WZ ZTFLC COM 阿里巴巴yz135的博客BLOG

Teng Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd Wenzhou China is a manufacturing and sales companies - in Teng Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (manufacturing company) and Wenzhou Wenlong Trade Co., Ltd. (sales company), specializes in flat welding flange, loose cuff Lan, welded flange, carbon steel flanges, stainless steel flanges, valves, pipe fittings, flanges, steel pipes, water treatment products and sales.
The company has standard workshop, production and management personnel, and equipped with advanced production and testing equipment. Companies adhering to the "pursuit of excellent quality fully shown the essence of enterprise" concept, and strive to meet the needs of product quality meet the demand, with product innovation and technical innovation to create demand for timely delivery

Teng Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd Wenzhou China (Manufacturing Company)

Wenzhou Wenlong Trade Co., Ltd. (sales company)

Address: Wenzhou City Longwan Yongxing Street Yung Shue Ha (water plant next to)

Mobile: 15958718791 (Wenzhou) 13901132620 (Beijing)

Contact: Pei Jingli

Tel :0577-85988398

Fax :0577-85988368


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