全球阀门未来发展趋势- guolvqi68 - guolvqi68 - 和讯博客
全球阀门未来发展趋势 [转贴 2010-06-07 15:48:04]   

随着国外大型成套技术的发展,出现了一系列新型成套设备与单机。与阀门有关的新型成套设备发展的特点是大型化、高参数化、高性能自动化和成套化,与这些成套设备的控制方式相适应。近20年来,国外阀门的控制方式也有很大发展。除一般手动、机动、电动、气动、液动传动之外,电液连动、气液连动、自动控制的阀门品种不断增多,并有进一步发展的趋势。 比如炼油设备。{zd0}炼油厂3640万吨/年(加勒比海的维尔京群岛),3000万吨/年(委内瑞拉)。目前2000万吨/年以上的炼油厂有近30个;{zd0}单元炼油减压装置的处理能力达到2400万吨/年,催化裂化装置达到824万吨/年,加氢裂化装置达到320万吨/年。装置大型化,迫使阀门也越来越大,控制方式也开始向自动化方向发展。 近年来,长输管线发展很快,其主要原因一是成本低,只相当于铁路运输的1/3;二是埋设在地下,不易破坏;三是管线建设速度快,投资省。因此,长输管线用阀门近几年需求大增。发电设备{zd0}机组容量双轴火电机组l30万kW,单轴火电机组120万kW,{zd0}核电机组130万kW。 与这些成套设备配套的阀门中{zd0}平板闸阀直径达到1620mm、2000mm;{zd0}蝶阀通径9750mm;{zd0}球阀通径3050mm,不算驱动装置阀门的重量达到184吨;{zd0}水用闸阀通径2750mm,压力达到9MPa。 设备大型化的经济效果概括起来说,一是提高生产效率,二是减少基建投资,三是降低原燃材料消耗。以年处理能力500万吨的炼油设备与100万吨的相比,每吨产品生产能力的投资减少50%。一座600万吨/年炼油厂与两座300万吨/年的炼油厂比较,投资只相当于后者的69%,钢材消耗为53%,占地面积为54%,生产费用为75%,而劳动生产率却提高到170%。

“ The future development trend of global valve ”是由提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国过滤器网还提供相关产品搜索: 、 、 、 、 等。

With large sets of foreign technology, a series of new equipment and single. And valve-related features of the development of new equipment is large, high-parameterization, automation and complete sets of high-performance, complete sets of equipment with the corresponding control mode. The past 20 years, foreign valve control method has great development. Apart from manual, mechanical, electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic transmission, the electro-hydraulic connections, gas and liquid connections, control valves varieties growing and further development trend. Such as oil refining equipment. 36.4 million tons the largest oil refinery / year (the Caribbean Virgin Islands), 30 million tons / year (Venezuela). At present 20 million tons / year oil refinery in more than nearly 30; largest refinery unit capacity decompression device to 24 million tons / year to reach 8.24 million t catalytic cracking unit / year, hydrocracking unit to reach 3.2 million tons / years. Large units, forcing the valve is also growing, the control automation has also begun to develop in the direction. In recent years, rapid development of long-distance pipeline, mainly as a low cost, only about rail transport 1 / 3; 2 is buried in the ground, not easy to destroy; Third, pipeline construction speed, low investment. Therefore, the long pipeline with a valve demand in recent years. Maximum capacity of power generation equipment biaxial thermal power unit l30 million kW, single-axis thermal power 1.2 million kW, the largest nuclear power plant 1.3 million kW. With these complete sets of equipment supporting the largest plate gate valve diameter of 1620mm, 2000mm; maximum valve diameter 9750mm; maximum ball diameter 3050mm, the weight of the valve not drive up 184 tons; the largest valve for water diameter 2750mm, the pressure to 9MPa. Equipment, the economic effects of large scale sum up, one to improve production efficiency, and reduce investment in infrastructure, third is to reduce consumption of raw materials and fuel. An annual handling capacity of 5 million tons of oil refining equipment and 100 tons compared to the investment per ton of production capacity by 50%. A 600 ton / year refinery and two 3 million tons / year refinery, the investment is only about 69% of the latter, 53% of steel consumption, an area of 54%, 75% of production costs, The labor productivity has increased to 170%.

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