

2010-06-02 16:58:17 阅读8 评论0 字号:

陶瓷调节阀延长寿命的5种方法: 陶瓷调节阀往往使用在工况恶劣的条件中,安装在重重的工艺管道上,工作条件极其复杂,一旦出现问题,因其笨重,问题难找准,常常让人束手无策,还涉及系统投运、系统完整、调节品质、环境污染等问题,因此合理使用陶瓷调节阀,{zd0}限度对其进行维护保养,延长其使用寿命,是使用陶瓷调节阀的首要问题。   以下提供了5种陶瓷调节阀延长寿命的方法。   1、清洗管道延长寿命   管路中的焊渣、铁锈、石灰浆液凝固的渣子,铁丝, 布条等在节流口、导向部位造成堵塞或卡死使阀芯碎裂,经常发生于新投运系统和大修后投运初期。这是最常见的故障。遇此情况,必须卸开进行清洗,除掉渣物,如密封面受到损伤还应研磨;同时将底塞打开,以冲掉渣物,并对管路进行冲洗。投运前,让调节阀全开,让介质流动一段时间后再纳入正常运行。   2、增大开度工作延长寿命   在开始使用陶瓷调节阀时尽量在{zd0}开度上工作,如80%。这样,管道内最初的杂质的冲蚀,磨损等破坏发生在阀芯受损部分以外的地方,xx了管路中的杂质后,再把调节阀的开度调节到正常开度稍大的地方,随着流体对阀芯的破坏,流量增加,相应减小开度,这样不断破坏,逐步关闭,使整个阀芯全部充分利用,直到阀芯根部及密封面破坏,不能使用为止。   3、增大口径提高寿命   我们通过CV值计算公式,计算出正确的CV从而选择适合适的阀门口径。在 相同流量的情况下,阀门口径越小,流体的流速越快,介质对阀芯和密封件的冲蚀也就越厉害。建议用户在能够开度自由调节的范围内,适当增大阀门的口径,从而起到减小磨损的作用。进口泵 阀门 工业洗衣机   4、转移破坏位置提高寿命   把破坏严重的地方转移到次要位置, 以保护阀芯阀座的密封面和节流面。通常陶瓷球阀冲蚀最严重的,流体速度最快的地方是流体进口的下方部位,针对现在陶瓷球阀三片式结构,可以将球芯换向使用,这样的话一个球芯可以在进口处使用四次,使阀门的寿命延长4倍。   5、改变阀结构提高寿命   陶瓷调节阀最初采用两片式结构,为了阀门的结构更加合理,改成了现在常用的三片式结构,这种结构由于具有双阀座,因此还具有双重密封的特性。同时,在选用陶瓷球阀的时候注意选择有斜面过渡设计的阀门,这样的调节阀能够减小流体的冲击。

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Ceramic control valve to extend the life of five kinds of methods: Ceramic valves are often used in harsh conditions working conditions, the installation process in the heavy pipe, the working conditions are extremely complicated, if there are problems, because of its bulky, hard to pinpoint the problem, often helpless people, but also the system into operation, system integrity, regulating quality, and environmental pollution, so the rational use of ceramic valves, the maximum for its maintenance, to extend its service life, is the first ceramic control valve problem. Here are the five kinds of ceramic control valve to extend life expectancy. 1, cleaning to extend the life of pipeline The line of welding slag, rust, lime slurry solidification of waste products, wire, cloth, etc. in the throttle, steering parts to cause blockages or stuck valve fragments, frequently put into operation the new system and put into operation after overhaul early. This is the most common faults. In such cases, you must unload the washing opening, in addition to the dregs material, such as the sealing surface should be ground by the injury; the same time, open the bottom plug to red dregs material, and pipes for irrigation. Before operation, to adjust valve fully open, so that medium flows into the normal operation after a period of time. 2, increasing the work of opening to extend life Before using ceramic valves open when the maximum degree possible, such as 80%. Thus, the initial impurity pipe erosion, wear and other damage occurred in the damaged part of the spool outside, remove the pipe in the impurities, then control valve opening adjustment to the normal opening larger areas With fluid valve damage, flow increases, the corresponding reduced opening, so continue to disrupt, and gradually closed, the entire spool Quanbuchongfen use Zhidao spool 根部 and sealing surface damage, Bu Neng use Weizhi. 3, increasing the diameter to improve life CV value by the formula we calculated CV to choose the right valve suitable caliber. In the case of the same flow rate, the smaller the valve diameter, the faster the fluid flow rate, medium on the spool and seals the more severe erosion. Recommends users to freely adjust the opening within the valve diameter increases due to play a role in reducing wear and tear. Imports of industrial washing machine pump valve 4, transfer the failure location to improve life Severely damaged areas to transfer to a secondary location to protect the valve seat sealing surface and the cutting surface. Ceramic ball valve is usually the most severe erosion, where the fastest flow of fluid below the imported parts for the now three-piece ceramic valve structure, the core can change the ball to use, so a ball in the inlet core used four times to extend the life of the valve 4 times. 5, changing the valve structure to improve life Ceramic control valve first two-piece structure, and to the valve structure is more reasonable, into the now popular three-piece structure, this structure as a two-seat, it also has a double sealing. At the same time, the time in the selection of ceramic ball sloping design of selecting a valve, this valve can reduce the impact of fluid.

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