“集油”提速奥巴马有信心- kaidabengye - kaidabengye - 和讯博客
“集油”提速 奥巴马有信心 [转贴 2010-06-08 16:07:52]   

原文:"Gathering" Speed is confident Obama
According to U.S. media reports this morning, said U.S. Coast Guard on the 7th, the British oil company used "cut pipe cap law," now collected every point from the 1.1 million barrels of crude oil spills, "gathering" than was greatly enhanced. U.S. Coast Guard commander, commander Sadeailun oil spill disaster in the White House the same day at a news conference, said: "We have increased from 6,000 barrels to 1.1 million barrels a day, and may soon rise to 2 million barrels. "But Allen also pointed out that the handling of marine surface leakage will continue for several years. BP has taken, "blocks all pipes Law" program, is set in the funnel-like device exhaust valves, pressure control device, to prevent "oil crystal" form can not be caused by upward transport of crude oil. BP is trying to close the exhaust valve, increase the amount collected. Obama on the 7th U.S. President expressed confidence that the Gulf Coast region will eventually recover from the oil spill energy, but this takes time and effort. White House press secretary, Robert Gibbs, said the same day, British Petroleum may have to pay "billions of dollars" in fines.
原文来自: http://www.google.com.hk/news

原文:"Gathering" Speed is confident Obama



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“集油”提速 奥巴马有信心
  据美国媒体今晨报道,美国海岸警卫队7日表示,英国石油公司采用的“切管盖帽法”目前每天能从漏油点搜集1.1万桶原油,“集油”数量比以前大大提高。 美国海岸警卫队司令、原油泄漏事故救灾总指挥萨德?艾伦当天在白宫举行的新闻发布会上说:“我们已经从6000桶提高到了1.1万桶,并可能很快上升到2万桶。”但艾伦同时指出,处理海洋表面的漏油将会持续数年时间。 英国石油公司日前采取的“切管盖帽法”方案,是在漏斗状装置中设置排气阀,控制装置内压力,防止“油晶”形成而造成原油无法向上输送。英国石油公司正试图关闭排气阀,提高搜集量。 美国总统奥巴马7日表示,相信墨西哥湾沿岸地区终会从原油泄漏事件中恢复活力,但这需要时间和努力。白宫新闻秘书罗伯特?吉布斯当天说,英国石油公司可能需要支付“数十亿计”的罚款。

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