Rental threshold for foreign high-China most likely to rent ...

Beijing recently issued new regulations on rental housing put forward the “Five No rent” provisions. From September 5, the Beijing police in accordance with the “five do not rent” provisions of the city investigation rental housing, rental of irresponsible owners will be punished according to law. “Five non-rent” provisions of Article V: contrary to the laws of life and rest, and the use of rented housing for illegal and criminal activities of suspected persons not rent. This means that those who schedule reversed, like Night of the people in Beijing will have a certain degree of difficulty renting.

Coincidentally, the recent launch of Shanghai is also the latest version of the “owners of the Convention” and “temporary owners of the Convention”, which explicitly states that rental housing, a house can only be rented to a family or a natural living. This means that homeowners can no longer afford to let their own homes such as quarters as “packed” different tenants, even classmates, colleagues, friends can not be a total rent of a room, the move sparked public heat you.

a provision to implement, there must be relevant supporting measures to make it more perfect. This regard, a number of countries abroad to learn the method, the state’s rental housing homeowners and renters have a clear responsibility and the right to demand, so even if there is a dispute, arbitration is also very easy to find a solution.

abroad, renting the majority of people living, especially in large and medium-sized cities, the school, looking for work and temporary residence and other reasons caused by the floating population, will have to rely on renting to solve the housing problem, and the management These rental services, is to ensure that the city stability, security, harmony event.

landlord tenant responsible for refining the United States

in the United States, the states within the region for their residential and commercial buildings have their own laws, but more or less the same . Owned housing landlord, the government must first obtain a permit issued by the rental in order to legally open rental house. Urban construction and management departments to send officials to assess the Housing Department to ensure housing security, facilities, covering an area of renovation to meet the requirements, the price should be reasonable. Homeowners have a permit, we can not go through the advertisements, please person in such a variety of ways to find tenants.


when to find suitable tenants, both parties must provide name, address and fill out personal information such as a written contract, including lease , rent, the tenant shall not require the destruction of housing, change, no one shall be arbitrarily add or remove the equipment, cut off so the house can not be used for other purposes. Of homeowners have a clear request.

specific requirements

rental deposit: This is a landlord-tenant contacts between the first tranche of money is about one to two months of rent, the Housing mainly in accordance with the law in the bank to open a special account, deposited the money in the non-payment of rent or damage to the house the tenant before use. The money after one year of interest, divided into 46 owners and tenants, the tenants terminated their refund should be.

Housing, electricity, water supply, ventilation and heating, electrical elevator damaged sewer blockage, the landlord is responsible for the maintenance.

rental housing to ensure that security, including doors and windows closed good, door locks complete with a fire alarm and so on.

Housing main tenant’s right to privacy protection, once the housing rent, the landlord can not be altered without access to housing, where necessary, advance notice of the tenant.

homeowners to prevent the excessive use of housing and overcrowding in control.


as rental tenants can enjoy full privacy and quiet, if the owner is not required to repair the house, renters can be a temporary non-payment rent. Rental of the elderly, the disabled and children under any circumstances, can not be driven out of the house in winter.

specific requirements

tenants only right to reside, there is no unauthorized changes to the rights of the house.

tenants terminated ahead 14-30 days to inform the landlord.

not free to partition the living room, malicious destruction of electrical equipment, furniture and carpets, walls and so on.

garbage properly placed to ensure unobstructed drainage to ensure that other tenants from the noise, smell, such as interference.

In addition to guide dogs, but also should comply with the provisions of the owner of the pet.

co-tenant to rent a strictly limited group

the last century, the end of the 70s, New York police have found in the basement of a small, crowded living more than 60 people, a shop a few people sleep in shifts. In 1983, New York, the official enactment of laws on sharing and group Lease developed a clear policy:

in a rented house or apartment, if the contractor is a person, then his / her immediate family, including spouses and children can be with him / her to live with it.

If the contractor is a person, then one and he / she has no genetic relationship between the two, as well as children born to this person can be with him / her to live with it.

If several people co-signed a rental housing, then they can no longer live with other people there, can no longer male and female friends live. If one of them to move out, then the only qualification of a person to replace, can not increase the number of living. Can be in writing to the owner in order to recommend new cost-sharing.

“principal tenant” also have the responsibility

because rental housing, to find tenants, such as very complicated, so some homeowners will be commissioned to broker or real estate companies do, they are the true meaning of the “principal tenant.” “principal tenant” In addition to outside agent for the owner, still have to comply with all laws and regulations, can not recruit more tenants. “principal tenant” has oversight responsibility for problems, the landlord can ask the “principal tenant” compensation.


rental Germany: regulations to protect the interests of tenants

rental in Germany, the role of intermediary companies great, generally speaking, the owner through an intermediary company to recruit tenants, renters are also looking for homeowners mostly through advertising. If the transaction directly with the landlord tenant signed a written contract, an intermediary company intermediary fees charged to the tenant (typically two months rent). In principle, the landlord is not responsible for individual acts of tenants and tenants in the rented house after going to the municipal sector to complete the formalities, he If there is wrongdoing, it should be by the police and other security departments.

