or drilling, mining, trains, ships, or everyday life, everywhere need to pump, pump running everywhere. It is so, so the pump as general machinery, it is the machinery industry to a class of health products.

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