新疆潜水泵厂停用xx囱推广节能灯- cilibengwang - 博客大巴
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      新华网乌鲁木齐6月4日电 “去冬以来,我们厂关掉了大锅炉,把厂房里的上千个灯泡全部更换成节能灯。半年来,xx一项就节约了120吨煤炭,厂区的环境也好了。”6月2日,新疆潜水泵厂财务人员李金华高兴地对笔者说。   农六师一○一团新疆潜水泵厂是疆内{zd0}的潜水泵生产企业。近年,该厂坚持科学发展,以节能减排推动产业结构的调整和优化,取得了一定成效。   为增强职工的环保意识和节能减排的自觉性,该厂广泛开展“节约一滴水、一块煤、一寸材、一滴油、一张纸”活动,使节能减排指标落实到岗位、班组和个人,成为大家的自觉行动。2009年,该厂根据实际情况,关闭了3400平方米的大厂房,对两个面积2000平方米的车库停止供暖,将工作人员集中办公。这样一来,原来每天需要4个班组8个人烧锅炉,现在只需要1个班组2个人,原来的大锅炉、xx囱全部停掉了。   在此基础上,该厂拿出100万元资金作为激励基金,发动职工广泛参与提合理化建议和小革新、小发明、小设计、小创新、小窍门“五小”活动,大力开发推广节能减排新技术、新工艺、新材料、新设备。近期,车间工人先后研制出了环保排污泵、鱼塘增氧泵、深井手动泵、化工单螺杆泵等系列新产品,受到市场青睐,推动了企业产业结构的调整优化。

    “ Submersible Pump Factory smokestacks out of Xinjiang to promote energy-saving lamps”是由提供的水泵行业新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

    Xinhua Xinhua Urumqi on June 4, "Since last winter, we turn off a large boiler plant to plant thousands of years to replace all light bulbs into energy-saving lamps. Six months, this alone saves 120 tons of coal, plant better social environment. "June 2, Li Jinhua, financial officers Xinjiang diving pump works I am glad to say. Sixth Agricultural education today ○ diving Pump Factory is a mass of Xinjiang Xinjiang, the largest submersible pump manufacturer. In recent years, the plant adhere to scientific development, to promote energy saving and optimization of industrial structure adjustment, and achieved some success. To enhance staff environmental awareness and consciousness of energy conservation, the plant extensively carried out, "saving a drop of water, a piece of coal, an inch of wood, a drop of oil, a piece of paper," enabling the implementation of energy saving targets to job, team and individual , become a conscious action. In 2009, the plant according to the actual situation, shut down 3,400-square-meter large factory area of 2,000 square meters of the two to stop heating the garage, will focus on office staff. Thus, the original 8-day team need four individual boiler, now only a 2 person team, the original large boilers, smokestacks all halted. On this basis, the plant come up with one million yuan of funds as an incentive fund to mobilize broad participation of workers provide reasonable suggestions and small innovations, small inventions, small design, small innovations, know-how "five small", to vigorously promote energy conservation by developing row of new technologies, new processes, new materials and new equipment. Recently, the shop workers have developed the environmentally friendly sewage pumps, pond aeration pumps, deep well hand pumps, chemical screw pump series of new products, favored by the market, contribute to its industrial structure adjustment and optimization.


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