Android tablets available in three CPU flavors -- Linux,C,C++,Java ...
Android tablets available in three CPU flavors

摘自:   被阅读次数: 19

由 于 2010-06-05 22:33:52 提供

At Computex, Shenzhen-based Joyplus announced four tablets that run Android, only two of which use the same CPU. The five-inch Joyplus M508 and seven-inch 5701 both tap the 624MHz Marvell PXA303, while the seven-inch M702 runs on a 600MHz WonderMedia Prizm MW8505, and the seven-inch M703 uses a 600MHz ARM926 CPU paired with a 600MHz DSP, says Joyplus.

The Joyplus tablets are just four of a host of to pop up at the Computex show this year, many of them from Joyplus' neighbors in Shenzhen, China. Joyplus calls its tablets MIDs, suggesting that in China, at least, the Intel-coined mobile Internet device (MID) is not yet the dirty word it has become in the U.S.

The company does not say which version of Android is available in the tablets. However, there is no mention of Google apps or other features available in recent Android releases, so an earlier Android version is likely.

Joyplus M508

The five-inch M508 model from Joyplus runs Android on an ARM-derived Marvell processor clocked to 624MHz, with 128MB of DDR memory. The M508 is also said to offer a SD slot for memory expansion.

The five-inch touchscreen offers 800 x 480 pixel resolution, and the mini-tablet provides 802.11b/g, as well as a 3G modem via a USB dongle, says Joyplus. A 3.5-inch audio jack is also said to be supplied.

Joyplus M701

Joyplus offers three seven-inch Joyplus tablets that run Android. Like the M508, the M701 (above) runs on a 624MHz PXA303 with 128MB RAM. Except for the larger seven-inch display, other features appear to be the same, except that the tablet comes standard with a 16GB SD card, says the company.

Joyplus M702

The second seven-inch model -- the M702 -- instead opts for the Via/WonderMedia Prizm MW8505, a 600MHz ARM processor that also appears in several other low-cost tablets shown at Computex from . Like these other tablets, the M702 appears to be based on WonderMedia's seven-inch "SmartTouch" tablet reference platform.

The M702 is said to support Android or Windows CE, and offers 128MB RAM, an SD slot for up to 32GB of flash, and a 7-inch, 800 x 480 touchscreen. Other features are said to include 802.11b/g, audio I/O, and dual USB 2.0 ports.

Joyplus M703

The third seven-inch tablet -- the M703 -- runs an unnamed ARM926 CPU clocked at 600MHz, paired with a 600MHz DSP (digital signal processor). This sounds as if it might be one of Texas Instruments' hybrid processors such as the or the , both of which combine ARM9 cores and DSPs. However, the clock rates don't quite match up in either case.

The M703 (pictured above) provides an 800 x 480 touchscreen, 128 MB RAM, 2 GB NAND flash, and SD expansion. Other features also appear to be the same as those of the M701.


Pricing and availability information on the Joyplus M508, M701, M702, and M703 were not provided. More information on the tablets may be found at the Joyplus website .

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