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璇︾粏鐨勬潯鏂囧唴瀹癸紝灏忕紪璐村湪璺宠浆鍚庯紝鍥犱负纭炕璧锋潵鎬曟湁鐐规嫍鍙o紝鍚勪綅鐪嬬湅鍘熸枃搴旇涓嶉毦浜嗚В鍏朵腑鐨勩€庢枃绔犮€忋€?/div>3.3.9 You and Your Applications may not collect, use, or disclose to any third party, user or device data without prior user consent, and then only under the following conditions:
- The collection, use or disclosure is necessary in order to provide a service or function that is directly relevant to the use of the Application. For example, without Apple's prior written consent, You may not use third party analytics software in Your Application to collect and send device data to a third party for aggregation, processing, or analysis.
- The collection, use or disclosure is for the purpose of serving advertising to Your Application; is provided to an independent advertising service provider whose primary business is serving mobile ads (for example, an advertising service provider owned by or affiliated with a developer or distributor of mobile devices, mobile operating systems or development environments other than Apple would not qualify as independent); and the disclosure is limited to UDID, user location data, and other data specifically designated by Apple as available for advertising purposes.