引用【家居】PearsonLloyd 模块办公沙发

引用 【家居】PearsonLloyd 模块办公沙发

2010-06-01 20:30:44 阅读4 评论0 字号:



伦敦设计师  设计的模块化办公沙发系列!灵活多变形式及色彩给死气沉沉的办公室增添了生气!

CAUSEWAY – a series of varied height, upholstered benches and fences that defines a new type of semi open space and encourages sitting, perching, leaning for a variety of different uses.

WING – armchairs, sofas and booths that afford comfort and privacy for small group discussion or concentration.

TOGUNA – a new definition of semi private meeting space.

The Idea Wall and Library augment Causeway elements, respectively providing audio-visual, information technology presentation facilities, and storage for periodicals and books.

All the products have an elegant, quiet aesthetic form which can be personalised by the choice of fabric cladding. Adaptable and flexible, PARCS is also easy to move, adding to its inherent value and attractiveness as it is quick and economic to create a range of meeting environments that do not require architectural intervention or structural elements. Without specific physical boundaries to confine the meeting area, down lighting subtly defines spatial limits.


PARCS has been described as ‘a hybrid between architecture and furniture’ but ultimately the theory translates into tangible evidence when you see people using it. Some 50 projects with international clients are currently in discussion. Beyond the workplace, PARCS is so versatile that it is easy to imagine it being adopted in receptions, break-out areas, and social spaces within the public and private sector organisations as well as hotels.



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