
4月16日15时21分,随着扁担沟扬水泵站更新改造项目建设领导小组一声令下,扁担沟扬水一泵站操作人员轻点鼠标,轰鸣的机器声即刻响起。几分钟后,湍急的水流沿直径1.6米、长850米的砼压力管道喷涌而出,至此标志着经过更新改造的利通区扁担沟扬水泵站工程正式通水运行,开始为灌区服务。 扁担沟扬水泵站为四级扬水泵站,装机容量11900KW,承担 着吴忠市利通区扁担沟镇、孙家滩开发区7.8万亩耕地的灌溉及2.6万人的人畜饮水任务。经过30年的运行,由于年久失修严重已不能保障正常的引灌。2009年,在各级部门的关心支持下,扁担沟扬水泵站更新改造工程立项实施:总投资1.28亿元,2009年计划完成一泵站更新改造任务,完成投资计划3454万元,分两年实施。 “该工程的改造运行成功,将改变长期困绕泵站设备老化,安全隐患多,运行能耗高,维护成本高,操作粗放等弊端。真正提高 泵站的自动化程度和运行安全稳定性,使灌区的灌溉保证率得到极大提高,为灌区的社会经济全面发展奠定坚实的基础。”利通区水务局局长田升如是说。 目前,扁担沟扬水泵站更新改造工程二期工程将等待审批后实施。

“ Pole groove water pump station renovation Young formally through the water ”是由提供的国际水泵新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国化工泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。


At 3:21 p.m. on the 16 April, with the pole groove Pumping Station renovation project construction leading group order, the pole of a pumping station pumping channel operators click of a mouse, the roaring sound of the machine immediately sounded. A few minutes later, the water rushing along the diameter of 1.6 meters, length 850 meters of concrete pressure pipe poured forth after this point marked the renovation of the Lee Yang Tong District ditch pole through the water pump station project of the run, began to irrigation services. Pole ditch Yang Yang pumping stations for the four pump stations, installed capacity 11900KW, bear pole Litong District Town of, 7.8 million mu of cultivated land Sunjiatan Development of irrigation and drinking water of 2.6 million people in the task. After 30 years of operation, due to a serious state of disrepair has been unable to protect the normal draining. In 2009, at all levels of care and support, pole groove Pumping Station renovation project to be implemented: a total investment of 128 million, in 2009 completed the task of a pumping station renovation, completed 34.54 million yuan investment plan over two years implementation. "Reform of the project to run successfully, will change the long-term aging plague pumping equipment, safety hazards and more, high energy consumption, maintenance costs are high, extensive operation such problems. Truly improve the automation of pumping stations and running security and stability, so that irrigation guarantee rate of irrigation greatly improved overall socio-economic development for the irrigation area and lay a solid foundation. "Li Tian Sheng Tong District Water Affairs Bureau says. At present, the pole ditch Yang pump station renovation project Phase II will wait for approval before implementation.

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