从世博回乡村_New man 新男人_百度空间









It took more than half a month's time, from the village returned home town, from his home town to see the World Expo Shanghai, or voluntarily return to the village last.

这种空间跨度的体验正是我所喜好的。 This spatial span of experience is what I like to see. 游离在环境跨度特大的城乡之间,既体验着古朴自然带来的简单,也感受着人类智慧高科技带来的繁华。 Free in the large span between urban and rural environment, both experiencing the natural simplicity about the simple, feel the high-tech human intelligence brought prosperity.

逛了{yt}世博,留给我的印象是非常的美和特别的累,{yt}不停的排队等候进馆,等候时闲得无聊便胡思乱想,想象着每{yt}那一百多一张的门票钱随着每天几十万的参观人数能堆多高? Expo day visit, leaving the impression that I was very tired beauty and special day, keep the line waiting at the museum, waiting for it when bored bored cranky, imagine which more than 100 per day with a ticket money hundreds of thousands of visitors a day can pile how high? 这些钱与建馆参与的国家如何分配? The money and build a museum for the distribution of the participating countries? 我们主办世博这个{sjj}的盛宴,能赚还是赔本赚吆喝。 We host the Expo this world-class feast, earn or赔本赚吆喝. 嘻嘻,xx的胡思乱想。 Hehe, authentic cranky.

同时借此机会,正好去看望了三十多年前的同窗好友。 At the same time to take this opportunity just to see my friends from thirty years ago. 她们一家在上海也已经是落地生根,虽然不一定有荣耀的地位,但却积攒了比较强势的经济实力,从她的住房条件就可看个明白,在寸土寸金的大上海,能够拥有小、中、大共三套住房和15万买下一个车位(并每月还要另交一百元)的状况来看,可谓是物质上比较富足。 The family is putting down roots in Shanghai have also, though not necessarily the position of glory, but the accumulation of the relatively strong economic strength, from her housing conditions can be read and clearly, in the high cost of land in the greater Shanghai, to have small , in a total of three large houses, and 150,000 bought a parking space (and pay 100 yuan per month to pay the other) of the circumstances, it can be said to be more material wealth. 但同时也看到他们一家那种为工作忙碌的生活状况,在我看来也确实算不上惬意的事情。 But also to see that they are a busy life working conditions, in my opinion does not really pleasant thing. 家虽好却在家享受的时间太短。 Home was good but the time is too short to enjoy at home.

然而我在乡间所看到的与大上海来比较,几乎可说是冰火两重天。 However, I have seen in the country to compare with the big Shanghai, is an almost冰火两重天. 大多数房屋比较破败,公共卫生条件几乎缺失,公共健身器材更是不着边际。 Most of the more dilapidated housing, public health conditions almost missing, the public exercise equipment is irrelevant. 垃圾普遍都是往沟河里扔,村里的很多事物都是依靠村规民俗去处理,村民的环保意识以及维权意识都相对薄弱,这让我比较能理解为什么受害的儿童大多都在农村,因为在农村很多事情缺少监管,有些事情维权根本就是投诉无门。 Refuse to ditch in common are thrown, a lot of things in the village folk are relying on what village bylaws to deal with the villagers and the rights awareness of environmental awareness is relatively weak, which made me more able to understand why most victims are children in rural areas, because lack of supervision in the rural areas a lot of things, something fundamental rights protection is no redress.

与大都市相比,村民们过着简朴的生活,精神压力相对较小,生活成本也相对较低。 Compared with the city, the villagers lived a simple life, stress is relatively small, living costs are relatively low. 他们可以自由的支配自己的时间,也不存在着职场上的竞争与勾心斗角,他们的欲望也相对较低,能吃饱穿暖就基本解决问题,能够盖上一幢新房娶妻生子就几乎完成了人生的目标。 They can spend their free time, there is no competition in the workplace and intrigue, and their desire to have relatively low energy feed and clothe the basic solution, to start their families cover a new house is almost complete the goal of life. 当然这个目标还有一些人是达不到的。 Of course, there are some people that goal unattainable. 村中的部分村民是一辈子没有走出过家乡,因此他们不知道外面的时间,也就不会被外面的世界所困扰。 Some villagers in the village is not out of his home life, so they do not know the outside of the time, there could not be troubled by the outside world.

农村的地价与城市的地价也是天壤之别,我不太清楚城市的一亩土地能买到多少钱,但我知道农民们种一亩地的粮食纯利润大概就4、5百元,也就是他们种一亩地的劳动报酬,如果一年种上两季,一亩地给他们带来的收入不超过一千元。 Rural land and urban land prices are worlds apart, I am not sure the city can buy an acre of land how much money, but I know that farmers plant an acre of land on the food net profit of about 4,5 hundred dollars, that is, They kind of an acre of land in the remuneration, if planted two quarters of the year, an acre of land brought them income over 1000 yuan. 不过按这样估算,农民种一亩地一辈子创造的收入恐怕不及城市里卖一亩地的收入。 But according to this estimate, farmers to plant an acre of land to create a lifetime income of less than the city I am afraid to sell an acre of land revenue. 当然农民们种一亩地创造的社会价值应该大于开发商建造大别墅的社会价值,因为毕竟民以食为天。 Of course, farmers plant an acre of land to create social value should be greater than the developers, the social value of the construction of large villas, because after all, Food is.

农村虽然不及城市繁华,但古朴自然,悠闲宁静,民风也比较淳朴,这也是我愿意抛弃城市生活返回乡村的原因。 Rural areas, though not as prosperous city, but the simplicity of natural, laid-back quiet, the people are also more honest, this is I am willing to return to villages abandoned because of city life.

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