
产品系列                 Products Series


一、前处理助剂系列                    Pre-treatment auxiliary series

渗透剂                              Penetrating agent

丝光渗透剂                        Mercerized penetrating agent

非离子渗透剂                     Non-ionic penetrating agent

耐碱渗透剂                        Penetrating agent for strong alkali

精练剂                             Scouring agent

多功能精练剂                    Muti-funtion scouring agent

双氧水稳定剂                    Stability Agent for the H2O2

双氧水中和剂                    Neutralizing agent for the hydrogen peroxide

退浆剂                            Desizing agent

枧油                               Detergent agent

无泡枧油                         Non-foam detergent agent

多功能枧油                      Muti-funtion detergent agent

除油剂                           Removing oil agent

螯合分散剂                     Chelated Dispersing Agent

毛效提升剂                     Increasing agent for capillary

酵素                             Enzyme Agent

除氧酶                          Enzymatic bleach clean-up Agent K-50 for H2O2

消泡剂                          De-foam Agent

枧胶粒                          Soap-boiling powder

二、染色助剂系列                                 Dyeing  Auxiliary Series

无醛固色剂(4级)           Formaldehydeless Color Fixing (the fastness 4)

酸性匀染剂                     Acid leveling Agent

聚酯纤维匀染剂               Leveling for the polyester

棉用匀染剂                    Leveling for the cotton

腈纶匀染剂                    Leveling for Acrylic fibres

皂洗剂                          Scouring Agent

浴中防皱剂                     Preventing crease Agent in bathing

剥色剂                          Removing Color Agent

螯合分散剂                     Chelated Dispersing Agent

修补剂                          Mending Agent

酸性固色剂                     Acid color fixing Agent

除固剂                          Removing color-fixing Agnet

膨化剂                          Swelling carrier agent for terylene

环保型保险粉                  Environmental  “rongalite”

湿擦牢度增进剂               Increasing agent for the wet friction fastness

腈纶缓染剂                     Retarding agent for Acrylic

防沉剂                          Anti-settling  agent

三、后整理助剂系列                        After-treatment auxiliary series

硬挺整理树脂                  Stiffening agent

纺织专用白乳胶               Llatex for textile

起毛剂                          Fuzzy agent

阻燃剂                          Fire retardant

亲水性软油                     Softener for hydrophilic

软片                             Softener flakes

平滑剂                          Smoothing agent

防水剂                          Sater proofing agent

氨基硅油                       Amino silicon oil

亲水性硅油                    Hydrophilic silicon oil

除硅剂                          Remove silicon stain agent

吸湿排汗柔软王               Absorbed water softener for cotton

涤纶吸湿排汗整理剂         Absorbed water finishing for the terylene

高浓多功能整理剂            High content muti-funtion for finishing

抗静电剂                       Anlistatig agent

易去污整理剂                 Easy remove dirt for finishing

四、印花助剂系列                        Auxiliary series for printing

增稠剂                          Thickening agent for printing

粘合剂                          Binder for printing

防沾皂洗剂                     Washing agent for preventing staining

印花消泡剂                     De-foam agent for printing

五、增白剂系列                         White agent series

涤用增白剂                     Whiten agent for terylene

棉用增白剂(红光)          4BB white agent 4BB for cotton (red light)

棉用增白剂(蓝光)          4BK whiten agent 4BK For cotton (blue light)

尼龙增白剂FB                  Whiten agent FB for Nylon fibres

腈纶增白剂BAC                Whiten agent BAC for Acrylic fibres

增白剂VBL                      Whiten agent VBL

六、皮革助剂系列                      Leather Auxiliary Series

结合型加脂剂                   Adding fats agent for interlinking

亚硫酸化合成油加脂剂        Adding fats agent by sulfite synthetic

SE合成加脂剂                  Adding fats agent by SE synthetic

助鞣型丙烯酸树脂复鞣剂     Acrylic latex agent for leather

皮革柔软剂                     Softener for leather

整理剂                           Finishing agent

平滑剂                           Smoothing agent

皮革涂饰剂                      Sighting agent for the leather

聚氨酯皮革涂饰剂              Sighting agent for the Polyurethane leather

七、水处理剂系列                         Water treatment series

软水剂                            Softening water Agent

废水脱色剂                       Decolor agent for waste water

两性高分子絮凝剂           Twin character macromolecule flocculation Agent

螯合剂                            Chelated Agent

八、其他助剂                         Other Agent

牛仔专用环保枧油                Scouring expert agent for Jean

牛仔洗水增白剂                   Washing whiten agent for Jean

xx卫生整理剂                   Anti-bacterium Agent

洗缸剂                              Cleaning Vat agent

增深剂                              Increased color Agent

增重剂                              Increased weight Agent

分散粉                              Dispersing Powder

分散剂                              Dispersing Agent

防染剂                              Preventing Dyeing Agent

酵素粉                              Enzyme Powder

枧粉                                Detergent granule

染色酸                              Dyeing Acid

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