Unit 8 Could you please clean your room词语解释_博爱青春13班_新浪博客

Unit 8 Could you please clean your room?



1.  chore  杂务,杂事

* do chores =do housework 干家务,处理琐事

(1) –Could you please do chores ?

-Yes, I can.


(2)- Could you please help me do chores ?

-Sorry, I’ mdoing my homework .



(3) My mother has no time to watch TV .She always does chores .


2. dish  n 盘,碟 * do the dishes =wash the dishes 洗餐具

(1) He doesn’t like doing the dishes because it’s boring. 他不喜欢洗餐具因为太无聊。

(2)-Could you please help me do the dishes?

-Yes, of course .


(3) My nother can dishes welll,and my father smoetimes makes meals .But I can do nothing. so I always do the dishes .


3.sweep –swept  (过去式) sweep the floor 扫地板

(1) –Who’s sweeping the floor?-She is .


(2)-Who swept the floor yesterday?

-Three girls did. 昨天谁扫地?三个女生。

(3) –Could you please help me sweep the floor?

-Yes , I can.-请你帮我扫地好吗?可以。

4. trash  n 垃圾, take out the trash 倒垃圾

(1) Take out the trash, will you?倒垃圾,好吗?

(2) –Could you please take out the trash ?

Yes , sure.请你倒垃圾好吗?-当然可以。

5. make one’s bed = make the bed 整理床铺

(1) Though he is young,he can make his bed and wash his clothes.尽管他小,可是他会整理床铺和洗衣服。

(2) –Do you like to make your bed?

-No, not really. But I like to do the dishes ,because it’s relaxing.


6. fold  折叠,折起来-folds –folding –folded

*fold a letter 折信  fold one’s clothes 叠衣服

*抱住-fold sb (sth) in one’s arms 抱住某人或某物

*包,笼罩- fold sth in paper 用纸把某物包起来

(1) –Could you please fold your clothes ?

-Certainly, Mum.请你把衣服叠起来好吗?


(2)She folded her handkerchief and put it in the desk.她把手帕叠起来放在了桌子里。

(3) He folded his mother and began to cry yesterday.


(4) Please fold salt in paper. 请用纸包盐。

7 living room  起居室 客厅clean the living room 打扫起居室

(1) Our house isn’t big ,so we often have meals in the living room .我们的房子不大,所以我们经常在客厅吃饭。

(2)-Could you please clean the living room?

-No problem.请你打扫起居室好吗?没问题。

8. meeting  n 会议 have a meeting  开会

have a class meeting  开班会

have a school meeting 开校会

(1)   We have a class meeting on Monday.


(2)   He didn’t leave the room until the meeting was over.  直到会议结束了他才离开房间。

(3)   He made an important speech at the meeting yesterday.昨天他在会议上做了最重要的讲话。

9 work on 从事, 忙于  指从事或致力于某项具体的工作,其中on 为介词,宾语只能放在on 之后。

(1) My uncle likes writing .He is working on a new novel. 我叔叔喜欢写作,他在写一部新小说。

(2)My cousin works on the computer.我的表姐从事电脑工作。

(3)-Could I please use your computer ?

- Sorry, I’m going to work on it now.


(4)   The teacher gave us a few maths problems .He asked us to work on them.


10. hate    憎恨,不喜欢=dislike

hate doing sth   不喜欢做某事(习惯性的)

hate to do sth   不喜欢做某事(一次性)

(1)   The boy hates eating rice day after day.


(2)I hate doing the dishes,I like doing other chores.


(3) He hates doing his momework .He thinkit’s so boring.我不喜欢做作业。他认为作业烦人。

(4) I hate t do some chores ,but I like to make my bed. 我不喜欢做家务,可是我喜欢整理床铺。

11. laundry   洗衣店*do the laundry =do some washing =wash one’s clothes 洗衣服

(1) –Could you please send the clothes to the laundry?-Yes , sure.


(2)   I hate to do the laundry because it’s boring.


(3)   Doing the laundry is boring.I hate to do it .


12. snack n 小吃, 快餐

(1)- I’m very hungry .Could you go and buy some snaks for me?

- No problem.   我很饿。你能给我买点小吃吗?没问题。

(2) We need more drinks and snacks . Could you buy some?我们再需要喝的和小吃。你能买点来吗?

(3) Don’t let the child eat too many snacks.He’s too fat.不要让这个孩子吃太多的小吃。他太胖了/

13. teenager   (13-19岁的)青少年

(1) To the teenager today, the opinion of their peers is more important than their parents’ideas.


(2) As a teenager ,I should work hard at my lessons.


14. borrow –borrowed 借,借入 指从主语的角度出发向别人借东西。常与from 连用

lend  v 借出, 指从主语的角度出发把东西借给别-lent人。  lend sb sth =lend sth to sb. 借给某人某物

(1)   Do you often borrow money from others?


(2)   Thank you for lending me your pen.


(3)   –Could you lend me some money?

   No problem. 你能借给我点钱吗?没问题。

(4)   You can borrow my bike but you must give it back this afternoon. 你可以借我的自行车,可是今天下午你得还我。

(5)   I borrosed a book from my teacher yesterday .

I can keep it for two days.


(6)   Sorry, I left my money at home.Could you lend me five yuan?


(7)   –May I borrow your dictionary?

-Sure .But don’t lend it to others ,OK?


(8) Could I borrow your camera?

=Could you lend me your camera?

15. feed –fed  v 喂, 饲养

(1) There’s not enough food to feed us all. We have t get more .


(2) –What did you do yesterday afternoon?

-I sweept the floor and fed my cat.


*feed ……to ……给、、、、、、喂、、、、、、

(3) Let him feed milk to the baby.


(4)   He fed some fish to his cat.他给猫喂了鱼。

* feed on 吃……

(5) The tigers and the lions feed on meat.

(6) People feed on meat , rice , vegetables and fruit.


l live on 以、、、、为主食,靠、、、、、、 生存

(7)People  in the south live on rice.


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