离心泵应该如何保管- 化工泵- 化工泵- 和讯博客
离心泵应该如何保管 [转贴 2010-06-10 09:33:18]   

①尚未安装好的泵在未上漆的表面应涂覆一层合适的防锈剂,用油润滑的轴承应该注满适当的油液,用脂润滑的轴承应该仅填充一种润滑脂,不要使用混合润滑脂。 ②短时间泵人干净液体,冲洗,抽吸管线,排放管线,泵壳和叶轮,并排净泵壳,抽吸管线和排放管线中的冲洗液。 ③排净轴承箱的油,再加注干净的油,彻底清洗油脂并再填充新油脂。 ④把吸人口和排放口封起来,把泵贮存在干净, 干燥的地方,保护电机绕组免受潮湿,用防锈液和防蚀液喷射泵壳内部。 ⑤泵轴每月转动一次以免冻结,并润滑轴承。

“ How should pump storage ”是由提供的水泵行业新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国离心泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

① not yet installed the pump in the unpainted surfaces should be coated with a layer of suitable anti-rust agent, oil lubricated bearings should be filled with suitable oil, grease lubrication of bearings should be used only to fill a kind of grease, do not use of mixed grease. ② were clean, liquid short-term pump, flushing, suction piping, discharge piping, pump casing and impeller, side by side net pump casing, suction and discharge pipeline in pipeline fluid. ③ row of net oil bearing box, plus fuel injection cleaner, thoroughly clean and then fill the new oil grease. ④ the smoking population and outlet sealed, the pump is stored in a clean, dry place, protecting motor windings against moisture, and corrosive liquid with anti-rust spray liquid inside the pump casing. ⑤ shaft rotating once every month to avoid freezing, and lubricate bearings.

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