Germany relating to rental housing laws and regulations in considerable detail, as between the landlord and the tenant, the tenant is weak, laws and regulations is mainly to protect the interests of tenants involved in many aspects, the following four aspects are important.

1 deadline to terminate the contract are the expiration of the contract three months ago, and it must be notified each other in writing, if we do not notice the contract remain in force. However, German law, if the tenant termination, do not have to affirm the ground that the owner must be justified. In this way, on the prevention of homeowners feel that a disadvantage to see rising rents and termination.

2 rental contracts, provision is the amount of the rent, either a lump sum, some basic rent, the remaining water, electric and heating costs of the other operator. Users to pay in cash rather than directly to the landlord, but by bank transfer. Reason, the rent will have to recognize that provides clear, there should be no dispute, but not necessarily so. For example, homeowners may find that a tenant in a lump sum circumstances, such as water, electric power costs, and the request for increasing the rent. The dispute over the protection of the laws of Germany, most of the interests of tenants.

3 housing needs repairs and the landlord do not delay at this time there are many tenant options: asked for a reduction in rent. Please maintenance of their own people, while the costs borne by the landlord. Can even cancel the contract in advance.

4 live in. For example, new problems found the size of the house owners have a false false acts, or rental housing tenants only after the arrival of the problems identified in order to affect the use, tenants have the right to request a reduction in rent.

Japan renters: “ahead of time to take photographs”

in Japan, rental houses, tenants not only to maintain the cleanliness of housing, all the layout, furniture, etc. are also We should conscientiously protect. Owners and tenants will be filming the room with the photo, in accordance with the list of 11 to inspect all windows, doors and facilities. In the tenants terminated their former tenants, and then control the list of photos and re-examine, if it is caused by damage to the tenant, then the deposit from the tenant to pay the cost of repairing. Is not enough clean, may also be fined.

France renters: If you want to be “principal tenant” first seek the views of the owner

France rental housing system has a very long history, from 1714 began to make laws. Their provisions, the relative humanity of landlord-tenant demands meticulous. The main room of the living conditions of the protection of rent, the tenant must keep quiet and self-discipline. In Europe we can see a large number of requests rental and temporary rental housing ads. Like the French students to the Netherlands to work and travel, British doctors to go to Italy and other clinics internship. Sometimes just some tenants can exchange houses in different places, these tenants can be signed with other people换房or temporary rental contract, but they must obtain the consent of the owner’s consent, if the owners do not agree, then all免谈. The owner agreed that the tenant will perform “head tenant” duties, sub-let most of those who comply with the requirements, the tenant is relatively high quality of the whole.


北京最近发表的新规定公屋提出“五不租”的规定。 9月5日,北京警方按照“五不租”规定的城市调查租住公屋,租金不负责任的业主将被依法惩处。 “五不租”第五条的规定:违反法律,生活和休息,并利用出租房屋进行违法犯罪活动的可疑人员不租。这意味着,那些谁时间表扭转,想人民之夜在北京将有一定的难度租用。

巧合的是,最近推出的上海也是{zx1}版本的“业主公约”和“临时业主公约” ,其中明确规定,出租房屋,房子只能出租给一个家庭或一种自然的生活。这意味着房主再也不能让自己的家园,如四分之三为“包装”不同的房客,即使同学,同事,朋友不能共租一室,这一举动引起公众热你。






















上个世纪, 70年代末,纽约警方已在地下室发现一个小型的,拥挤的居住超过60人,一家商店几个人轮流睡觉。在1983年,纽约,正式颁布的法律交流和集团租赁制定了明确的政策:





,因为租住公屋,找到租户,如非常复杂,所以有些房主会委托经纪人或房地产公司做,他们是真正意义上的“主租客。 ” “主租客”除了代理人以外的所有者,仍必须遵守所有的法律和法规,不能招募更多的租户。 “主租客”负有监督责任的问题,业主可以要求“主租客”的补偿。



租金在德国,中介公司的作用很大,一般来说,通过中介老板公司招聘租户,租户也在寻找房主大部分是通过广告。如果交易直接与房东签订书面租赁合同,中介公司收取中介的租客(通常2个月房租) 。从原则上说,房东不负责的个人行为的住户和租户在租来的房子后,市政部门来完成手续,他如果有不法行为,应该由xx和其他安全部门。






日本租房: “提前拍照”




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