
一、概述 星型卸灰阀本装置是除尘设备,输送、排灰、关风和 其它设备给料的主要设备,适用与粉状物料颗粒物料通过.安装尺寸于各种除尘器相一致,为环保、冶金、化工、粮食、食品、化学等工业部门广泛应用. 二、结构 星型卸灰阀分三部分,电机、齿差行星减速机(Y)或摆线针轮减速机(X)与转龙式卸灰阀,有四个系列,48种规格. 三、特点 (1)通过采用行星转动原理,输入输出在同一轴线上,而且有与电机直联一体的独特性,因而结构紧凑造型美观新颖、体积小、重量轻. (2)运转可靠平稳、噪音低、故障少、寿命长、齿合件采用球墨铸铁与轴承钢等.使用性能好、耐磨性高. (3)轴承、齿箱、远离阀体、避免高温灰尘的影响,前后端盖密封性能好,防止灰尘外泄,延长机动件、润滑系统的使用寿命. (4)本机具有过载能力强,耐冲击惯性力矩小,适用于起动频繁和反正转. (5)用户如需特种规格,电机、链轮传动等卸料器,可与本厂联系,均可制做. 星型卸灰阀是除尘设备排灰、送风和其它设备给料的主要设备,适用于粉状物料和颗料状物料。该星型卸灰阀为环保、冶金、化工、粮食、食品等工业部门广泛应用。星型卸灰阀结构紧凑,使用方便;运转平稳,噪音低;由于轴承、齿箱离开壳体一段距离,对于高温、润滑都有较大改善。星型卸灰阀的规格可按用户要求设计制造。 星型卸灰阀,又名电动卸灰阀,它由电机、齿差街上星减速器或针轮摆线减速机与转龙式卸料器三部分组成。本公司卸料器有60种规格,依托泊头铸造名城优异的铸件品质先进的设计理念,在原铸造件的基础增加了检查孔,更便于用户在操作过程中随时观察进灰卸灰情况,保证除尘器卸灰装置正常运行。星型卸料器的进出口法口法兰有方形和圆形法兰两种。可根据客户要求制定各种高温卸灰阀、防腐卸灰阀。 星型卸灰阀也称关风器,适用于将压力状态下的粉尘或者说颗粒状物连续地顺利地排入大气,是气力输送和通风除尘网络中的一种重要设备。星型卸灰阀主要工作件是旋转的叶轮,既起着输送物料的作用,又担负密封作用。它具有造型美观大方,结构紧凑合理,使用安全可靠,重量轻,容量大,动力消耗低等特点。

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I. Introduction Star discharging valve device is a dust removal equipment, transportation, ash, off the wind, and other feeding equipment for the main equipment, application and materials by powder material particles. Precipitator installed in various line sizes, for environmental protection, metallurgy , chemical, food, food, chemical and other industries widely. Second, the structure Star discharging valve in three parts, motors, planetary gear reducer (Y) or cycloid reducer (X) and turn Dragon-type discharging valve, four series, 48 kinds of specifications. Third, characteristics (1) through the use of planetary rotation principle, input and output in the same axis, but also directly associated with the motor one is unique, so beautiful novel compact shape, small size and light weight. (2) reliable and stable operation, low noise, low failure, long life together pieces of gear and bearing steel with cast iron. Use of performance, wear resistance high. (3) bearings, gear boxes, away from the body, to avoid the impact of high temperature dust, good performance before and after the sealing cover to prevent dust leakage, extended motor parts, lubrication system life. (4) This machine has a greater overload, impact resistance moment of inertia, suitable for frequent start and turn anyway. (5) If you need special size, motor, chain drive and so on discharge, which can be linked with the factory, can making. Star Dust discharge valve is a row of gray ash, air and other equipment to feed the main equipment for powder and granule-like material material. The Star discharging valve for environmental protection, metallurgy, chemical, food, food and other industries widely. Star discharging valve compact, easy to use; smooth operation, low noise; as bearings, gear boxes from shell a distance, the high temperature, lubrication has greatly improved. Star discharging valve size according to user requirements and design. Star discharging valve, also known as electric discharging valve, which consists of motor, gear reducer or poor on the street sing cycloid pin wheel reducer and dragon unloader transfer of three parts. The company unloader 60 kinds of specifications, relying on the city Botou excellent casting quality casting advanced design concept, the basis of the original castings increased inspection hole, more user-friendly operation at any time in the observation of the situation into the gray ash disposal, to ensure dust discharging device correctly. Star unloader port of import and export laws and round flange square flange with two. According to customer requirements to develop a variety of high-temperature discharging valve and discharging valve corrosion. Star unloading valve, also known as the tropical ash device for the pressure under the dust or granular material into the atmosphere continuously and smoothly, a pneumatic conveying and dust ventilation is an important device in the network. Star discharging valve is the main pieces of rotating impeller, both play the role of transport of materials, but also the role of shoulder sealing. It has a beautiful shape, compact structure, safe and reliable, lightweight, large capacity and low power consumption.

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