Job offer:Documentation Staff 阿里巴巴nbemay的博客BLOG

(20100606001) Job offer:

Documentation Specialist wanted for Italian office



月薪3000-4000元,视工作能力可再面议。有兴趣的朋友联系Email: ,或MSN(email) ,QQ:404424287 .


(20100603001) Job offer:


Sourcing and Merchandiser (1-2 female staffs)

2 years newly founded european office plan to seek staffs in June .The products are related of 

outdoor furniture,garden items,so on .

Responsibility is to work as cashier and merchandiser to source suppliers ,follow up orders and

arrangelogistics affairs,etc.


1. Good skill in using English and computer, over 2-3 year working experience in foreign trade field .

Working in foreign-owned office will be prefer to, similiar products field working experience will be

additional but not the must .

2. Salary depends on candidate's ability ( 3500-5000RMB/month ).(Please note your expected

salary in CV)

If you interest in it,please send CV( in Chinese & English ) to email:,MSN(Email): ,QQ:404424287.


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