

2010-06-02 09:13:23 阅读3 评论0 字号:

紧急关闭阀门是近几年开发出来的新产品。在工程中应用正在不断增多。在安装调试过程中,我们也发现了一些问题,有一些是施工上的问题,有一些是设计上的问题。一个好的产品不仅产品本身的质量要好,最重要的是应该让大家了解它、熟悉它、合理地使用它,才能发挥它的{zd0}的作用。 一、为什么要使用紧急关闭阀门 大家知道,历来消防管网和生活管是两个供水系统,由两个泵组分别供水,从泵房到大楼很长一段距离由二路管道供水。这样因敷设二路管道施工工作量较大,管路材料多一倍,以及维修时辨认某一根管道也有诸多不便;第二,消防管道长年不使用,容易生锈,管壁和接口因腐蚀减薄,平时不用没有压力,而一旦发生火警,管道内突然压力增高,容易爆裂,致使消防系统不能供水。第三,上海提倡水泵直接从市政管网抽水,不再设置地下水池。这样既省去了水池建造的费用,同时避免了水源的二次污染。保持了水源的清洁卫生,保证人民的健康这是最重要的一条。由于有这几方面的优点,所以这一产品正逐渐地受到大家的欢迎。 二、紧急关闭阀门的工作原理 紧急关闭阀是水力控制阀中的一种。是由主阀、节流阀、导阀、压力表以及接管等其他管件组成。当主阀进口压力低于导阀设定的压力时,导阀此时处于开通状态,主阀上盖腔内压力与主阀出口压力相等,进口与出口存在压差,水流经阀口由出口流出。当消防泵起动,或变频泵压力升高,超过导阀设定压力时,由主阀进口通向导阀控制管压力升高,作用在弹簧上的压力增大,向下压紧,带动阀芯下移,使导阀关闭,此时主阀进口压力通过节流阀不断补充到主阀阀盖上腔,因阀瓣受到的向下的压力大于向上的推力,主阀关闭。请大家注意的关键点是,进口压力小于设定压力该阀一直处于开启状态,进口压力大于设定压力,该阀处于关闭状态。现在有很多设计人员误以为只要装了紧急关闭阀,它就会关,不用讲什么条件,那就错了。 三、工程中存在的问题 我们在实际安装调试过程中遇到许多不合理的地方,提出来供讨论。位于上海浦东羽山路有一住宅区。供水管网,这一住宅区泵房间位于地下,楼高三幢十二层和二幢八层,层高2.8米,生活泵消防泵均是DN80,生活泵扬程53米,消防泵扬程60米、流量10L/S,供水分五路,DN80管进入屋顶水箱。由DN80的水泵同时供五路DN80的水管,因此水压不高,只能勉强进入水箱。紧急关闭阀把压力设定在0.5MPa,同时供五路水,压力不会超过0.5MPa,只能对水箱补水。但是,如果有四个水箱已满,水箱上的液面控制阀关闭,只剩下一个水箱水不满仍需补水,此时压力就会升高,超过0.5MPa,紧急关闭阀就会关闭,剩下的一个水箱就不能补水了。为了让每一个水箱都能顺利补水,就需要把压力稳定在0.45MPa,使之小于0.5MPa,才不会造成关闭。这就需要在生活泵上加一台泄压阀。现在大多数单位,生活泵上不设泄压阀。有的单位使用了电接点压力表,当水压升高超过0.5MPa时自动跳闸,水泵停止运转,这样仍然解决不了单个水箱的补水问题。 . {dy}个问题是当消防泵起动时,所有的紧急关闭阀处于开启状态。DN80水泵分五路DN80水管,此时如果水箱里水不满,水压就上不去,不可能超过0.5MPa,直到水池灌满,液面控制阀关闭,压力才能升高。这里设计者就应考虑增大水泵容量,或者减小水管口径,两者至少应相差二档,如水泵改为DN100,五路水管改为DN65,此时的压力才能超过0.5MPa,起到关闭作用,才能把消防水往大楼里送。再举例,在上海控江路上有一住宅小区DN100消防泵,六路水管DN80,仍然不能关闭,所以水泵和多路供水管应相差二档为宜。 第二个问题是,水泵房的排水系统,泄压阀排出的水应排入消防水池或下水道,不应排在狭小的明沟里。还是举上面的讲述的例子,在调试时五路水管,一路一路逐步关闭,结果水泵里的水抽出来全部由泄压阀泄放在地下室,排水泵远小于消防泵,地下泵房结果被淹。{zh0}的方案是生活泵和消防都采用变频泵,调试时水压恒定不受流量的影响。或者用定量泵加泄压阀也可以,但泄压阀必需用水管联到水池或下水道,下水道口径比进水管大一至二档。紧急关闭阀阀后直通用户的方案比较好。在消防管网和生活管网间宜增加一个防污隔断阀,以防消防水回流污染生活用水。 第三个问题,安装位置的选择。到目前为止,多数用户把紧急关闭阀安装位置放在喑井内。有一家用户把紧急关闭阀设置在楼梯下,我认为放在楼梯下比较合理,便于调试和维修。如放在喑井内应留有足够的维修空间,有的喑井面积只有40×60cm2,而且有1米多深,空间太小维修人员根本无法调试。并且阀的两端没有伸缩节或软接头,如果需拆下维修就无法再装上去。建议喑井面积60×80cm2,深度不宜过深,以井盖加盖后不碰阀门为宜。另外,需加软接头或阀门有一头接弯头。 第四个问题,管路在启用前应冲洗干净。我们在调试过程中发现紧急关闭阀不能关闭,排除了压力的因素外,怀疑有小石子在阀体内存留,经检查12台阀门多数有小石子存留,其中有两台把阀体的下腔塞满了。所以在安装紧急关闭阀前应清洗管道,才能保证所有的阀门正常工作

