吴忠一冷库氨气泄漏- 自吸磁力泵的日志- 网易博客


2010-05-31 15:35:29 阅读8 评论0 字号:

原文:Wuzhong a cold ammonia leak
May 28 19 am, Litong District Rural Industrial Park East Tower, "Wu Zhong Ma halal cold storage" ammonia pipeline valve burst, pouring out large amounts of toxic ammonia. After receiving the alarm, Wuzhong City Fire Brigade immediately deployed 62 vehicles rushed to the scene 8. Arrived at the scene, saw the air cold storage plant with white fog, a few hundred meters away could smell the pungent choking smell. 5 Fire officers and men to wear breathing apparatus, quickly unconscious, trapped in a workshop of more than 40 year-old man rescued by the 120 quickly rushed to hospital. Wuzhong city government mobilized police, traffic police, health, safety supervision, power supply, environmental protection and other related departments rushed to the scene together relief, within 500 meters will be more than 500 people evacuated to safe areas. Eight fire engines and uninterrupted water supply dilution. To 20:30, the cold came from Yinchuan ammonia pipeline installation mechanic and fire officers and men dressed in chemical protection apparel secondary plugging into the workshop, two hours later, off valve plugging and diluted ammonia diffusion , danger rule. Wuzhong City fire officers and soldiers in the field to continue monitoring until 29 midnight, 2 am to return. Currently, relevant departments are investigating the cause of the accident.
原文来自: http://www.google.com.hk/news

原文:Wuzhong a cold ammonia leak


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    5月28日19时许,吴忠市利通区东塔乡工业园区“吴忠马氏清真冷库”氨气输送管道阀门爆裂,大量有毒氨气倾泻而出。 接到报警后,吴忠市消防支队立即调集8车62人赶往现场。到场后,只见冷库车间空气中弥漫着白色浓雾,几百米开外就能闻到刺鼻的呛人气味。5名消防指战员佩戴空气呼吸器,迅速将昏迷不醒、被困车间的一40多岁男子救出,交由120迅速送往医院抢救。 吴忠市政府调集公安、交警、卫生、安监、供电、环保等相关部门赶到现场共同救援,将500米范围内500多名群众全部疏散到安全地带。 8辆消防车不间断供水稀释。至20时30分,从银川赶来的冷库安装氨气管道设备技工与消防官兵身着防化服进入车间进行二次堵漏,两个小时后,关阀堵漏,并稀释扩散的氨气,险情排除。吴忠市消防官兵在现场继续监控直至29日午夜2时返回。 目前,相关部门正在调查事故原因。

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