从欧洲到中国的诺曼底登陆燃气热水器« Reuse world

有“欧洲智能能源”计划,提出了由欧洲委员会于2003年和2006年之间二万一千五百点〇 〇万欧元投资在欧盟国家和节约能源,发展可再生能源和地区,旨在支持提高能源效率的行动。这是调整和改善欧盟新能源政策的行为。气体产品有燃气能源消耗,而电能更清洁,安全,方便,因此燃气热水器已发展欧洲和美国是{sx}的冬季取暖产品。

近两年随着国内消费水平,消费群体出现多样化,对国际上流行的产品,在国内流行的数字,尤其是那些欧洲风格的产品也越来越受欢迎。像欧式家具,欧式烟度计,欧式的装饰风格。在过去3年,作为中国燃气具行业,一个新的行业- “燃气热水器”杀出重围,呈现出强劲的牛市。在3年前,这些企业的燃气热水器产品基本出口和国内销售几乎为零。

气体在目前的利润率比较低,燃气热水器的总体范围内家电行业在乘坐的船只,然后在年底该产品但具有发展空间有限?这些产品畅销欧美将在中国掀起流行这个旋风? “作为中国家电市场对燃气热水器市场”开始的主要出版物的权力,在过去几年的跟踪系统已报道的国内燃气热水器产业的情况下,燃气热水器,我们邀请几位xx的行业专家对企业和工业天然气销售强劲的燃煤加热来分析这一现象。{dy}部分










































From Europe to China gas heater of the Normandy landings

Editor’s note:

in Europe has a “European smart energy” plan, are put forward by the European Commission in 2003 and 2006 to invest between 215 million euros in support of the EU countries and regions aimed at energy conservation, development renewable energy and improve energy efficiency actions. This is to adjust and improve the EU’s new energy policy act. Gas products are gas energy consumption, compared to electrical energy is more clean, safe and convenient, thus gas heater has been developed in Europe and America are the preferred winter heating products.

in China with natural gas and other fuels as the main gas appliance industry has been the production of gas stoves and gas water heaters, mainly in the Chinese market to see less gas heater figure. With raw material prices, high household appliance chain enterprises “进场费” brand gas appliance industry increasingly concentrated, intense competition, declining profits year after year, many gas appliance companies hope from this barren gold mine where to find gold.

the past two years, with the level of domestic consumption, consumer groups appear diversification, a number of internationally popular products in the domestic epidemic, especially those with European-style products are also increasingly popular. Like Continental furniture, Continental smokemeters Continental style of decoration. Over the past three years, as a gas appliance industry in China, a new industry - “gas heater” Deus Ex, showing a strong bull market. In the three years ago, these enterprises gas heater Products basic export and domestic sales is almost zero.

gas appliance industry in the current overall context of a rather low profit margin, gas heater while riding a boat, then this product in the end it has little room for growth? Such products are popular in Europe and America will be popular in China set off this whirlwind? “Appliance market” as China’s market for gas heater to start the authority of the main publications, the tracking system over the past few years a number of reported domestic gas heater industrial situation, the gas heater we invited several well-known industry expert on enterprise and industry strong sales of gas-fired heating to analyze this phenomenon. The first part

Product articles

into the winter heating gas heating protagonist

text / Zhu Bo

gas heater to use natural gas, petroleum liquefied gas, etc. Winter heating fuel equipment, usually used in relatively affluent areas of gas. China has many families using air-conditioning heating heating in winter, this is a big energy-saving and health misunderstanding.

as early as ten years ago, European and American developed countries are the preferred winter healthy, fast, comfortable gas-fired heater in the American family, office space, home, hotel, hotels, cafes, restaurants , community police box, fishing areas, Walking Street and other indoor and outdoor occasions the use of gas heaters, and domestic gas heating were also on the rise. My heater manufacturers export most of Europe and the United States, but as China’s “West-East Gas Pipeline” project development, energy development and utilization of gas-fired heater will gradually popularize the broad masses of the family home. Stewart hit into the gas heater industry has been the main export to the United States, France, Spain and other 36 countries, and in the United States market share of 61.7%.

