[香港] 龟兔赛跑!Smartone-Vodafone 推Micro-SIM服务

缁? 鍚庯紝Smartone-Vodafone 浠婂ぉ鎺ㄥ嚭 Micro-SIM 鏈堣垂璁″垝 - Tablet Micro-SIM锛屾湀璐?HKD$198 + 琛屾斂璐?HKD$12 = HKD$200锛岀绾﹀崄鍏釜鏈堬紝鎻愪緵7.2Mbps 涓嬭浇 / 5.4Mbps 涓婅浇閫熷害锛屾棤闄愭暟鎹敤閲忓強 WIFI 鏈嶅姟锛屽苟鎻愪緵 X-Power 鏈嶅姟锛屼互鏀寔鍚勪笉鍚岀被鍨?Flash Video 鎾斁銆?br />
Smartone-Vodafone X-Power 涓昏鍒╃敤鍏舵湇鍔″櫒锛岃繘琛屽奖鐗囨牸寮忚浆鎹㈡湇鍔★紝鎶?Flash 褰辩墖锛屽彉鎴?MPEG H.264 鏍煎紡褰辩墖锛屼互渚跨敤鎴锋挱鏀撅紝骞跺悓鏃舵彁渚?RSS 鍙?Podcast 鏈嶅姟銆傝烦杞湅绮鹃噰鐨?Smartone-Vodafone 璁拌€呬細褰辩墖銆?br />
[Thx. Danny]

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