

2010-05-31 14:34:00 阅读3 评论0 字号:

Anshan Morning News (Chi-hi's spring) in order to end their own lives, living in the 6th floor of Yumou wrung their own gas valve, this behavior she brings danger to the whole building. Anshan police have rescued a woman commit suicide, and to avoid a potential gas explosion. At 3:20 p.m. on the 19 May Hui, the police received a public warning, surnamed Li, said the ditch near Temple 7, filled with strong gas smell Yijuminlou, suspected gas pipeline leak. Li Shan Anshan Public Security Bureau Deputy Director Chen Dongnan branch Shennan station rushed to the scene, "one into the floor, you can smell the smell, the third floor of the gas smell is pungent." Lee lives in the first floor of the informant, he told police, the taste is floating down from the sixth floor. Neighbors to reflect the house occupied by a 50-year-old woman, withdrawn and rarely reflected in its contacts with others may be still room at this time. Soon, unlock and gas company personnel, firefighters rushed to the scene, after gas pipeline in the closing, staff will unlock the door open, found a 50-year-old woman side in bed, unconscious, unconscious. Women's younger sister said the woman surnamed Yu, have repeatedly said they want to live, drinking the drink that day Yumou call again expressed his suicide, "she did not really put together the gas to commit suicide ... ..." Police said that if an accident does happen, Yu Mou could endanger public safety suspected, will be held related responsibilities.

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晨报鞍山讯(记者 智喜春)为了结自己生命,住在6楼的余某拧开了 自家燃气阀门,她的这个行为给全楼带来了危险。   鞍山警方日前成功解救了一名轻生女子,并避免了一场潜在燃气爆炸。   5月19日15时20分许,警方接到一名李姓市民报警,称深沟寺7区附近一居民楼内 充满浓烈燃气味,怀疑有燃气管道泄漏。   鞍山市公安局立山分局深南派出所副所长陈冬南赶到现场,“一进楼就可以 闻到味道,三楼的燃气味儿都刺鼻。”   报案人李先生住在一楼,他告诉警方,味道是从六楼飘下来的。邻居反映,该屋住着一名50多岁女子,性格孤僻,很少见其与人交往,可能此时仍在室内。   很快,开锁人员和燃气公司人员、消防人员赶到现场,在关闭燃气管道后,开锁 人员将房门打开,发现一名50岁左右女子侧卧在床上,已经昏迷,失去知觉。   女子妹妹称,女子姓余,曾多次表示自己不想活了,当天余某喝完酒后 再次打电话表达了轻生念头,“没合计这次她真放燃气想xx……”   警方表示,如果真的 发生意外,余某就可能涉嫌危害公共安全,将被 追究相关责任。


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