gas heater and air conditioning compared to the mask edge in the Quartet:

1, EER:

low EER air conditioning heating, power serious, slow warming. Its principle of hot air-conditioning system constraints, there are a lot less than heating: When the electrical energy into heat, one of the larger losses, the thermal efficiency of low EER system hot gas heater
strong in China

text / Lupins

“gas heater” After the European market for 20 years, the Chinese market 4 years of incubation, gas appliance industry has become a new industry. At present, domestic gas heater manufacturers of gas-fired heater is basically a production of “two out”: that is the core component of the procurement excluded, outside the main sales market, and the gas heater manufacturing standards mostly by European and American standards. As the gas heater in the domestic sales cycle short, lack of funding scale, the scale of manufacturing and export businesses of all sizes it is difficult to get involved, which is heating the domestic gas market only brand with over 20 major enterprises, most of which are imported or joint venture brand, and is called to draw the names of only a Gault, Jia-shun, such as too few, and have recommended that gas companies should not blindly enter a gas heater manufacturing.

Chinese brands of gas heating products safe and reliable, the performance of fully and fairly foreign brands, even good, to hit Gault gas heater as an example, the use of infrared heating, heating rate stable, the use of the Spanish imports of combustion , and the thermal efficiency of over 99%, energy saving and environmental protection, fire off three adjustments to adapt to different temperatures and heating the space required, the use of imported Italian flameout, hypoxia, dumping protection device, pulse / piezoelectric ignition, the ignition can be precisely 40,000 times more stable supply, burning fully, and create the same Gault and Siemens by the Chinese people and property insurance companies, for those who worry about the use of safety are a safeguard.

as a result of Chinese household electrical appliance manufacturing exports is not high profits, many export enterprises to export their products on the domestic market. Such as China’s “gas heater” the biggest export enterprises - Changzhou Kai Shun a furnace industry groups, 58 countries have export achievements, this year the official return of the Chinese market.

gas heater even though the Chinese market with annual sales value of 2 billion or more, but still very high profit margins, many companies become an important source of profits. And sales agents on the market, gas heater, although a higher profit products, but only in autumn and winter sales season of 4 months, 9 months ago in selected brands and with adequate supply is the best policy.

of China’s home appliance industry and gas appliance industry research and brand marketing have the authority to plan the best strategy to influence the spread of institutions, in June this year released “on the gas appliance market in 2006 needs analysis report”, pointing out that gas heater industry is characterized by the following:

1, gas heating products in 2006 the total domestic market demand of 35 million to 40 million units, representing a growth of about 109 percent last year.

Second, the current domestic gas heater the size of manufacturing enterprises with production capacity of only three competitors are very scarce.

three, because gas-fired heater is a new product, competition is not sufficient, profit margins than the gas water heater and the cooker should be higher than 15% ~ 18%.

four, gas heater is a seasonal product, the winter sales cycle for the four months of summer products such as air conditioners, electric fans, solar season customers complementary products. Product dealers more as a result of the summer, so gas-fired heater will become a new growth industry.

five, due to the seriousness of the situation of domestic electricity, domestic gas heating this year will continue the upward trend is expected to 2 ~ 3 years, gas-fired heater in the winter may become a partial substitute for heating air-conditioning products. At present, many Chinese families used for heating in winter air conditioning, electric heating, although to some extent alleviated the lack of central heating phenomenon, but it is not the first choice for heating in winter, as early as ten years ago, European and American developed countries on the heating in winter of choice for healthy, fast, comfortable gas-fired heater.

