Terry Xie's Portfolio(谢石滑板摄影档案)
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10 June 2010 166 views No Comment   

Terry Xie ,原名谢石,南京出生长大,自由摄影师。2003年大学摄影专业毕业后开始接触拍摄商业摄影和滑板摄影。曾担任nike sb ,adidas,gift skatebords,湖州极限运动大赛的特约摄影师。努力用自己的相机镜头让国人更了解滑板运动的艺术和文化。
Terry Xie a.k.a. Xie Shi, he was born and raised in Nanjing, freelance photographer. After graduating in 2003, Terry began to engage in commercial photography and skateboarding photography. He has photographed many photos for NikeSB, Adidas Skateboarding, Gift Skateboards in China. He is try to show people the skateboarding’s art and culture through his lens.

2007年,丹麦mark,他是我一个很好的朋友,当时是我的室友,这张照片拍摄于2007年的安徽滁州的一个double step,当时的加速距离很短台阶很长,还有很多很多路人围观。
Mark 360flip double set Dec. 2007
Mark is from Denmark, he is my roommate at that time. I shoot this photo at Xuzhou, Anhui Province.

Cyres Wang, fs ollie grab, Jun. 2008
During Safari Skateboards team Nanjing tour(Cyres ride for Safari Skateboards at that time). Raining day, bad weather.

A Can, fs Ollie, Jul. 2008, Shaoguan, Guangdong Province

Ma Yunxiang, nose grind, Nov. 2008, Nanjing
Ma start skate in 1994, he is one of the earlier group of skaters in China. The spirit of skateboarding to treat everyone admire him.

Mark, fs boardslide, Dec. 2008
There was no light when we took this photo(except my flash), Mark did it with his feeling, incredible!

Mark, Ollie, Jan. 2009
That’s a super cold night.

Mark, Blunt Shove Out, Feb. 2009
After Mark land this trick, the hand rail was broken…

Mark, bs nosegrind, Jan. 2009.
Chaotiangong Square, Nanjing. Natural skate plaza

Mark, bs kickflip, Jan. 2009. We skated all night, there is no people on the road at that time.

Mark, bs kickflip

坑渠, bs smith grind, Jun. 2008

In order to introduce China skateboarding to world, I am also post this portfolio to

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