关闭该煤气管道两端阀门- 中国减压阀- 中国减压阀- 和讯博客
关闭该煤气管道两端阀门 [转贴 2010-06-08 15:21:15]   

Wenzhou Network News last night, 7 pm, City Gas Co. pipeline before the snow stops the river water heart, "Gone with the Wind," with an intense smell of gas, nearby residents have ran out of the house heart scare. Fortunately, the Urban Pipeline Gas Co. technician arrived quickly, not only for risk emergency catastrophe. Heart River water how will "float" the gas smell? Original, laid under the river with a gas pipeline, crack, and naturally caused a gas leak. So get cracking pipe whom do? "Suspect" is stopped in the middle of a river dredging ship, the ship was empty. Located in the river near the security cell Li Xiansheng told reporters that the ship reaches the vicinity of the dredging work has been more than 20 days, yesterday, expanding the scope of dredging, and includes the city gas pipeline Co., Ltd. mountain station of the sections of rivers. At 7 pm, they begin to smell a strong gas smell, a look out, the ship stopped at the river center, staff members on board disappeared. At 7:30, City Gas Co. pipeline of technical personnel to the scene. At this point, the air gas concentration near the lower explosion limit (lower explosion limit is 2.0%), once a fire, most likely to trigger a gas explosion. Immediately, technicians first gas pipeline across the valve closed. It is understood that last night northeasterly 3-4 level, close the gas pipeline in both ends of the valve, the residual gas by natural wind slowly diluted 8:50 last night, the promise of gas concentration in the air decreased to 1% already in a safe range. For risk emergency scene command of the city piped gas, Deputy General Manager Hu Jin said: "It is not aware of the situation of the damaged pipeline, also require further investigation, but would most likely need to re-lay a gas pipeline, at least to be time-consuming one month. " It is reported that the damaged pipeline will directly affect the river water near the heart Ouhai Second Senior High School and residents of elm tour gas. Hu Jin told reporters, because pipes are hard to repair schools and residents in order not to be affected with gas, city gas pipeline Co., Ltd. will be shipped to 6 bottles of gas cylinder pipe one end of the valve, ensure that schools and residents of the normal gas. Last night, City Gas Co. pipeline to the City Administrative Enforcement Branch Lucheng a reflection of law enforcement personnel on-site inspection, the record of the dredging vessel boat hull number, and launched further investigations. News correspondent Kimberly Xiaolong Pei Ju

Engineers Battle to Restart Pump to Halt Sewage Flow;是由提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考,以下提供站内导航搜索:


 温州网讯 昨晚7时许,市管道燃气有限公司雪山站前的水心河上“飘”着一 股浓烈的煤气味,附近居民心里恐慌纷纷跑出家门。好在,市管道燃气有限公司的技术人员快速赶到,进行紧急排险才未酿成大祸。   水心河怎么会“飘”着煤气味?   原来,在该河段底下铺设着一条煤气管道,管道裂了,自然就造成煤气泄漏。   那么,管道被谁弄裂的呢?“疑犯”便是停在该河段正中的一艘清淤船,船上空无一人。   位于该河段附近小区的保安李宪生告诉记者,这艘船在该河段附近进行 清淤工作已有20余天,昨日开始,清淤的范围扩大了,范围包括了市管道燃气有限公司雪山站前的该段河道。昨晚7时许,就开始闻到浓烈煤气味,出来一看,船停在河正中,船上的工作人员不见踪影。   昨晚7时30分,市管道燃气有限公司的技术人员赶到现场。此时,空气中煤气浓度已接近爆炸下限(爆炸下限为2.0%),一旦有明火,极有可能引发煤气爆炸。当即,技术人员先将该煤气管道两端的阀门关闭。   据了解,昨晚有东北风3-4级,在关闭该煤气管道两端阀门后,剩余煤气 借自然风慢慢稀释,昨晚8时50分许,空气中煤气浓度下降至1%,已经处于安全范围以内。   现场负责紧急排险指挥工作的市管道燃气有限公司副总经理胡劲说:“由于目前尚 不知道该管道的破损情况,还需要进行进一步勘测,但极有可能需要重新铺设一条煤气管道,这至少要耗时一个月。”   据悉,受损管道将直接影响河段附近瓯海第二高级中学和水心榆组团居民用气。胡劲告诉记者,由于管道一时难以修复,为了不使学校和居民用气受到影响,市管道燃气有限公司将6瓶煤气钢瓶运往管道一端阀门,确保学校和居民的正常用气。   昨晚,市管道燃气有限公司向市行政执法局鹿城一分局反映,执法人员现场 勘察后,记下了该艘清淤船的船号,并已展开进一步调查。记者 肖龙培 通讯员 金伯驹


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