Although the above analysis are the nature of a prediction, but also illustrates a gas appliance products of new points. The prevalence of a product ultimately decided by consumers, gas heater in Europe is a mature industry, and market a wide range of Europe and the United States this winter election elections gas heater and their focus on outdoor sports related, they focus on energy saving A healthy lifestyle deserves our full attention. The last century in China and Europe and the United States consumer trends in developed countries the difference is about three decades, and is now reduced to eight to ten years, who is the main heating in winter is estimated that a few years later the world may also be known.

heater gas agents are an important “port”

text / Tang

Although gas heater use in foreign countries spend more time, but in China is also a recent years before they pop up because the warming speed, burning many advantages such as non-drying has been recognized by consumers, Kadison gas heater is also formally introduced from Spain last year the Chinese market through the development of a year’s time, cadi Mori gas heater in the country upward momentum in most areas, this also with the domestic gas heating market has been opened on the rapid. Then the current domestic gas heater market trends have what it?
1, specialization, large-scale enterprises to enter the competition. With the domestic consumer acceptance of the upgrade, some specializing in the production of export gas heater manufacturers add to the market one after another “battle” in the past, these manufacturers have a strong despite the scale of production as a backup, because of export dependence, and initially degree of importance attached to the domestic market is not very high, but with some small appliance add-processing enterprises, these professional, large-scale enterprises have also adjusted the operating line of thought, and gradually increased on the domestic market development capabilities.

2, market expansion speed. From the north in 2003 in several provinces in 2005 in all provinces have the sales, gas heater, showing that its powerful, “the spread of” speed, as in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and other places of use, more and more consumers have been the product had a good awareness.

3, the speed of the rapid popularization of natural gas. With the West-East Gas Transmission, air-sea landing acts of state such as the implementation and speed up the natural gas penetration in the country, in the natural gas heater gas applications has shown that its characteristics, from the heating costs, heating effect of the dominant gas heater has been more and more consumers.

4, national agents to enhance the professional strength. Agents nationwide gas heater as an important “port”, in addition to products, more are in the service reflects the advantages of the changes in the market has “a keen sense of smell,” the Kadison China Marketing Center not only in the after-sales service on building a professional team, but also in logistics also reflect the powerful forces, the two major national logistics and distribution centers, radiation northeast, central, east and northwest, southwest region, fully guaranteed level dealers operating gas heater quarter of this short supply of products. the second part of the brand


brand’s success lies in the accumulation of

text / KEVIN

in dazzling foreign brands to enter China, we suddenly discovered that once Well, popular domestic brands are so pale and weak, Shanghai Product licenses can only be nostalgic to see the movie, and 35 license is only think of cigarettes in Britain.

markets abroad, but also rarely seen in China brand goods, high-end stores are basically can not see, but careful observation, or can be found traces of China, in many foreign brands on MadeinChina, it seems that “Made in China” has become a brand to cover the vast majority of exports.

in previous years, we have been a proud moment for the title: the world’s manufacturing facility! It does not know that the title below to disguise the number of the bitterness and frustration, duplication of investment and production, low-priced competition, and even mutual Cantonfair bloody massacre, however, when we look at the world the development of enterprises, especially Japan and South Korea’s enterprises, will found that this is an inevitable process. Must be such a hail of bullets to choose and eliminated, we can do is think about how to detect and follow contain some of inevitability, when others are still groping the wall, the good must shun has in his idea of a big step forward.

thinking deciding the way out, a Shun-kai was founded at the beginning of the enterprise-oriented products on the market selection and entry points, and in the domestic and the United States, Britain, Scandinavia and Australia and other major markets have to register the best Shun trademarks, with the opening of international and domestic markets, the domestic one night out a good number of imitation, the good are good too Shun have prepared our response, we are continuing to deepen the degree of specialization of production and social development in practice division of labor are the result of thinning. Kai Shun

a focus on expanding the international market, with several of the world’s top 500 commercial giant is also the co-operation talks marked a good trademark shun gas check device will appear in a few months abroad stores.

gas heater in the domestic market to achieve a good development, the most important thing is to have a good one to start the norms, in a good-shun domestic first outdoor heater based on enterprise standards for make it up to industry standards, and then become the national standard, at the same time planning for a breakdown of the trade associations in order to bound the industry’s disorderly competition, regulate the domestic market, domestic consumption guide.

Denggao and stroke, non-extended arm also, and see those far away; the wind and call, the sound of non-Canadian disease also, and heard from Chang. The formation of brand can not be achieved overnight, western appliance brands, all generations of people are after a century and tired of the knot formed by precipitation, Jia Shun was standing on the shoulders of giants, and with near…

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