农用水泵要“大”更要“强” 实现行业整合

农用水泵要“大”更要“强” 实现行业整合

2010-06-02 09:03:18 阅读7 评论0 字号:

农用水泵行业将进入高速增长期 以新界、大元等为代表的部分农用水泵xxxx正式进入2010年农机补贴目录,预示着农用水泵行业的发展将迈入新一轮繁荣期。 据中国农业机械工业协会排灌机械分会预计,农用水泵产品正式进入国家农机补贴目录后,2010~2012年,我国农用水泵行业总产值有望保持10%以上的增长。在2012年农用水泵产品的农机补贴在全国各省市自治区落实后,未来几年, 农用水泵行业将进入年产值12%以上的高速增长期。 另据全球xx的市场预测机构McIlvaine公司的报告显示,2008年全球泵业市场达到320亿美元,McIlvaine公司同时预测,当GDP在未来10年以每年4%的速度增长时,泵业市场将以每年5%的速度递增。可预计到2011年,世界泵市场总量将接近370亿美元。农用水泵作为泵业的子行业,以其销售收入占泵行业销售收入14%计算,到2011年,全球农用水泵需求将超过50亿美元。到2015年,全球农用水泵市场将超过60亿美元。 无序竞争导致行业“大”而不“强” 农用水泵行业作为我国农业机械行业的一个重要子行业,其发展遵循着农业机械行业的大发展趋势,同时又有着其细分行业的独特发展特性。 近年来,农用水泵行业产销两旺。据中国农业机械工业协会排灌机械分会统计,2007年、2008年和2009年,中国农业水泵的产销量分别为4778万台、4439万台和5214万台,其中出口台数为2414万台、2253万台和2599万台。2009年,中国农业水泵的总销售收入达到134.2亿元,较2008年的128亿元上升了4.7%。 农用水泵行业不但总销售收入在增长,而且行业技术水平也在显著提高。一些骨干企业采用了较先进的机械加工技术和装配工艺以及机械化装配生产线,实行装配流水作业和在线检测,生产效率和装配精度显著提高。但与此同时, 农用水泵行业市场分散、集中度不高也是不争的现实。 根据中国农业机械工业协会排灌机械分会统计,2008年,我国农用水泵生产企业约有3000家,规模达到亿元以上的企业不足1%,市场占有率超过2%的企业更是凤毛麟角。究其原因在于业内大部分企业为装配式家庭作坊企业,为了抢夺市场,企业间大打价格战。 价格大战导致行业竞争无序,无序的竞争带来市场分散。厂家多而分散、技术水平参差不齐,使得市场缺少具有核心竞争力的重量级产品,企业研发资金投入不足,产品创新能力不强。生产过程的物耗和能耗较大,没有规模经济优势,导致从产品原材料采购到生产、售后服务各环节都无法形成有效的保障机制。这种无序的竞争格局令我国农用水泵行业长期以来始终没有形成合力,同时也是国际竞争力得不到很好提升的重要原因。   品牌化经营实现行业整合 纵观国际,全球泵行业正在加快并购重组步伐,泵制造厂商总数量不断减少,总产量保持上升,跨国泵业公司间的竞争和垄断进一步加剧。据不xx统计,自2000~2006年,国外泵行业已有80起大的合并和收购,各地区泵行业的增速普遍高于GDP增速,制造企业约有上万家。其中,10大泵制造企业(美国4家,德国2家,日本、英国、丹麦、瑞士各1家)的产值约占世界泵业总产值的31%。通过集团化的合作发展战略,不仅可以得到{zd0}的经济规模,还有利于利用原来的商标和知名度实现可持续发展。 以国外行业的发展趋势为参照,我国农用水泵行业的整合乃大势所趋,行业集中度将逐渐加大,骨干企业的市场竞争优势会进一步提高。眼下外部环境变动以及相关产业政策或许将成为我国农用水泵行业整合的契机。 农业水泵行业要由“大”转“强”, 行业整合是大势所趋,企业未来的发展之路就是品牌化经营。 西方发达国家农用水泵企业经营经历了三个阶段。{dy}阶段是输出产品,通过产品销售占领市场;第二个阶段是输出资金和设备,精益化管理,通过技术合作、合资,在市场所在地组织当地生产销售;第三阶段是在品xx有一定的知名度后,采用输出品牌的方式,带动产品的销售,从而实现以低成本获取{zd0}利润的目的。 目前,我国农用水泵业还处在{dy}阶段,虽然,国内大部分企业还未在资金、设备、营销、管理、品牌上准备好,但是可以预见的是,企业要实现长远发展,就要提升企业品牌竞争力,实现品牌化经营是企业未来发展的战略核心。

“ Agricultural water pump to the "big" have to "strong" to achieve industry consolidation ”是由提供的国际水泵新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国化工泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

