橙盒科技芯片解密咨询电话:0755- 82221641,82175584
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The W77L058A is a fast 8051 compatible microcontroller with a redesigned processor core without wasted clock and memory cycles. As a result, it executes every 8051 instruction faster than the original 8051 for the same crystal speed. Typically, the instruction executing time of W77L058A is 1.5 to 3 times faster then that of traditional 8051, depending on the type of instruction. In general, the overall performance is about 2.5 times better than the original for the same crystal speed. Giving the same throughput with lower clock speed, power consumption has been improved. The W77L058A contains 32 KB Flash EPROM, and provides operating voltage from 4.5V to 5.5V. All W77E58 types also support on-chip 1 KB SRAM without external memory component and glue logic, saving more I/O pins for users’ application usage if they use on-chip SRAM instead of external SRAM.
8-bit CMOS microcontroller
High speed architecture of 4 clocks/machine cycle runs up to 40 MHz
Pin compatible with standard 80C52
Instruction-set compatible with MCS-51
Four 8-bit I/O Ports
One extra 4-bit I/O port and Wait State control signal
(available on 44-pin PLCC/QFP package)
Three 16-bit Timers
12 interrupt sources with two levels of priority
On-chip oscillator and clock circuitry
Two enhanced full duplex serial ports
32 KB Flash EPROM
256 bytes scratch-pad RAM
1 KB on-chip SRAM for MOVX instruction
Programmable Watchdog Timer
Dual 16-bit Data Pointers
Software programmable access cycle to external RAM/peripherals
新唐科技于2008年7月由华邦电子分割,为华邦电子之关系企业。新唐科技延续华邦电子分割前逻辑IC事业之产品线、核心技术、合作伙伴、客户群及业务等,同时持续强化产品创新及对终端应用市场的了解,在既有之基础上提供客户更佳之服务水平。新唐科技承袭华邦电子已往于计算机逻辑IC相关产品领域深耕多年的经验,在motherboard I/O controller拥有高市占率,为因应计算机系统发展渐趋多元化之需求,陆续推出如强化计算机安全机制之TPM芯片、Sideshow芯片等产品。消费电子产品则专注于消费性IC、语音IC、多媒体IC等产品之设计研发,以深厚的设计实力取得客户之信任。新唐科技重视与客户及合作伙伴的长期关系,在美国、中国大陆、以色列等地均设有研发与服务机构,强化地区性客户支持服务与全球运筹管理。在质量方面,通过严格的生产流程控制与品管作业,强化良率提升、供应链管理与客户满意度之成效。
新唐(Nuvoton) 命名
新唐科技(Nuvoton Technology Corporation)的英文名:Nuvoton 是「Nuvo」与「Ton」两个字的组合。「Nuvo」在法文发音中与新(Nouveau)发音相近;「Ton」在英文发音中与唐朝的唐(Tang)发音相近,而唐朝为中国史上最兴盛的朝代之一,唐朝在国际文化交流、经济贸易、科技创新上皆有辉煌的成就,使它成为世界的中心。新唐科技将秉持{zy1}发展之创新精神、紧密结合之客户关系,以及汇集凝聚全球人才,致力于实践新唐愿景 –「成为产业{ldz}{jd1}需要的伙伴(An indispensable partner to industry leaders)」,同时也象征了新唐科技欲在IC产业开创全新大唐盛世的精神。
橙盒科技芯片解密咨询电话:0755- 82221641,82175584
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