

2010-06-04 20:43:26 阅读4 评论0 字号:


国际能源署生物能机构是一个由国际能源机构( 缩写为IEA ),它是1978年成立的一个组织,建立的目的是为了改善国家之间的合作与信息交流,在生物能源研究、开发和部署方面都有国家计划的项目。




    生物能源资源,例如林业和农业作物、生物残留物和废物,都已经大约提供了14 %的世界主要能源的供应。

生物能源提供具有成本效益的和可持续的机会与潜力,以满足在未来的世纪50 %的世界能源需求,同时也满足了从矿物燃料中减少二氧化碳排放量的要求。






l        分摊成本-参加者为进行研究项目和信息交流贡献了相同的基金。

l        分享任务-参加者奉献指定的资源并同人事部门来进行商定的工作方案。


l        加强国家的研发能力。

l        分享研究费用。

l        共同的技术资源。

l        避免重复的和非生产性的研究路径。

l        网络研究人员。

l        标准化方法。

l        统一的技术标准。

l        提高研发产量的质量。

l        传播技术能力的信息。

l        加速部署新的技术。

l        在技术基础的问题方面,建立一个共同的认识。

l        对于执行增加一个审查障碍。

l        为能源政策的发展贡献力量。




l        研究人员-为了交换最近的研发发展信息,通过网络、会议和/或车间,的交流;为合作研发提供机会。

l        工业-为了被告知新的项目;为了共同努力,共同研发手册或模型;为了给研发工作提供早期参与的工业合作伙伴。

l        政策-制定者和决策者-为了在生物能源的上获得了国际化的视角的进步;为了收集指导方针和标准;为了在部署机遇和问题上获得了新的前景。


Response to a need

IEA Bio-energy is an organisation set up in 1978 by the International Energy Agency (IEA) with the aim of improving cooperation and information exchange between countries that have national programmes in bio-energy research, development and deployment.

The International Energy Agency was founded in 1974 as an autonomous body within the OECD to implement an international energy programme in response to the oil shocks. Membership consists of 25 of the 29 OECD member countries. Activities are directed towards the IEA member countries' collective energy policy objectives of energy security, economic and social development, and environmental protection. One important activity undertaken in pursuit of these goals is a programme to facilitate co-operation to develop new and improved energy technologies.

Activities are set up under Implementing Agreements. These are independent bodies operating in a framework provided by the IEA. There are 40 currently active Implementing Agreements, one of which is IEA Bio-energy.

A sustainable solution  

Bio-energy resources such as forestry and agriculture crops, biomass residues and wastes already provide about 14% of the world's primary energy supplies.

Bio-energy offers cost-effective and sustainable opportunities with the potential to meet 50% of world energy demands during the next century and at the same time meet the requirement of reducing carbon emissions from fossil fuels.

Working together gets results

Progress in energy technology is critical to achieving the objectives of energy security, environmental protection and economic and social development. International collaboration is needed to prepare any practical response to global environmental issues. Energy technology innovation is occurring in an inter-connected world in which national efforts to adapt to change no longer suffice. National energy R&D and demonstration programmes gain impact when incorporated into the larger context of international interdependence.

IEA Bio-energy offers opportunities to coordinate the work of national programmes across the wide range of bio-energy technologies.

Benefits of IEA Bio-energy

IEA Bio-energy provides an umbrella organisation and structure for a collective effort where national experts from research, government and industry work together with experts from other member countries. Resources are provided in two main ways:

·             Cost Sharing - participants contribute to a common fund for conducting research projects and information exchange.

·             Task Sharing - participants devote specified resources and personnel to conduct an agreed work programme.

The collaboration offers many benefits at both the policy and technical level including the ability to:

·             Strengthen national R&D capabilities.

·             Share research costs.

·             Pool technical resources.

·             Avoid duplication and unproductive research paths.

·             Network researchers.

·             Standardise methodologies.

·             Harmonise technical standards.

·             Enhance the quality of R&D outputs.

·             Disseminate information on technology capabilities.

·             Accelerate the deployment of new technologies.

·             Build a common understanding of the technical basis for issues.

·             Investigate barriers to implementation.

·             Contribute to energy policy development.

Researchers, policy-makers and industry can all capitalise on these benefits.

Collaborative opportunities

IEA Bio-energy provides opportunities for:

·             Researchers - to exchange information on recent developments in R&D through networking, meetings and/or workshops; to provide opportunities for collaborative R&D.

·             Industry - to be informed of new projects; to work together to develop handbooks or models; to offer early participation of industrial partners in RD&D work.

·             Policy-makers and decision-makers - to gain an international perspective on progress in bio-energy; to compile guidelines and standards; to gain new perspectives on deployment opportunities and issues.


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