Agricultural pump industry will enter a period of rapid growth The New Territories, Tai-yuan, and represented part of the formal entry into the agricultural pump brands agricultural subsidies in 2010 catalog, indicates the development of agricultural pump industry will enter a new round of prosperity. According to the China Agricultural Machinery Industry Association, Irrigation Machinery Branch of expected agricultural water pump into the national agricultural subsidies official product catalog, the 2010 to 2012, output value of China's agricultural pump industry is expected to maintain 10% growth. In 2012, agricultural products, agricultural subsidies pump provinces and autonomous regions in the country after the implementation of the next few years, agricultural pump industry will enter the annual production value of more than 12% of high-speed growth period. According to global market forecasters McIlvaine authority's report, the global pump market in 2008 reached 32 billion U.S. dollars, McIlvaine company also forecast in the next 10 years when the GDP annual growth rate of 4%, the pump market will be increase rate of 5% per annum. To 2011, the world pump market will total nearly 37 billion U.S. dollars. Agricultural water pump as the pump sub-industry, its sales accounted for 14% of the pump industry sales revenue calculated to 2011, global demand for agricultural water pump over 50 billion dollars. By 2015, global agricultural market will pump more than six billion U.S. dollars. Disorderly competition led to the industry "big" instead of "strong" Agricultural pump industry, agricultural machinery industry as an important sub-sector, its development follows the great development of agricultural machinery industry trend, while with the development of its unique characteristics of sub-sectors. In recent years, booming sales of agricultural pump industry. According to the China Agricultural Machinery Industry Association, Irrigation Machinery Branch of Statistics, 2007, 2008 and 2009, China's agricultural water pump production and sales were 47.78 million units, 44,390,000 units and 52,140,000 units, of which exports station number is 24,140,000 units, 22,530,000 Taiwan and 25.99 million units. In 2009, China's total sales of agricultural pumps to reach 13.42 billion yuan, compared with 12.8 billion in 2008 increased by 4.7%. Agricultural pump industry, not only in the growth of total sales, and industry technical standards are also improved significantly. Some key enterprises to adopt the more advanced machining techniques and assembly process and the mechanical assembly line, assembly line and the implementation of assembly line testing, production efficiency and significantly improve the assembly precision. At the same time, agricultural pump industry, market diversification, concentration is not high is an undisputed reality. According to China Association of Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers Irrigation Machinery Branch of Statistics, 2008, China's agricultural pumps about 3,000 production enterprises, the scale of the enterprise to reach more than 100 million yuan less than 1% market share of more than 2% of companies are even scarcer. The reason is that most enterprises in the industry for the assembling cottage enterprises, in order to grab the market, companies large price war. Competition in the industry price war led to disorder, disorder of the competition to bring market fragmentation. Manufacturers and more dispersed, skill levels, so the market lacks a core competence of heavyweight product, lack of R & D investment, product innovation is not strong. Production process of resource consumption and greater energy consumption, no economies of scale advantages, leading to the procurement of raw materials from products to production, after-sales service of all links can not form an effective protection mechanism. The competitive landscape of this disorder so that our agricultural pump industry has never form a joint force, but also enhance the international competitiveness of the important reasons are not good. Brand management to achieve industry consolidation Looking at the international, global pump industry is accelerating the pace of merger and reorganization, the total number of pump manufacturers continue to reduce production to keep up, cross-Pump and monopolistic competition between companies to further increase. According to incomplete statistics, from 2000 to 2006, over 80 foreign countries from the large pump industry mergers and acquisitions, regional pump industry growth rate is generally higher than GDP growth, about tens of thousands of manufacturing companies. Of these, 10 pump manufacturers (United States 4, Germany 2, Japan, Britain, Denmark, Switzerland, each one) and pump output value accounted for about 31% of the world. Group of co-operation through the development of strategies, not only to maximize economies of scale, is also beneficial to use the original well-known trademarks and to achieve sustainable development. To the development trend of foreign trade as a reference, the integration of our agricultural pump industry, the general trend, the industry concentration will gradually increase, leading enterprises will further increase the market competitive advantage. Immediate external environment may change, and related industrial policies will become an opportunity for agricultural pump industry consolidation. Agricultural pump industry up to the "big" change "strong", industry consolidation is the trend, the company's future development path that is brand management. Western developed countries, agricultural water pump business has gone through three stages. The first stage is the output of products occupy the market through product sales; the second stage is the output of funds and equipment, lean management, through technical cooperation, joint venture, located in the market by local production and sales; third stage is a certain brand popularity following the introduction of the brand the way out, drive sales, in order to achieve a low cost to maximize profits. At present, agricultural pump industry is still in the first stage, though, most of domestic companies not in the capital, equipment, marketing, management, and brand on the ready, but can be expected that business to achieve long-term development, we must improve brand competitiveness, brand management is the core business strategy for future development.

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