“ Application of emergency shut down valve should be noted that several issues ”是由提供的阀门行业新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国减压阀网还提供相关产品搜索: 、 、 、 、 等。

Emergency shut down valves in recent years developed a new product. In engineering applications is growing. In the installation process, we also found some problems, there are some construction issues, there are some design problems. A good product is better not only the quality of the product itself, the most important thing is let everyone know about it, are familiar with it, reasonably use it to play its greatest role. First, why use the emergency shut down valves As we all know, life has always been control of fire control network and two water supply systems, respectively by the two pump water from the pump to the building a long distance from Èr piped water supply. This workload due to the laying of pipeline construction Èr large double pipe materials, and maintenance to identify a pipeline has a lot of inconvenience; Second, do not use long pipeline fire easily rust, wall and interface for corrosion thinning, usually do not have no pressure, but in the event of fire, a sudden pressure increase inside the tubes, easy to burst, causing the fire system can not supply. Third, the Shanghai advocate pump pumping directly from the municipal pipe network, no underground pool. This not only eliminates the need for pond construction costs, while avoiding secondary pollution of water sources. Maintaining clean water, to ensure people's health is the most important one. Because of the advantages of these areas, so the products are gradually being everyone's welcome. Second, emergency shut down valve works Emergency shutdown valve is a hydraulic control valve. By the main valve, throttle, pilot valve, pressure gauges and other fittings to take over the composition. When the main valve inlet pressure below the set pressure of pilot valve, pilot valve is turned on at this time, the main valve cover chamber pressure and the main valve outlet pressure equal to the import and export existing pressure, water flow through valve port export . When the fire pump start, or pump-pressure rise, more than pilot valve set pressure, the main valve control valve control imports through the wizard pressure increases, the role of pressure on the spring, pressed down, drive spool down to close the pilot valve, main valve inlet pressure at this time through the throttle constantly added to the main valve cover chamber, due to disc by the downward pressure is greater than upward thrust, the main valve is closed. Please note that the key point is that the inlet pressure is less than the set pressure of the valve has been turned on, and inlet pressure greater than the set pressure, the valve is turned off. There are many designers mistakenly think that if the emergency shutdown valve installed, it will pass, do not say what conditions, it was wrong. Third, problems in project We encountered during the actual installation and commissioning many unreasonable, put forward for discussion. Yu Shan Road, Pudong in Shanghai, there is a residential area. Water supply pipeline network, pump room on the ground floor of this residential area, second floor and two storey three eight-story, 2.8-meter-storey living pump fire pumps are DN80, life pump head 53 meters, fire pump lift of 60 meters, flow 10L / S, water supply points Wǔ, DN80 tube into the roof tank. By the pump at the same time for Wǔ DN80 DN80 pipes, so water pressure is not high, barely into the tank. Emergency shutdown valve to the pressure set at 0.5MPa, while for Wǔ water pressure no more than 0.5MPa, can only supply water to the water tank. However, if there are four water tank is full, the tank's liquid level control valve closed, leaving only a tank of