【软件试用】I love Chinese_对外汉语—信息分享_百度空间



  现在生活节奏如此之快,我们是需要这样一个简易方便的学习工具的,它可以使学习内容随时触手可及,地铁上、公交上、出租车上、散步时、入睡前……它可以帮助我们利用空余时间或打发无聊时刻。于是,我的这群热情的朋友们开始研发在iphone/ipodtouch/ipad上使用的应用程序,专门针对汉语学习者及汉语教育者使用,仅仅在其初始阶段,这款叫做“I love Chinese”的应用程序就已经在各个国家被下载上万次。现在,为了方便更多的人,他们已提供了一个免费体验版本,请大家去下载试用,当然如果您觉得它很有用,请将此分享给您身边需要学习汉语的朋友,谢谢!!

  (这个页面上有两个版本的“I love Chinese”应用程序,一个是免费版的,一个是收费版的,下载这些应用程序前提是您的电脑中已经安装了iTunes)(鹤鹤注:苹果电脑播放软件




We are developing our own product lines in a number of high potential sectors and currently have the first of these, I love Chinese, on sale.

Our app for the iPhone and the iPod Touch deliberately focuses on the core foundation activities of character recognition and pronunciation with a set of digital flashcards that are compelling and fun to study with. Our students' Chinese learning revolution starts .

If you would like to try out for FREE our elegant and simple app with all the same effective features and a sample of characters

I love Chinese - Virtual Language Lab™ for iPad is our framework for the future of smart mobile learning. If iPad is the convergence of mobile devices, then Virtual Language Lab is the convergence of learning methods and technologies. Virtual Language Lab™ is NOT just another app. It is the hub from which you will be able to consolidate your learning activity into one place in a seamless and integrated way.

Virtual Language Lab™ starts here.

Linguistics consultant: Mr Yuegang Jin, Examiner and holder of National Putonghua Certificate - Grade One and First Rate (Highest Level in Mandarin Chinese).

If you would like to make suggestions on how you might add further features to our apps, please let us know by emailing us at

郑重声明:资讯 【【软件试用】I love Chinese_对外汉语—信息分享_百度空间】由 发布,版权归原作者及其所在单位,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经(企业库qiyeku.com)证实,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若本文有侵犯到您的版权, 请你提供相关证明及申请并与我们联系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在线投诉】,我们审核后将会尽快处理。
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