关闭炉具前要关闭燃气阀门- rimeifa18 - rimeifa18 - 和讯博客
关闭炉具前要关闭燃气阀门 [转贴 2010-06-08 14:27:28]   

原文:Turn off appliances before you turn off gas valve
June 3 around midnight, sleeping, Shen He District, upon Street North, Unit 1, 67 residents who did not know he survived a "robbery", Shenyang Gas Company Limited service workers rushed, the end of a field due to gas leak and then hose off led to the explosion. At 0:00 on the 3rd, once lived in Chen Hequ North 67 Street, Unit 1, Mr. Chen went downstairs to pick up his wife and children. "Well, how has gas smell?" He realized that a gas leak, call a gas service hotline. 0:07, received a reported leak of Shen River business phone service branch staff Mayan Ling and Liu Bo, only 10 minutes and arrived at the scene. They entered the unit entrance to smell the gas smell, so sensitive instrument with bromine in the door of each household child test, went on the 3rd floor when the alarm bromine sensitive instrument. "These are the household gas leak," and then, Ma Yanling to the first floor, the total gas valve to close the unit, Liu Bo is knocking on the 3rd door, 5 minutes later, a 80-year-old grandfather opened the door. The investigation, originally from the gas hose and appliances, and stoves not before the gas valve off, a lot of gas "whirring" ran out. Ma Yanling said: "The smell in the corridor and can smell gas, indicating hose off at least two hours or more, if not the kitchen window open, if not his family's living room door was closed, and the Times, if no leakage certainly a major event. "Mayan Ling and Liu Bo to its junction of hose and appliances placement of the clamp, but also do some security information, to the whole unit was pressure gas pipeline, confirmed that no leak, open the unit The total gas valve. Shenyang Gas Co., reminded the public that gas after each use, be sure to turn off appliances before the gas valve, especially at night before bed and out the door, be sure to check the stove before the gas valve is closed.
原文来自: http://www.google.com.hk/news

原文:Turn off appliances before you turn off gas valve



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  6月3日零时许,熟睡中的沈河区北一经街67号1单元的居民们,并不知道自己躲过了一“劫”,沈阳燃气有限公司的售后服务员火速赶到,终结了一场因胶管脱落导致燃气泄漏继而发生的爆炸。   3日零时,居住在沈河区北一经街67号1单元的陈先生下楼去接妻子和孩子。“唉,怎么有燃气味儿?”他意识到燃气泄漏了,拨打了燃气服务热线电话。   零时7分,接到报漏电话的沈河营业分公司售后服务员马延龄和刘博,仅用10分钟就赶到了现场。他们一进单元的楼门口就闻到了燃气味儿,于是用溴敏仪在每家每户的门缝儿测试,走到二楼3号时,溴敏仪报警。“就是这户燃气泄漏了”,于是,马延龄到一楼去关闭单元燃气总阀门,刘博则敲3号的房门,5分钟后,一80多岁的老爷爷打开了房门。   经查,原来是燃气胶管和炉具脱离了,炉具前燃气阀门还没关,大量的燃气“呼呼”地往外跑。马延龄说:“在走廊都能闻到燃气味儿,说明胶管脱落时间至少在两个小时以上,如果不是厨房的窗户开着,如果不是他家的居室门关着,如果没有人及时报漏,肯定出大事。”马延龄和刘博给其胶管与炉具连接处安上了卡子,又做了一番安全宣传,给整个单元的燃气管线进行了打压,确认无泄漏点,打开了单元燃气总阀门。   沈阳燃气有限公司提醒市民,每次使用燃气结束后,一定要关闭炉具前的燃气阀门,尤其是晚上睡觉前和出门前,千万要检查一下炉具前燃气阀门是否关闭。

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