潍坊学院供暖系统将低碳化- 嘉德阀门- 嘉德阀门- 和讯博客
潍坊学院供暖系统将低碳化 [转贴 2010-06-07 15:19:53]   

原文:Weifang School of carbon-based heating system
Weifang University in the June 5 workshop held low-carbon, analysis of the current existence of the campus heating system, the problem of energy waste, has developed energy-saving measures. It has been calculated, transformed 6000 tons of coal per year can save about 540,000 KWh saving energy around (the equivalent of saving 540 tons of coal equivalent), the direct economic benefits worth 3.87 million yuan. Heat pipe network 24 hours for an unnecessary waste of this phenomenon, Weifang High Technology Ltd National Development General Manager Wei Jiang, time off according to law, in charge of building the branch trail function installed with wireless communications electric control valve. Whether the reality of heating, the staff at the control center can switch to the corresponding control valve to effectively prevent the waste heat at night.
原文来自: http://www.google.com.hk/news

原文:Weifang School of carbon-based heating system



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  潍坊学院在6月5日举办了低碳研讨会,分析了目前校园供热系统存在的能源浪费问题,制定了节能改造措施。据计算,改造后每年能节约6000吨煤左右,节约电能54万KWh左右(相当于节约标煤540吨),直接经济效益达387万元。 针对管网24小时供热造成不必要的浪费这一现象,潍坊国建高创科技有限公司魏江总经理提出,可以根据时间通断法,在建筑物分支主管道上安装带有无线通讯功能的电动调节阀。对于是否供热的现实情况,工作人员在控制中心就可以对相应的阀体进行开关控制,有效地避免夜间热能的浪费。

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