K@iKi | NEWS » Phillu 火柴盒移动硬盘

href="http://api.tweetmeme.com/share?url=http://mashable.com/2010/01/15/conan-puts-the-tonight-show-for-sale-on-craigslist/&service=bit.ly"> width="51" height="61" src="http://api.tweetmeme.com/imagebutton.gif?url=http://mashable.com/2010/01/15/conan-puts-the-tonight-show-for-sale-on-craigslist/" align="right"/>

src="http://cdn.mashable.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/conan.jpg" align="right" style="margin: 10px;">At least there’s some more humor coming out of the <>
href="http://mashable.com/2010/01/11/nbc-conan-leno-kimmel/">NBC late night debacle. On this evening’s Tonight Show, Conan O’Brien joked that he’s putting the program for sale on Craigslist — while he still can.

However, it appears that the listing itself is no joke, and can be found under the for sale/wanted > collectibles category in Los Angeles. Titled “4 SALE: BARELY-USED LATE NIGHT TALK SHOW,” Conan’s looking for your best offer, but also “willing to trade for Coldplay tickets.”<>
/> <>
/> Here’s the <>
href="http://losangeles.craigslist.org/sfv/clt/1551463643.html" >full listing, which includes some additional parting shots at NBC’s expense:


We’ll post video when we get it.

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總公司在瑞士的瑞士刀製造商 Victorinox,可以說在電子時代來臨前,「科技小玩意」的頂尖製造商。君不見馬蓋先有多愛他的瑞士刀,就沒差也叫一聲「伙計」了?只是近年來,瑞士刀必需和手機、iPod 等現代科技競爭口袋空間,而且在這場競爭中節節敗退。雖然 Victorinox 有在產品線中加入內建 USB 隨身碟的產品,但對大部份的人來說,瑞士刀已經失去了以往那種一刀在手,萬事 OK 的感覺 — 這年頭還是有一隻 iPhone 比較實在吧!在這種前提下,Victorinox 竟然選在今年{dy}次出席 CES 就有點讓人摸不著頭腦了。一間做刀的公司,跑來 CES 做啥?原來答案就是這隻 Victorinox Presentation Master。

除了基礎的小刀、挫刀/小一字螺絲起子和剪刀外,Presentation Master 繼承了前輩 SwissFlash 的隨身碟和鐳射筆,在這之上就是多了用藍牙和電腦連線以操縱簡報的能力,以及隨身碟的指紋閱讀器加強安全性。嚴格來說這也不算是增加了什麼新功能,但 Victorinox 確實是在朝著加強瑞士刀在數位時代的功能性而努力著。而且 — 等會兒大家就會看到 — Victorinox 在資料安全性方面做了許多的努力,軟體的功能性之多,也不枉瑞士刀之名了。廢話不多說,讓我們來看這把數位時代的瑞士刀吧!

Let’s put it out here: My sleeping habits suck. Eventually I’ll improve them and maybe something like the iHome+Sleep will help by keeping track of snoozing patterns and everything else that goes on during the night. Maybe.

The iHome+Sleep app is designed with iHome’s future line of app-enhanced speaker docks in mind, but so far it seems pretty neat just on its own. It allows for multiple “sleep cards” to be set up with customizable alarms, gathers up news occurring while you dream, and keeps note of your pesky propensity to hit the snooze button.

Who knows whether all of this is truly useful. All I know is that I’m gonna give the app a shot over the next few days and see if I learn anything new about my sleeping habits. After all, the app’s free so there’s nothing to lose. []

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