
鑻规灉鐨刉WDC 2010鍒氳繃锛屼箶甯冩柉鍛婅瘔澶у锛屽凡缁忔湁澶氳揪225,000绉嶅簲鐢紝鍥犳浠栦滑涔嬪墠鐨勮嫻鏋滆秴閰烽粦瀹㈠笣鍥藉鍐嶅害鏇存柊(妯′豢鐢靛奖榛戝甯濆浗鐨勬晥鏋?锛屾柊鐨勫浣撴瘮鍘诲勾鏇撮珮鐪嬭繃鍘绘洿婕備寒锛岀幇鍦ㄦ€诲叡鏈?0涓?4瀵哥殑LED鏄剧ず闈㈡澘锛屽彧瑕佹湁鏂扮殑APP琚笅杞斤紝灏变細鍦ㄥ睆骞曚笂鏄剧ず涓€涓惤涓嬬殑ICON鏍囧織锛屽綋婊′簡10,800涓樉绀轰箣鍚庯紝閲嶆柊鏉ヨ繃锛岀瓑浜庢瘡娆¤惤涓嬬殑閮芥槸閽卞晩锛岀湅杩囧幓闈炲父閰凤紝鐐硅繘鏉ョ湅鍥鹃泦锛?br />

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