water still dissatisfied with pay, then the pressure will rise, more than 0.5MPa, emergency shut down valve is closed, the rest can not supply water of a water tank. In order to smooth each tank can supply water, the pressure on the need to stabilize at 0.45MPa, so that less than 0.5MPa, will not lead to the closure. This requires adding in the life of a pump pressure relief valve. Now most of the units, life does not set the pump pressure relief valve. Some units use the electrical contacts, when the water pressure is increased automatically when the trip exceeds 0.5MPa, water pumps stop running, so still can not solve a single water tank to supply water. . The first problem is that when the fire pump start, all the emergency shutdown valve is turned on. Sub Wǔ DN80 DN80 water pump, water tank at this time if not satisfied, do not increase pressure on, not more than 0.5MPa, until the pool filled, liquid level control valve closed, pressure can be increased. Here the designer should consider increasing pump capacity, or reduce the pipe diameter, the two should be at least a difference of two files, such as water pumps to DN100, Wǔ water to DN65, the pressure at this time to more than 0.5MPa, from to close the function, can the fire to the building of water delivery. Another example, in Shanghai, a residential area on Kongjiang DN100 fire pump, six-way pipe DN80, still can not shut down, so water supply pumps and multi-difference between the two files should be suitable. The second problem is that the drainage system, water pump house, pressure relief valve should discharge water into the fire water or sewage, not ranked in the narrow ditch Ming. Or cite the example described above, in the debugging Wǔ water, the way all the way to gradually shut down, pump the water out of the results to all of the pressure relief valve vent in the basement, far less than the fire pump drainage pump, underground pump station results flooded. The best solution is to pump life and fire pump frequency are used, debugging, constant pressure from flow. Quantitative pumps or pressure relief valve can also be added, but the pressure relief valve necessary to the pool or in conjunction with a sewer pipe, sewer diameter than the inlet pipe freshman from file. Emergency shutdown valve through the user's program after the better. In the fire control network and increase the life of a pollution control gateway should cut off valve to prevent water pollution, fire water back. The third issue, the choice of installation location. So far, most users to install an emergency shut off valve location on the dumb wells. There is a user to set up an emergency shut off valve under the stairs, I think that is reasonable under the staircase on the easy commissioning and maintenance. If on the dumb wells should allow sufficient maintenance space, and some dumb well an area of only 40 × 60cm2, and 1 meter deep, space is too small maintenance staff simply can not debug. And there is no expansion joint at both ends of the valve or soft joints, if the repairs can not be removed and then put something. Well recommended dumb area 60 × 80cm2, the depth should not be too deep to not touch the valve cover on the covers suitable. In addition, the need to add flexible connector or valve connected with a bend. The fourth issue, pipeline rinse before opening. We are in the debugging process emergency shutdown valve can not be found in closed, excluding the stress factors, suspected of having stones in the body memory left by check valve 12 sets a gravel retained most of which have two to the lower body cavity filled. Therefore, installation of emergency shut down valve should be cleaned before the pipeline can work to ensure that all of the valves

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